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Who Killed The Electric Car

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Old 12-30-2006, 12:19 PM
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Default Re: Who Killed The Electric Car

Originally Posted by worthywads
Dude, you've got it backwards, the original post was only devised to talk about warmongering republicans, the "Who Killed the Electric Car" title was the bait.
No it's not....and I hope people don't take it that way. But the two are inter-linked...and no amount of denial is going to change that.

Generally speaking, subjects like this raise questions that, what you call war-mongering people, take to heart and get offended...just in the same token that there are many subjects that "liberals" get offended about.

As I have said before, this is a subject that is extremely serious in consequence...and it know's no boundaries such as left/right, conservative, liberal.....

A conservative person will die of lung cancer just as quickly as a I don't see why you even bring in this tactic of name-labeling.
Old 12-30-2006, 12:27 PM
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Default Re: Who Killed The Electric Car

Originally Posted by Tim
Interesting topic but if you don't mind, I need to first address a couple of points in your post that are (whether intentional or unintentional) strongly biased. It's unfair to characterize folks on the 'right' as abusers of the environment. Likewise, it's also unfair to group those that only care about the environment as liberals.
You are correct, there is an amount of generalization that goes on but it's juxpositioned with the attitudes of the prevalent right I suppose. One cannot help but hope that the current people in power are the general concesus when it comes to environmental issues and attitudes.

It's reallly a pet peive of mine on this forum that so many rush to equate all that's wrong with our world with GW (i.e., the leader of the "right-wingers"). Republicans and Democrats have been "asleep at the wheel" in this issue for decades. They've all been bought by big oil and American auto. They've all had their time in office, all had control of the House and Senate at one time or another, and all failed. So please, do not make this a political 'right vs. left' issue. The blame and corruption are equal, and goes back a lot farther than GW's tenure in office.
I agree with you in this...I actually do not consider the current adminstration as Republican...they should be classifued as facist and extreme. But that is best left to another topic.

Interesting thing is that it's not just in the hands of 20-30 people. It's in the hands of ~300 million American citizens. Nothing speaks louder in this country than were we spend our money. Nothing speaks louder than were we place our vote. I don't know that we need more politicians to care - we need more people to care. Politicians will simply reflect what the majority of their voters care about.
I agree again...but there are hundreds of millions of dollars spent on swaying people...and you know it works. So power without knowledge , drive, and forcesight means nothing. Would you agree? When people vote for State laws and what not, most don't have a clue what they are voting for...other than what has been said on an Exxon ad campaign or Greenpeace banner.

I do think people would care..but not enough know how good or bad things are to do so...and politicians have no incentive to help them.
Old 12-30-2006, 12:35 PM
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Default Re: Who Killed The Electric Car

Originally Posted by bwilson4web
Sorry but there is a lot of stuff far, far away from hybrid electrics. But a couple of points:

But today, there are over 500,000 hybrids in use world wide. The electric cars in contrast are notable by their absence. However, there is one available on Ebay:

Item number: 300062899957
Electric Vehicle
manufacturing business

They were fine, lead-acid batteries in the first generation.

Yet they can't reach dealerships or market.
As I'm sure you're well aware, it's very easy to shove things under the rug...dis-information is everywhere. And people take it in like a sponge.

Let's put it this way....if tomorrow the automakers and oil firms want to make Hybrids look bad, they will. And they'll do it so quickly that our heads will spin...battery pollution, batteries causing cancer, electricution, etc etc etc....whatever they can throw at it they will and they'll win. You know better, I know better...and so do 500,000 other consumers I guess. But they'll clean em up and take em away before you can say HCH.

. . .

Sorry but this is the poster child for what Solzhinitsyn warned against. The claim that only "20-30 people" are responsible is the heart and soul, the justification for every murderous tyrant who if they could just get rid of the evil people, would make the earth a paradise. Unfortunately, it never stops and that is what Solzhinitsyn was warning about. Of course, by now you'll add me to your list . . . and their names are?

Mine is:
Bob Wilson
Solzhinitsyn said alot of things about not blaming a small group of people but surely he made a mistake then by blaming Lenin, not Stalin for the issues Russia was must have been a mistake I'm sure.

Where people fail themselves is when it comes to making choices to change. There's huge natural resistance to do so. Psychological studies have been done across the board on how mass populations think, deal with things, act, etc....anyone who believes that has not been done should be labeled naive at best.

So on top of resistance is cohersion and directing....things that Solzhinitsyn probably experienced at its infancy.

