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Hypermilers - Post SAFE High FE Driving Tips

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Old 07-05-2006, 11:09 AM
brick's Avatar
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Default Re: Hypermilers - Post SAFE High FE Driving Tips

The other thing to consider (that I have ignored completely) is how the electric part of the hybrid drivetrain kicks in for these new-fangled xxH cars. I have to assume that the amount of battery power used is somehow related to throttle input. My understanding is that a Prius uses electric-only if it can, then supplements with gasoline power. But I've read that a HCH does the oppisite, starting off on gasoline power and then supplementing with electricity if the driver demands faster acceleration. Does that sound right?

If so, I imagine that you could run into a situation with something like an HCH where too little throttle input means less electric assist than would be optimal. This might put you in a situation where you take off less efficiently at low load than you would if you just got into it a little more and used some of the energy that you regenerated at the last stop. Maybe? Maybe not?
Old 07-06-2006, 03:52 PM
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Default Re: Hypermilers - Post SAFE High FE Driving Tips

Originally Posted by brick
If so, I imagine that you could run into a situation with something like an HCH where too little throttle input means less electric assist than would be optimal. This might put you in a situation where you take off less efficiently at low load than you would if you just got into it a little more and used some of the energy that you regenerated at the last stop. Maybe? Maybe not?
I've often wondered about this point in particular. When accelerating slowly, the IMA assist is minimal, 1 bar if at all. It's only when I bring the RPM up to over 1500 that I get a good balance between IMA assist and acceleration/mpg. I think, as HCH owners we wish that our cars would use more electrical assist during acceleration as the Prii do. I'll keep an eye on the instantaneous mpg while trying it both ways to see what the difference is. Tarabell at CleanMPG has kind of determined that 1900 rpm is the optimal rate for mpg during acceleration.
Old 07-07-2006, 08:25 AM
Double-Trinity's Avatar
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Default Re: Hypermilers - Post SAFE High FE Driving Tips

Originally Posted by HyChi
Tarabell at CleanMPG has kind of determined that 1900 rpm is the optimal rate for mpg during acceleration.
Is this for the HCH-I, HCH-II or both? The HCH-II is somewhat more powerful, so the CVT tends to keep it geared somewhat taller, which would affect these numbers.

However, another thing to consider about the assist, is that although the rate of elecrtic assist may be lower for a more gradual acceleration, the total amount of elecrtic energy added to accelerate to 60mph is probably fairly close for both styles of acceleration, as assist seems to be added more or less in proportion to engine power. (Longer acceleratins would have a less powerful assist, but over a longer time) Having some sort of independent control over this would allow for improvement, though, seeing as the driver could predict when an opportunity would be available to recharge again.
Old 07-11-2006, 10:08 AM
kamsmart's Avatar
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Default Re: Hypermilers - Post SAFE High FE Driving Tips

Hey, what about Prius acceleration? What technique is better for pulsing? Is faster acceleration or slower acceleration better during pulsing?

Double Trinity mentioned "Well, the comparison has to do with accelerating rapidly up to the same given speed, all else equal after that point." I think, the comparison is not to accelerate to the same given speed, rather the comparison is on the fuel consumed for the same distance covered - say for a whole trip? What would give you a better MPG? A faster acceleration during the pulse phase or a slower acceleration during the pulse phase. The glide phase in both the different techniques is the same.

Priuschat.com has an article explaining the methodology of P&G. And they also have a formula for the distance that one needs to glide after having covered certain distance with a certain average MPG number to obtain an overall target MPG number. So, I guess, if someone did really bad on their average MPG numbers during pulsing, they would have to glide for a longer time to achieve their target mpg... That would mean slowing down on the glide phase to a really slow speed .. what if I dont want to do that? And I want to stay within the 30-40 range. Consider an open road, and not traffic trailing behind me .. Should I accelerate faster from 30 to 40 MPH and then glide back to 30 MPH - repeat - OR - accelerate slower from 30-40 MPH and glide and repeat??

The time factor might be significantly different between the two techniques for a given trip, if the trip is considerably long one .. but I want to get some views on the fuel savings if any?

In my limited experiements (600 miles on Prius), I seem to be getting about the same MPG numbers whether I push for a little harder accelerations or go for slower (granny-type .... hmm .. may be a little facter than that ..) accelerations ..

Any comments??

