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Resist 09-30-2007 06:39 PM

Re: Factory NAV
Yes it is pretty disappointing when a more expensive factory option does less than a cheaper aftermarket product.

Toyota are you listening?

centrider 09-30-2007 10:27 PM

Re: Factory NAV

Originally Posted by Resist (Post 142304)
Why is it that the Factory NAV does not have more features? I have an old eMap, non color LCD GPS and it will tell me the upcoming cross streets. I would have thought the Toyota NAV would have had this. Sure I can put in route to get this info but I shouldn't have to. My eMap will even allow me to see what satellites it has contact with and their signal strength.

I am getting so sick of factory options costing so much yet we get less features than less expensive after market products. For example, satellite radio.

Is anyone else mad about this too?

I was. Fortunately, perhaps, I never used a GPS until I got the Prius, so I guess I don't know what, if anything I would be missing.

After almost 2 years with my Prius GPS I'm still stumbling on features I never knew existed. It took us off the interstate system onto the US Hwy, state Hwy and county roads through out Wisconsin, Michigan, Canada, (provinicial hwy) Indiana, Illinois, Missouri. The only time it let us down was in Arkansas on our way to Broken Arrow, Ok. And back to Calif.

I would like other, or more features. Or maybe perhaps just find even more.

Resist 09-30-2007 11:44 PM

Re: Factory NAV
Well I am frustrated at the lack of functions the Prius NAV has! I would expect this if GPS NAV systems were new to the market but it has been many years now, so there is no excuse for lame NAV systems.

BeechSportBill 10-31-2007 02:23 PM

Re: Factory NAV
Hi Battery Buddies - The MOST frustrating part of the Nav is having to agree EVERY time that 1) I am too stupid to use this thing without driving into a tree if it says to, and 2) I want to use English. Also, my new Garmin Nuvi 200 only asked me ONCE not to use it while moving. I sent this through to Toyota at the MyToyota website, and they replied that 'having demanded that they turn this off, I have proved that I AM too stupid to have such a wonderful device in my car,' and that they would be ignoring me IMMEDIATELY. :omg: I did get a nice call from my dealer asking me if I was mad at HIM... Also, the Garmin lets (my wife, actually) search ahead for fuel, food, or lodging without having to STOP dead every time! Jeez - I DID find the DVD drive under the seat, though. Maybe I could put 'Top Gun' DVD in there?. Don't you think a company would at least ASK their owners what features they wanted? Guess that's that 'thinkin' thing again...

Resist 11-06-2007 04:01 PM

Re: Factory NAV
My Prius was my first Toyota vehicle. After hearing all the hype about Toyota quality and such, I find they are no different than any other auto manufacturer. What a let down.

Tideland Prius 11-06-2007 09:51 PM

Re: Factory NAV
oddly enough, the Prius isn't Toyota's best example (to be honest).

centrider 11-12-2007 12:36 PM

Re: Factory NAV

Originally Posted by BeechSportBill (Post 148248)
Hi Battery Buddies - The MOST frustrating part of the Nav is having to agree EVERY time that 1) I am too stupid to use this thing without driving into a tree if it says to, and 2) I want to use English. Also, my new Garmin Nuvi 200 only asked me ONCE not to use it while moving. I sent this through to Toyota at the MyToyota website, and they replied that 'having demanded that they turn this off, I have proved that I AM too stupid to have such a wonderful device in my car,' and that they would be ignoring me IMMEDIATELY. :omg: I did get a nice call from my dealer asking me if I was mad at HIM... Also, the Garmin lets (my wife, actually) search ahead for fuel, food, or lodging without having to STOP dead every time! Jeez - I DID find the DVD drive under the seat, though. Maybe I could put 'Top Gun' DVD in there?. Don't you think a company would at least ASK their owners what features they wanted? Guess that's that 'thinkin' thing again...

