Bye Bye TCH and good luck to you all

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Old 01-05-2007, 08:53 PM
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Default Re: Bye Bye TCH and good luck to you all

Originally Posted by TJandHybrids
Okay. Here's the point (or it should be): When you buy a HYBRID, you got to know that the ENVIRONMENT is part of the reason you are buying the HYBRID. You can buy any other car, and get what you want otherwise. You want luxury? Then buy a car that provides it. You want bare bones? Then by a car that is just that. You want a car that has great mileage? Then get a TDi, and then if you want to do something extra, convert that to biodiseal. However.

If you want to do something that is for the environment, and is not as extreme as biodiesel, then you get a Hybrid. And one should go into it thinking, planet first, wallet second, personal comfort level third.

We have spent centuries screwing the planet. We have spent a considerable time thinking of me first, everyone else second. I don't have kids; won't. But even I want to leave the planet a bit better then I found it.

I am not perfect. But I am doing what I can to reduce my environmental footprint.

You don't buy a HyCam, a Prius, a HiHy, without knowing you are buying a Hybrid, which means you are doing something for the environment. Which is a Good Thing™. But to dump the car, less then a year into it, because you don't like the features that you might have bought on a luxury car...what were you thinking in the first place? Sounds to me the environment was second to the OP's comfort level.

Which means, in the long run, another selfish individual is once again thinking of them selves, and everyone else second.

Which is just plain greedy, In My Not So Subtle Opinion, and I don't care what others think.

I'm not some liberal leaning tree hugging hippie, but I do think we as a world need to start thinking long term, and not so short term.
I disagree, I did it to save me money on has, not to save the planet! I also felt that it was a good way to save money and get a relaiable and comfortable car. If the intent for a hybrid is in the order you mentio then Hybrids will never amount to much. We Americans like to use our money to our benefit and if it can have additional benefits as well then great, but I would bet the majority of TCH owners did nto have th eplanet first on their list. And if they were willing to give up comfort to save the planet then why the TCH, the Civic Hybrid and Prius are both cheaper and save more of the planet!
Old 01-05-2007, 08:55 PM
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Default Re: Bye Bye TCH and good luck to you all

Originally Posted by Doubtful Owner
Can I ask you, were you pleased with the resale value of your TCH?
I am nto a good person to ask, my TCH was in an accident and the wau Carfax listed it it killed me on resale, I am fighting my insurance company onver the dimished value.
Old 01-05-2007, 10:36 PM
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Unhappy Re: Bye Bye TCH and good luck to you all

Originally Posted by kluken
I disagree, I did it to save me money on has, not to save the planet! I also felt that it was a good way to save money and get a relaiable and comfortable car. If the intent for a hybrid is in the order you mentio then Hybrids will never amount to much. We Americans like to use our money to our benefit and if it can have additional benefits as well then great, but I would bet the majority of TCH owners did nto have th eplanet first on their list. And if they were willing to give up comfort to save the planet then why the TCH, the Civic Hybrid and Prius are both cheaper and save more of the planet!
Wow. I am somewhat shocked, and simultaneously not at all too surprised, to read such a response.

I'm not sure what 'has' is, but I suspect, it was meant to be 'gas'. So you wanted to save gas, and not the planet.

What a selfish attitude. Really. I mentioned, not 'mentio', as you so eloquently spelled, the order I saw fit. And, for the record, I, along with others who give a hoot about the planet, thought of that first, (planet first), when we buy hybrids.

However, that would seem, by your erroneous post, to be the minority opinion.

In your view, then, it is safe to say that most Americans are selfish bastards, who, when given a choice, think of themselves first, and others second.


I will continue to watch out for the planet, in the small ways I can, but if your view, is indeed the majority view of hybrid owners, then my effort will have to be doubled, nay, tripled, to make up for the shortsightedness of people who can't see the disaster that they are propagating on our planet.

I know, I know. Most of the people on this, 'green' site will side with you; more to the pity. It's a freakin' shame that you think that way. I am all for your right to think that way. It's a freedom I was in the NAVY fighting for: The right to think freely.

For me, I can't fathom having such a close minded, shortsighted view.

What a sad selfish state you describe America to be in. Only thinking for ourselves. If this is true, then I weep for the future.
Old 01-05-2007, 10:45 PM
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Default Re: Bye Bye TCH and good luck to you all

Originally Posted by TJandHybrids
If you want to do something that is for the environment, and is not as extreme as biodiesel, then you get a Hybrid. And one should go into it thinking, planet first, wallet second, personal comfort level third.
Originally Posted by TJandHybrids
And this site, it's called, GREEN Hybrid, right? So act like you want to save the world.
Wow! or not, I hope this does not become a group thing and I am constantly reading posts by:

Captain Keyboard Courage and his faithful USB Mouseketeers!
Old 01-05-2007, 10:49 PM
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Default Re: Bye Bye TCH and good luck to you all

Originally Posted by brick
Kluken will decide his standards for himself, and getting in his face about it isn't likely to help matters. 'Sugar' and deep breaths are better than 'vinegar' and keyboard-cramped fingers.

Just my two cents.
Well, it's too bad, but nits like Kluken are what I personally see as the problem with all too many people. Selfish attitudes. Me first, and everyone else second.

I am 'plucking down' a considerable amount of money on my two hybrids. I spend extra money on hemp grocery bags. I recycle. I am doing what I can, to save the planet. And on a site, called (it appears Ironically), 'GreenHybrid', I would have thought I would have more support. But from what I gather here, and having spent some time reading other threads, it seems that the trend of me first in no where close to extinction..

