FEH Fuel Economy Issues

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Old 09-12-2005, 06:58 PM
Gillman's Avatar
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Arrow FEH Fuel Economy Issues

I just got permission to post attachments, so I wanted to try a thread for fuel economy issues specific to Ford Escape Hybrid (FEH) with a reference document. Hopefully when others report back from the Ford Escape Hybrid Fuel Economy Experience: Learn to Optimize Your Fuel Economy with the Escape Hybrid Development Team, we may update this information. If this thread has favorable review, then it may be positioned with a "sticky" for easy reference.

Fuel Economy is perhaps the biggest issue that new hybrid buyers are concerned with. Note: EPA Fuel Economy Ratings listed on the window sticker are inaccurate (on as much as 90% of vehicles tested). See current article on this by Consumer Reports: "Fuel Economy - Why You're Not Getting the MPG You Expect" at http://cdn.consumerreports.org/static/0510fue0.html
For frequently asked questions about fuel economy see

Some new FEH owners have complained that they don't get the EPA rating, especially for city driving. This is because the EPA tests do not reflect real-world driving. Generalizations (for all cars but more so for hybrids): If most of your driving is short trips, then your MPG will be lower than EPA. If you drive longer trips and at speeds averaging between 40-60MPH, then your MPG will be higher than EPA. Also, extreme temperatures, hot or cold, lowers hybrid vehicle fuel economy. Another thing to note is that the FEH gets better fuel economy, by several MPGs, after break-in period at about 3000-5000 miles.

GreenHybrid.com and Yahoo FEH Group both have real mileage databases that show FEH owners are getting slightly lower than EPA rating on average. These databases show better than what Consumer Reports tested, probably due to CR not taking into account that most hybrid owners drive in a manner to try to get good fuel economy; as well as the CR test vehicle being fairly new and not past break-in period.

Click on attachment below for viewing a document made to help coach FEH owners in getting good fuel economy.
Attached Files
Old 09-13-2005, 11:32 AM
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Default Re: FEH Fuel Economy Issues

I think those are some good tips that I can agree with. I still feel that staying in EV as much as you can will get you closer to a 40mpg tank than anything else. This winter and spring got me over that many times. The A/C is a must during summer here in SO. FLA. so I will test those tanks this winter. Now that the FEH is broke-in, I'm shooting for 43mpg when it cools off. Also may take the tire presure from 40-41psi to 42-43 and see what that does.
Old 09-13-2005, 11:43 AM
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Default Re: FEH Fuel Economy Issues

Hi Gary G:

___I have yet to see any of your tanks posted in the RHMDB. Do you need some help setting your Escape HEV up? The notes section is a great place for teaching others viewing your tank over tank improvements as well as general record keeping for your own review from time to time.

___Good Luck

___Wayne R. Gerdes
Old 09-13-2005, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: FEH Fuel Economy Issues

I'd like to see those as well, if you have them. While we ended up buying Toyotas, my fiancee chose the Highlander Hybrid over a non-hybrid SUV because my test drive of the FEH impressed us both so much (and the FEH looks too "male" for her taste).
Old 09-13-2005, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: FEH Fuel Economy Issues

Wayne, when I found greenhybrid.com I had already put alot of mileage on my FEH. I had been posting on hybridcars.com before and after my order had arrived. I think someone posted on that site or I found greenhybrid somehow around April or May. I looked at the mileage site then but thought it was intended from the first day you own the hybrid. I didn't keep those past records up to date. I admit I was confused a little back then as how to start keeping a log. I also thought it would be a pain to keep it up. I never went back to the site.

When I come to this site, I read only the FEH section. I did read some of the Highlander site the other day when someone posted that the Highlander could use 87 octane. I guess thats why I changed over to greenhybrid because most of the time I can separate the site to the FEH. Jason has done a great job with this site and I see alot of members from the hybridcars site here.

One other point I need to make is I have to work hard to get a 40mpg tank and I will not see another till the A/C is off for winter. I manage to keep above 30 mpg with the A/C on at every fill up but I draft when I can. I share my tips when I find something helps me get a little better mpg here at this site. Sorry for those who can't go to the mileage data and see my history in one place but I don't go there for the info I want.

I'm sure its hard to believe for some that people can get 40mpg out of a FEH. I find it hard to believe that some here post that they get less than 25mpg. I guess I started out right by trying to get 40mpg out of every tank. I know thats imposible for me now but it sure set new great habits for saving fuel. When I drive any of my cars now, saving fuel is on autopilot in my mind. Gas prices has made it even more of a goal. I've got to the point where I can look at a truck and tell its not a good drafting canidate. BTW, I find that a semi with a empty flat trailer drafts better for me.