Last edited by Armand; 12-30-2006 at 12:46 PM.
Old 12-30-2006, 04:29 PM
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Default Re: Who Killed The Electric Car

Originally Posted by Armand
Instead, what happened was CARB destroyed the ZEV mandate by 2003. Automakers AND dealers across the board sued California for placing such ludicrous requirements on the makers.

I'll make it easy on myself and just repost my original review, which touches on the ZEV mandate. Eliminating the mandate didn't kill the electric car, creating the mandate did, IMO. I agree placing the requirement on the carmakers was ludicrous.

Originally Posted by worthywads 7/22/06
Well I finally saw the movie today. Thought it would eventually make it to Boulder but apparently not. Had to drive to a rundown theatre on the south side of Denver metro. Who killed the advertising budget and distribution? Had to drive 90 miles round trip but got a few errands done along the way. Managed to squeeze out 32.8 mpg on the Tacoma even with some 75mph travel and the wife demanding A/C. I'm confident that a good long trip at 65 can yield 35+.

There was one suspect that wasn't address by the movie but was brought up by the young woman that was originally part of the EV1 project.

Would GM have continued with the EV project if CARB had not passed the original mandate of 10% by 2003. So often government agencies think that just passing some regulation means they get the result they desire. GM hasn't ever taken kindly to government telling the auto industry what to do unless they see an advantage. Expecting GM to lead the way with mandates was a bad strategy, GM was working on the EV1 long before California got pushy.

The movie did a good job of highlighting how impractical the fuel cell cars may be, but there are similar shortcomings with 100% EVs. My guess is that an EV1 if available would be an additional vehicle for most of those that get one. Plug-in hybrids seemed to be the solution given at the end of the movie, and IMO that would provide the vehicle that could replace my current vehicle. Make it a hybrid diesel plug-in Tacoma please. Resources aren't saved if there are tens of millions of EVs that require an additional garage space. I wondered what vehicle normally takes up the other space in Peter Horton's suspiciously large empty garage, certainly something more spacious than the EV1.

Glad to see the elderly battery inventing couple seems to be doing well, I wish I used enough electricity to take advantage of their solar panels, but with an average monthly electric charge of less than $40 the math hasn't worked yet.

I give it a thumbs up.
To reiterate my theory, if the ZEV mandate had never existed we'd have EV1s on the roads today. I'm not surprised that GM did what they did. But if I'm right then it was the California government that killed the Electric Car.
Old 12-30-2006, 05:16 PM
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Default Re: Who Killed The Electric Car

Originally Posted by Armand
A conservative person will die of lung cancer just as quickly as a I don't see why you even bring in this tactic of name-labeling.
Clearly I was repeating lakedude's choice of words. But who are the goons you were referring to in your first post?

By the way you're not related to Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum fame?

Since this thread does involve conspiracies I'd like to bring up Armand Hammer's dealings with Al Gore, Junior and Senior. This is clearly not a Republican monopoly, the Democrats have oil all over themselves include Al.

Originally Posted by From above site
Hammer recognized the utility of buying politicians, and here Mr. Epstein understates one of his juicier stories: how the impecunious Senator Albert Gore Sr. got the wealth to enable him to live in splendor in Washington's Fairfax Hotel and to send son, Al Jr., now the vice president, to the pricey St. Albans school.

In 1950, Hammer made Mr. Gore "a partner in a cattle-breeding business, from which the Senator made a substantial profit." Thereafter, Gore was Hammer's designated door-opener in official Washington. When Mr. Gore retired, Hammer made him president of Occidental's coal division, where he "earned more than $500,000 a year."

Son Al next put the family's Senate seat at Hammer's service. At the 1981 inauguration of Ronald Reagan, Junior managed for Hammer to be seated in a section reserved for senators. Hammer lurked in the doorway, hoping to glad-hand the president, but Mr. Reagan brushed by him without a glance, and with reason. Years earlier, Alexandre de Marenches, the head of French intelligence, had warned him that Hammer was a Soviet "agent of influence."
If true, I might call those guys goons, Hammer called them toadies.
Old 12-30-2006, 10:33 PM
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Default Re: Who Killed The Electric Car

Non-hybrid stuff can be discussed another day:

Originally Posted by Armand
. . .
Let's put it this way....if tomorrow the automakers and oil firms want to make Hybrids look bad, they will. And they'll do it so quickly that our heads will spin...battery pollution, batteries causing cancer, electricution, etc etc etc....whatever they can throw at it they will and they'll win. You know better, I know better...and so do 500,000 other consumers I guess. But they'll clean em up and take em away before you can say HCH.
The only threat to the Toyota and Ford hybrids is a patent dispute that is currently under review. It isn't conspiracy, just an intellectual property dispute.