In order to save the planet, (a planet, in part, ruined by our collective forefathers, I might add), is going to require a concentrated effort on all our parts. Otherwise, if the warm winter that we are experiencing was not enough of a barometer to the planets demise, along with polar bears taking up residence in Fridges, then what other proof do we need that the planet is warming up?

Rant on me all you wish. I will shout out to the mountains, till the stones hear me wail; I will fight for this planet, even if my effort is small.

Have a swell day.
Old 01-05-2007, 10:54 PM
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Default Re: Bye Bye TCH and good luck to you all

Originally Posted by Bigsk8r
Wow! or not, I hope this does not become a group thing and I am constantly reading posts by:

Captain Keyboard Courage and his faithful USB Mouseketeers!
Not sure what you mean, but if it's intended as some sort of dig, I don't just type the walk, I walk the walk.

I know a lot of little people use the internets (misspelling intentional), to appear large and in charge, but as a preacher, and one who is used to insults, I would rather be condemned for what I believe in, then live a life of lies.
Old 01-05-2007, 11:20 PM
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Default Re: Bye Bye TCH and good luck to you all

Originally Posted by TJandHybrids
I spend extra money on hemp grocery bags.

You didn't by chance cut a 2 inch square of that grocery bag, roll it, and light it... did you?

Having someone talk about Global Warming less than ten years after scientists at many institutions (including Berkely) started modeling and predicting the next "Little Ice Age" is funny. There can be no doubt whatsoever that the planet is getting warmer. But there is also no doubt that ALL accredited studies show that there have been numerous alternating 10,000 year cycles of warm & cold climates.

The bottom line is that other than warm weather, and other phenomenon that no one in the history of the planet measured until the last 30 years, we have no data to support any theory. To say that even 200 years worth of data (out of the Millions that the planet has existed) means something, is stretching it.

Now, having said all of that, I agree that we pollute too much, should save resources where at all possible, and be cognizant of the future. I also believe that I would rather send a few grand to a group of skilled designers in Tokyo then thousands a year to Saudi Arabia, but that's another topic all together.

"large and in charge"? "life of lies"? Who is kidding whom here? You felt an obligation to vent on someone who decided to sell his car and came off looking self-righteous...

... and a preacher on top of that, you are a truly complex individual.
Old 01-05-2007, 11:36 PM
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Default Re: Bye Bye TCH and good luck to you all

Originally Posted by Bigsk8r

You didn't by chance cut a 2 inch square of that grocery bag, roll it, and light it... did you?
Naw, that would require a hell of a lot of hemp to even get a small buzz. And no, I don't smoke it, but I do think pot should be legal.
Why should all the crooks have the money? But I digress.

"large and in charge"? "life of lies"? Who is kidding whom here? You felt an obligation to vent on someone who decided to sell his car and came off looking self-righteous...

... and a preacher on top of that, you are a truly complex individual.
Naw, I felt the urge to call a spade a spade, as they used to say. I am the preacher your mother warned you about. The one who follows Christ, but hates religion. The one who thinks Pat Robertson is nuts. The one who will sit down, have a beer with you, and discuss why following a man of peace is not as crazy as it sounds. And I will walk away from that discussion if you don't want it. I don't really care if you believe or not. Not my problem.

The globe won't die in my lifetime, at least from natural circumstances, but it might become even more of a unbearable place to live, if we don't (all) do something about it, yesterday.

In the truth be told department, I was not always this 'militant' about the planet. I threw away a can or two on the side of the road. I littered. But, I grew up. I became aware of how my actions can affect the whole planet.

And, as I sit here, dying of cancer (never smoked), and having severe arthritis, (which makes typing even more fun), I have decided that being quiet is not an option.

So, if that annoys some, oh well. It annoys me to see the planet that sustains us get peed on.
Old 01-05-2007, 11:58 PM
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Default Re: Bye Bye TCH and good luck to you all

I actually enjoy sparring with people in a tongue-in-cheek way. It's stimulating to me, so please don't take anything personal I say without at least a teaspoon of salt. As for Kluken...

If you are well read on environmental matters (at least better than I am) then you have certainly read about "Total Energy Cost" or "Total Ecological Impact" and how to determine if something really passes an eco-friendly smell test.

Example: Hydrogen - Due to the cost of production, the energy and resources required to manufacture the hardware and other distribution issues, at this time it is not anywhere close to being a viable solution. No matter how clean the tailpipes are that use it, hundreds of times that was expended creating it.

How does this tie-in to Kluken? Don't you think it's a good thing that someone else is going to get that car and be genuinely thrilled about it? It could be the first of a long line of hybrid vehicles for someone else. It would be a far bigger tragedy (environmentally speaking) if Kluken simply parked it and drove something else rather than sell it to someone who will use it.

I sympathize with your position, but let's try to see the benefit here. The energy was already expended to build that TCH, be thankful that it is keeping one more SUV off the street.


Old 01-06-2007, 12:07 AM
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Default Re: Bye Bye TCH and good luck to you all

Originally Posted by Bigsk8r
Don't you think it's a good thing that someone else is going to get that car and be genuinely thrilled about it? It could be the first of a long line of hybrid vehicles for someone else. It would be a far bigger tragedy (environmentally speaking) if Kluken simply parked it and drove something else rather than sell it to someone who will use it.

I sympathize with your position, but let's try to see the benefit here. The energy was already expended to build that TCH, be thankful that it is keeping one more SUV off the street.


That is indeed, a great point. Kuddos.

And despite how one may take me to be an extreme person on this, I also still love Hot Rods, and car shows...but it's a bit like still liking booze when one is in AA.

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