I think it was the teacher that posted he got 43mpg on a trip. I have a new goal now but it will have to wait till cooler weather. I've learned new tricks to drive and save with the A/C on. I should get a better tank without the A/C this winter. The FEH likes Florida's flat roads, cool days and mild nights in the winter. I got it mid Feb. this year and began getting 40mpg average driving along the coast in EV mode as much as posible. Jupiter Island has a 30mph speed limit which is perfect for this. My conditions are better than most I think.

Thanks for to offer to help set the data up for me but I'm afraid its something that I would'nt keep up for lack of interest.
Old 09-13-2005, 06:17 PM
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Default Re: FEH Fuel Economy Issues

Hi Gary G.:

___I keep up a friend of mine’s Prius II FE here at GH. He just gives me a copy of his notebook about once a month and I upload them for him under his login and password. I can do the same for you if you would like?

___The reason I wanted you to post tank over tank details is that others can learn from it. There is nothing unbelievable about 40 + mpg in an Escape HEV as I have received that twice in warmer weather in the Ranger P/U headed your way and back. It is the techniques that you used and in the temps you had driven that may be helpful to others to hone their own techniques to mimic yours. We have many Insight, HCH, and Prius II pilots placing excellent detail into their uploads as well as posting excellent detail here in the forums. I do learn a lot about the person from both their tank data and their forum presence let alone how he or she is progressing with both technique as well as FE as time moves on.

___Anyway, I thought I would offer. If you prefer not to, that is ok as well. And welcome to GH if I didn’t get the chance to say so earlier.

___Good Luck

___Wayne R. Gerdes
Old 09-14-2005, 08:22 AM
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Default Re: FEH Fuel Economy Issues

Good idea to put a reminder for FEH owners to log in their mileage at GH, the more the better for having a good sampling to show people researching what "real-world" fuel economy they may expect (slightly below EPA but better than CR).

Gary - while you and some others may be getting stellar MPG by going in EV as much as possible, I don't believe this is achievable by the average driver. Reason being that most FEH owners are not able to stay in EV mode at speeds of 35-40MPH on a daily basis, like you do in flat Florida. The Pulse & Glide technique perfected by Prius group will produce the highest MPG, but this is not a technique for the average driver, which is the intended audience I wrote the "Fuel Economy Issues" attached document (first post of thread).

I have also come to the conclusion that not all FEHs were built the same, as evident by the different emissions rating in different locations. Some drivers like you are able to drive in EV mode at speeds of 40MPH with cruise control for more than a mile at a time. I have seen more people report their FEH acts similar to mine, where top EV speed is more like 30MPH unless going down hill and ICE will snap on after a mile (with no regenerative braking). This may change for me since I only have ~3k miles so far, but don't believe it will be that significant. Difference may be just a PCM software version that may be adjusted with update, although ...

It is also interesting to note that several FEH hypermilers have reported the highest MPG in mountain areas, getting high 40s by climbing at ~35MPH and coasting back down, so flat ground is not necessarily the best for FEH fuel economy.

Edit: GaryG - another reason to post your good MPG average is to offset some seemingly bogus entries, like ecoman's 15000 miles of 26MPG (one entry, NOT multiple tanks) where he only posted 3 times (in 2 days) months ago saying he was a new owner. Noticed several other questionable entries with only 22-23MPG in FEH AWD, but they only logged once or twice with hundreds of miles, not 15K. Would it be fair to request moderators to filter out bogus entries?

Last edited by Gillman; 09-14-2005 at 09:56 AM.
Old 09-14-2005, 09:42 AM
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Default Re: FEH Fuel Economy Issues

Hi Gillman:

___Let’s not be too hasty on ones dismissal of higher FE because of a particular speed range you may or may not be able to drive in, that some are not built the same, or a particular terrain one drives is more conducive to hypermiling or less so. I have seen that kind of statement many times in the past and 99% of the time, it is bunk. The Ranger, MDX, Corolla, Insight, and Accord are evidence of this. I know hypermilers that climb a **** mountain and coast down the backside every day. I know hypermilers that run nasty high elevation rollers everyday. I know hypermilers that drive the flats every day. I know hypermilers that drive in the desert Southwest’s heat every day. I know hypermilers that run in the Canadian cold for 5 + months out of the year daily. Just about anyone, anywhere can achieve better then EPA over a year if they learn the techniques and apply them as appropriate. Even if that means just 10% of their daily commute consists of a particular technique, that is 10% of their commute at 50 + mpg and the rest at 30 mpg instead of 25 mpg or whatever he or she is receiving currently. P&G for example is not a technique one can use on a daily basis for most. Gliding however can be used each and every day! You have an EV mode like Glide built in once you have bled off highway speed as you are exiting on an off-ramp as just one example. Use it! You have FE saving acceleration capabilities others do not given some of the Escape HEV displays. Use them! You have tens if not hundreds of others that are trying to help you improve your own FE day in and day out. Use them!

