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centrider 03-02-2007 06:02 PM

Re: "new car" smell?
Well, LiveWire,

Last summer, after returning from a trip into Canada, at which time we left the car outside for a week - we noticed a smell which was not new car, but rather as though something indeed had pooped in the Prius.

I took the car into my Prius dealer and found that rodents had set up housekeeping in the front passenger compartment. They came in through the evaporative system, or what ever. Smelled terrible.

Fortunately State Farm kicked in. The tab was 5 grand, with a discount ticket from the dealer my part of the tab was taken care of.

So, if it smells like poop cow you said - live out in the countryside? you indeed might have poop in your car.


SoopahMan 03-12-2007 03:51 PM

Re: "new car" smell?
I bought my Prius in September 2006 and now in March 2007 the "new car" smell is just beginning to fade - I rarely notice it but people getting into my car still notice. However that may be partly because the car looks new - no scratches and I keep it completely clean (no pile of files in the passenger seat or pile of garbage below as some oddly choose to do...), so maybe they see that and then look for the smell.

jrb_nw 03-12-2007 10:50 PM

Re: "new car" smell?
Well I bought a new one and it didn't smell too bad, considering - maybe because they had just got it and it hadn't had a month sitting on the lot baking with the windows rolled up, like the one I test drove. That one was really bad and made me sick.

So I drive it to work and park in the sun with the windows down an inch all around to keep it well ventilated. And when I drive I leave them down the same amount or more, unless I'm on the freeway. Between that and the fan, I keep a lot of air moving through it and the smell hasn't bothered me much, but I am always aware of it.

I also plan to wash the inside of the glass and vinyl down with a wet rag and vinegar/water mix periodically, to take the slight film accumulation off. I'm hoping that by the very hot summer months, most of the outgassing will be over with.

SoopahMan 03-12-2007 11:39 PM

Re: "new car" smell?
I washed the inside of my windshield today; it seems like the Prius accumulates more of a staticky film there than most cars. Maybe all the electronics lead to more static?

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