Bob Wilson
Old 12-31-2006, 11:06 AM
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Default Re: Who Killed The Electric Car

Originally Posted by bwilson4web
Non-hybrid stuff can be discussed another day:

The only threat to the Toyota and Ford hybrids is a patent dispute that is currently under review. It isn't conspiracy, just an intellectual property dispute.

Bob Wilson
There's that word conspiracy again.

I never understood why people think it's valid to point out the needs, agendas, and competitive stances of automakers but not of oil companies and policy makers.
Old 12-31-2006, 11:16 AM
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Default Re: Who Killed The Electric Car

Originally Posted by worthywads
Clearly I was repeating lakedude's choice of words. But who are the goons you were referring to in your first post?

By the way you're not related to Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum fame?

Since this thread does involve conspiracies I'd like to bring up Armand Hammer's dealings with Al Gore, Junior and Senior. This is clearly not a Republican monopoly, the Democrats have oil all over themselves include Al.

If true, I might call those guys goons, Hammer called them toadies. I'm not related to Armand Hammer. If I were I wouldn't be sitting here typing away caring for such issues.

But it's no conspiracy...that word has been redefined by groups (whatever groups they may be...that part is irrelevant) to demonize and beat down people who think that the truth may be an alternative to the "official" story. When people start using the "conspiracy", topics like this degenerate into amusement circus acts....which essentially is what the goal of that way of thinking is supposed to do.

So I advise against using it because it's counterproductive.

Oil companies have incredible power to manipulate, cojole, and shape the way the government works. There are reasons why lobbys exist...there are reasons why millions and billions are poored into them every year to make sure they get what they want. Anyone who thinks the automakers, the adminstration(s), and oil firms don't work hand in hand has, honestly, been living on another planet.
Old 12-31-2006, 12:19 PM
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Default Re: Who Killed The Electric Car

Originally Posted by Armand I'm not related to Armand Hammer. If I were I wouldn't be sitting here typing away caring for such issues.

But it's no conspiracy...that word has been redefined by groups (whatever groups they may be...that part is irrelevant) to demonize and beat down people who think that the truth may be an alternative to the "official" story. When people start using the "conspiracy", topics like this degenerate into amusement circus acts....which essentially is what the goal of that way of thinking is supposed to do.

So I advise against using it because it's counterproductive.

Oil companies have incredible power to manipulate, cojole, and shape the way the government works. There are reasons why lobbys exist...there are reasons why millions and billions are poored into them every year to make sure they get what they want. Anyone who thinks the automakers, the adminstration(s), and oil firms don't work hand in hand has, honestly, been living on another planet.
Glad your not related, I only know of Hammer because a company I used to work for Iowa Beef Packers (IBP worlds largest beef and pork processor until Tyson bought them out recently) was for some time owned by Occidental Petroleum.

I think we agree that automakers, administrations, and oil firm work hand in hand. Where we differ is I see the ultimate problem falling on our elected officials if indeed auto and oil get unfair advantage resulting from buying politicians.

On the other hand I don't see opening ANWR or gulf coast to exploration as quid pro quo to oil companies, making them off limits is the problem. Alaska's government should decide whether ANWR is off limits, and justify it to it's citizens, or be voted out.

Government attempts at mandating CAFE standards is one example of a failed policy. I don't blame manufacturers for huge SUVs, I blame simple minded politicians that didn't understand how the market would adjust to take advantage of the coercive tactic. GM never wanted to build more trucks and SUV, but the law made it make sense, and people grew to love them. GM just wants to make a profit, however shortsighted that may be, time will tell. I hope government is able to let GM fail if that how the market turns out, the free market doesn't work if failures can't fail.

Government can't force 10% of Californians to buy the EV1 or equivalent, especially when at the time gas was less than a buck. The market can't get 10% hybrid at $3. I'd rather the government not try to force that to happen.
Old 01-16-2007, 02:21 PM
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Default Re: Who Killed The Electric Car

Wow, I am glad I found this thread. I saw the movie recently, although I was aware of the issue for some time. I really have a bad bad feeling toward GM for what they did. I was especially intrigued by the arguement that Hybrids and Fuel Cells were partially to blame for killing the electric car. I firmly believe that the Auto and Oil industries colluded with the powers that run our world to kill this idea and keep us oil junkies hooked up to our drug so we stay addicted. I would love to see all fossil fuels banned.

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