___Never sell the FE of a particular automobile short because 99% of the time, it is the person and his abilities behind the windscreen, not the car that trounces the EPA estimates or as you apparently stated, are trounced by them

___Good Luck

___Wayne R. Gerdes

Last edited by xcel; 09-14-2005 at 09:45 AM.
Old 09-14-2005, 10:47 AM
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Default Re: FEH Fuel Economy Issues

XCEL - I am glad you bring up these points and I concur with some such as stating you may get above EPA rating in multiple terrains (as I put in my previous post). However, what I was responding to GargG on is the statement in my fuel economy issues attached file under 'Commentary/Opinion' of: "There seem to be two schools of thought with respect to hybrid fuel economy driving. One is to attempt to stay in EV mode as long as possible; the other is to drive with ICE in the most efficient speed range as possible. Rationale includes that EV is most economical since it does not use fuel. The contrasting rational is that the majority of battery recharging is done by the ICE (not regenerative braking) such that using ICE as generator to create electrical power for charging battery has efficiency losses, so it would be more economical to run the ICE." I have seem many similar debates on this issue in the other hybrid areas and don’t feel it has been proven one way or the other, hence my putting it under “Opinion” section.

FEH may be a different situation than the other foreign hybrids, such as how do you explain the different emissions ratings or are there other hybrids with different emissions ratings as well? For example; the more stringent ATPZEV rating of FEH in California might have a system for controlling emissions better than another less regulated state and this difference probably will have effect on fuel efficiency (such as having ICE stay on longer for cleaner emission).

Also, unless you feel some people are being less than honest about consistent driving in EV mode at 35-40MPH speeds (or visa versa that others cannot), the only explanation is that some FEHs are performing differently - believe me when I say many of us have tried this unsuccessfully and don't think it may be written-off strictly as a driver technique.

I agree that some of the techniques such as coasting may be used daily and also put this in the attachment guide. However, I disagree that “99% of the time it is the person and his abilities” causing the differences in MPG average. Take my case for example; I have a 5-minute commute four times every day and most my errands are close by where the FEH never gets warmed-up to most fuel efficient condition. Is this situation a fair comparison to someone like GaryG who drives long commute everyday on 35MPH roads? I have no problem getting above EPA rating for long trips, where I got a 37MPG trip tank average driving alone and 34MPG on a family trip with FEH fully loaded. I believe driving conditions have just as much influence over database MPG average as the driver’s style does, although I don't think anyone may competently put a percentage to it.

What about answering the question on dealing with bogus database entries?

Last edited by Gillman; 09-14-2005 at 10:59 AM.
Old 09-14-2005, 12:18 PM
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Default Re: FEH Fuel Economy Issues-better mpg mountains

I have notice that our guzzlers-Pilot-Titan get better mpg in "mountain" areas.They got 24.1 and 21.4 mpg from DFW-Flagstaff AZ despite AC blasting.The New Orleans leg to Dallas was much lower,but it was bumper to bumper traffic and not representative.
I'm pretty sure it is the decreased drag-lower atm pressure-that improves our "western" mpg.Despite the hills which are usually poison for non regen braking vehicles,we always do well out west.One tank(for both vehicles) was particularily good.The Albuquerque to Gallop leg probably averaged ~4500 feet.The Pilot got 28 mpg,the Titan(big V-8 full sized pickup) got 24 mpg-sort of an informal record at TITANTALK-a very active Titan forum.The wind was blowing very,very hard on that leg,but I was so tired that I didn't note the direction(probably had some tailwind component).
My point is the obvious-and no doubt stated here very often,but I am new here-altitude helps mpg-a lot!!The 21.4 mpg over 965 miles is very good for a guzzler like the Titan.I do have a chin spoiler than MIGHT-MIGHT- have cleaned up the air a little-the underside of pickups are very cluttered-and I have wheels that are 11 lbs less than stock,so they certainly help in any slow down speed up driving(there were a lot of work zones which involved dropping speed to 45-55 mph-this lower speed(otherwise 68 mph) helped the mpg.
Folks on the high plains could post the best mpg.They have a huge advantage.Thanks.Charlie

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