centrider 11-12-2007 12:49 PM

Re: Factory NAV

Originally Posted by BeechSportBill (Post 148248)
Hi Battery Buddies - The MOST frustrating part of the Nav is having to agree EVERY time that 1) I am too stupid to use this thing without driving into a tree if it says to, and 2) I want to use English. Also, my new Garmin Nuvi 200 only asked me ONCE not to use it while moving. I sent this through to Toyota at the MyToyota website, and they replied that 'having demanded that they turn this off, I have proved that I AM too stupid to have such a wonderful device in my car,' and that they would be ignoring me IMMEDIATELY. :omg: I did get a nice call from my dealer asking me if I was mad at HIM... Also, the Garmin lets (my wife, actually) search ahead for fuel, food, or lodging without having to STOP dead every time! Jeez - I DID find the DVD drive under the seat, though. Maybe I could put 'Top Gun' DVD in there?. Don't you think a company would at least ASK their owners what features they wanted? Guess that's that 'thinkin' thing again...

Let me deal with the the having to stop issue to use the GPS, or whatever it is.

What do you think about text-messaging while driving? Or emailing from your laptop while driving? Or, as you mentioned, watching Top Gun? So, why not use the Garmin Nuvi to look for those POI's while you're driving?

When you get into your car, what would you say your primary obligation is in relation to

I found that I was able to do this hugh drive into the mid-west and Canada pretty much using only the GPS. But, unfortunately, I couldn't tell where I was, or had been. I think, for me, I need a map also. I want to know what's outside my route rather than the next turn is 5 miles down the road.

While I love the unit in the Prius (perhaps love is too strong), I still find it limiting. I think I would not want more (if more means better). I think there's something satisfying about sitting down with one's wife and map and say, "Hmm. Why not go this way?"

chimemaker1 02-03-2008 09:10 AM

Re: Factory NAV
Well just maybe I got you all beat with my "wonderful" Toyota Prius Nav. System.
What do you think Toyota's Wonderful Customer Care Response Was? How about this:
"we have contacted the manufacturer and as soon as (possibly more than 2 Years) an update disc is available it will be complimentary sent out to you! Are They Kiddin' or What?
A 2008 Prius Touring that CANNOT Recognize a persons HOME STREET ADDRESS!

What an "Extreme Disappointment" Toyota Needs To Address These "Shortcomings"

I must admit to being VERY Disappointed with my Toyota Prius and it's "Shortcomings"

centrider 02-03-2008 12:27 PM

Re: Factory NAV

Originally Posted by chimemaker1 (Post 160683)
Well just maybe I got you all beat with my "wonderful" Toyota Prius Nav. System.
What do you think Toyota's Wonderful Customer Care Response Was? How about this:
"we have contacted the manufacturer and as soon as (possibly more than 2 Years) an update disc is available it will be complimentary sent out to you! Are They Kiddin' or What?
A 2008 Prius Touring that CANNOT Recognize a persons HOME STREET ADDRESS!
What an "Extreme Disappointment" Toyota Needs To Address These "Shortcomings"

This is like the "Auto Door Lock Feature" Toyota FORGOT TO INCLUDE IN THE 2008!
Yep, that's right, The owners manual clearly states that not only is the feature there,
but it is customizeable as well. YEAH, LOTS OF LUCK TRYING TO GET IT TO WORK.
I told Toyota Customer care; IT IS CLEARLY AN EXTREME SAFETY HAZARD, As well as

I must admit to being VERY Disappointed with my Toyota Prius and it's "Shortcomings"

I had that same experience with my '06. I got around it by putting in the number (for example - 4300 instead of the specific 4318). I know where I live so that's about all I need. Besides, my street is only 2 blocks, one on the E. side of the major thoroughfare, and one on the W.

On the other hand, if you are car-jacked, you wouldn't want the bad guys to find your house. So, my question is: How to delete info from Previous and Memory.

By the way, not to excuse Toyota, but I don't thing the unit, or at least the DVD is a Toyota product. You might be able to get an upgrade from the manufacturer/supplier. However, I quite agree this is Toyota's responsibility. They should at least have that info available.

As to your other problem, I'm clueless. My door locks seem to work perfectly.

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