Old 06-25-2007, 09:22 PM
McGyver's Avatar
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Default Re: Hypermilers - Post SAFE High FE Driving Tips

Originally Posted by tomdavie

thanks for the new info regarding the tire pressure. I will bump mine up to 3 psi below max sidewall. That seems reasonalbe. NOT to what some of these jokers bump it up to however.

i will NOT bring apparatus in my car like wet towels and ice just so i dont put the AC on. I will NOT spend my waking hours obsessed with being able to post the best MPG on this site or lose sight of the fact it ALREADY gets much better mileage than a regular gas car. Can we just get on with our lives without going way overboard?

To the casual observer, going crazy on the MPG to the point of where it starts to really look ridiculous actually cheapens the site as average folks cant relate to it, and conclude we are a 'fringe group' of obsessed freaks.

My hope was to promote the benefits of the hybrid, as a normal american would enjoy it, so that more and more of us will switch to hybrids.

I didnt come here to become part of some cult that goes to ridiculous lengths to embellish MPG to the point where nothing else in life matters.

Boasting MPG numbers that are 'dubious' at best, obscure scenerios, and outright bragging about ridiculous technics does not help our cause. Its done to showcase the egos of those involved -which saddens me

Helium in the tires???? cmon man..........

Automakers no doubt read our blog , eagerly seeking what the real world MPG is on their vehicles. They end up having to take it with a 'large margin' grain of salt when they see the ridiculous lengths these guys go to to 'put up numbers' like its a contest or something. They are not interested in obscure scenerio trumped up numbers that wont be realistically duplicated in normal situation driving.

Do you honestly believe toyota or honda is going to start handing out wet towels and ice -instead of AC -on their cars. Not very constructive a suggestion huh......

Even if the 'technics' can be taught, americans are not going to spend all this time 'relearing' how to drive to milk an extra mpg out of their car, and if they do -they will just use the new skills in their gas cars, defeating the purpose of driving a hybrid, as their 'state of the art' training will reap them better mileage in their gas cars. So why shell out the extra expense of the hybrid?

Do you now honestly expect honda and toyota to now include classes on how to 'pulse and glide' -instead of just drive the **** car?

Average americans come to this site , looking to get better mpg , and help the enviroment and foreign oil. They then are aghast to see hybrid drivers talking some 'funky' language about wholesale changes in driving and tire pressure and all this crap -when all they wanna do is buy a new car.

Didnt we purchase the hybrid for the enviroment? We all know the price was trumped up so that we have to drive about 100k miles to make up the diff in gas savings.

Automakers , nor consumers can take these overinflated numbers seriously as what an average consumer would do. I guess im asking for too much for all of us just to drive the **** things and report what we get as 'real world' without all the ego feeding ridiculous gyrations.

There are good common sense suggestions here to help the MPG slightly. However, there is also a bunch of nonsense and ego feeding going on that is turning off americans from buying a hybrid. This cheapens the site and takes away from the benefits that are here.

just my .02.

srry for the rant -it has been building up for some time now.

I was behind ones of these clowns at 05.30 this morning on I-10 west in his HCH 2, complete with the antagonistic vanity plate... cuz, you know, the badging just isn't enough, doing a solid 20 mph UNDER the prevailing flow of traffic in the #3 lane.

Look, I dig the passion.... to a point but this guy was a danger to others around him and frankly, I was momentarily flushed with the urge to slap him silly... but I was too busy worrying about the crush of traffic piling up behind me.
Old 06-26-2007, 05:09 AM
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<<<Didnt we purchase the hybrid for the enviroment? We all know the price was trumped up so that we have to drive about 100k miles to make up the diff in gas savings.>>>

In two and a half years I will realize a cost savings in purchasing a Saturn Hybrid Vue over a regular Vue (I have calculated my breakeven point at 65,000 miles with a $3.00 a gallon average.)

As for taking mpg to the extreme, I speed along at 70-75 mpg and use the A/C where necessary. You would not be able to tell that I was driving a Hybrid if it wasn't for the small Hybrid tag my trunk. Getting great gas mileage, reporting the numbers honestly and driving with the flow of traffic - that is what makes this "Hypermiler" happy.
Old 06-26-2007, 06:34 AM
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Default Re: Hypermilers - Post SAFE High FE Driving Tips

I would not recommend that kind of driving in rush hour traffic...I get the distinct impression that the occurance of this kind of thing is greatly exaggerated.

All I can add is I was an aggressive driver five years ago and steadily gone to the hypermiling side without being an obstruction like this guy on I10. Several corllaries to "Just Drive it" - "Just Spend it", "Just Eat It"....ever notice that important things like a job, finances, health, involve some thought rather than go thru the motions like a zombie? A few people are really angered by that concept.

Originally Posted by McGyver

I was behind ones of these clowns at 05.30 this morning on I-10 west in his HCH 2, complete with the antagonistic vanity plate... cuz, you know, the badging just isn't enough, doing a solid 20 mph UNDER the prevailing flow of traffic in the #3 lane.

Look, I dig the passion.... to a point but this guy was a danger to others around him and frankly, I was momentarily flushed with the urge to slap him silly... but I was too busy worrying about the crush of traffic piling up behind me.
Old 06-26-2007, 09:01 AM
Hot_Georgia_2004's Avatar
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Default Re: Hypermilers - Post SAFE High FE Driving Tips

Driving 20 under the flow in the center lanes isn't a good idea anywhere or any time. Are you sure they weren't having mechanical problems? I've seen friends autos loose power before and they get so busy trying to find out what's wrong they get distracted from the road.
As a teen, the brakes of a friend of mine went out, pushed all the way to the floor and he froze- sending us across a busy intersection. I was telling him to "Pump the brakes, pump the brakes" but he was just froze in fear.

Two days ago a tire on an old Bronco I was behind exploded. It fell to the rim with a shower of sparks. I had enough room to avoid the flying parts but the driver, obviously distressed kept going for some time before pulling over.

Since a person driving 20 under in the center lanes won't last long, I'd tend to believe mechanical trouble rather than pinning a shameful tag of hypermiler with an urge to slap...

On the other hand I've had my time lately with slow drivers on single lane roads. Obviously trying to drive more efficiently but lacking any knowledge in the matter is only causing problems.

For example riding brakes down hill to maintain under the speed limit while me and 12 cars are in parade.

I wouldn't call these slow drivers "Hypermilers" but rather ignorant.
Old 06-26-2007, 12:54 PM
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Default Re: Hypermilers - Post SAFE High FE Driving Tips

Originally Posted by McGyver

I was behind ones of these clowns at 05.30 this morning on I-10 west in his HCH 2, complete with the antagonistic vanity plate... cuz, you know, the badging just isn't enough, doing a solid 20 mph UNDER the prevailing flow of traffic in the #3 lane.

Look, I dig the passion.... to a point but this guy was a danger to others around him and frankly, I was momentarily flushed with the urge to slap him silly... but I was too busy worrying about the crush of traffic piling up behind me.

you may be fairly new to this site, perhaps not. however, your antagonistic attitude of wanting to slap someone sillly doesn't exactly endear you to anyone, except perhaps the other poster who agrees with you. that type of anger is a large part of what's wrong with driving today, aside from high gas prices.

was this driver going 20 under the speed limit, or 20 under what all the speeders have decided should be the norm? when did speeding become legal or safe, for that matter? the fact that the "norm" may be 20 miles over the posted limit does not necessarily mean that everyone in that conga line has the reflexes to stop should someone up the line have a blowout.....or a deer runs into the road....or someone loses control.

how about getting fried about the blatant disregard for speed laws and safety demonstrated on a daily basis by people who think they just have to be there (wherever) before anyone else. how about people who roar up behind you and attempt to squeeze into the passing lane with a foot to spare because they don't want to be bothered to disengage the cruise control? or the ones who switch from lane to lane at high speed in the hopes of getting where, to work an extra 30 seconds earlier?

i drive a 65MPH rural 4 lane to work on a daily basis.i am within the law when i drive 60 in the far right lane. and boo hoo if you had one day that you had to slow down for some reason. get over it. the day is coming when we will all have to slow down, or we're going to just plain not be able to afford the stuff.

if you don't want to do what you can to reduce your usage, fine. but to come onto a site and call those who do clowns to me shows how little you really care about the whole issue.
Old 07-13-2007, 09:15 PM
scm2000's Avatar
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Default Re: Hypermilers - Post SAFE High FE Driving Tips

Originally Posted by Hot_Georgia_2004
10. If your car sits parked for hours then back it in, so when you return you don't have to back it out, put in D and go. This way when you return you can just put in D and go.
Can you explain a little more about this one? When you back a cold car out of a spot its done on electric power, probably before the engine starts for its warmup. (talking about a Prius here). Seems to use the same amount of energy as, passing the spot, and then backing it in to park it.


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