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Sledge 03-07-2006 05:05 AM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid

Originally Posted by Delta Flyer
Civics are now the size of the original Accords

I used to own an '88 Accord LXi coupe. Nice little car. Accent on the word little. When I finally got rid of it, I decided I wanted something just like it. Looking at the 2001 model year Hondas, the Accord had ballooned in size dramatically since '88. The closest thing to my needs was a Civic.

Had I not bought the HCH this year, I would have waited until Honda brought out a Fit hybrid.

Tim 03-07-2006 07:43 AM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid

Originally Posted by CGameProgrammer
Well I want to read good books and watch good TV shows and movies, but I don't actually need any entertainment. I want a girlfriend but don't need one, strictly speaking. I want to have delicious meals but only need a balanced diet of bread, fruits, and vegetables. I want to earn a living but could survive even without a job.

Just because we don't need something doesn't mean we shouldn't have it.

Off Topic: I'm not advancing the position that everyone should live minimalist lives, live in caves, eat Top Ramen and drive 20-year old cars. One more try: Our society/economy has done a great job convincing a good majority of folks that they need more than they do. This has the overall consequences of some folks living lifestyles beyond their means (just look at bankrupcy and credit card debt statistics).

Sort-of on Topic: Now, related to hybrid cars and the environment - this same cultural "brainwashing" is what causes many folks to purchase cars becase they can, because it's cool, because of the cool gadgets - whatever - over a more environmental decision such as economy and emmissions. I don't know how many people I saw driving to work this morning that were taking long commutes in SUVs and Trucks. Maybe they need them. Fine. I suspect some don't, and they've been too influenced to even seriously consider an alternative. I personally think that's a problem - not so much with the people involved, but the whole emphasis our culture places on things and status.

So on to this $60K Lexus - if the thing got 50 MPG I'd never have opened my mouth in the first place. So it's a hybrid - great. So some folks may choose it to support the technology / make a greener decision - also good. However it's fundamental reason for being is to make a better / faster / more excessive play toy. It borrows from a technology that clearly, in my opinion, has a more noble purpose. I've nothing against sports cars, nothing against folks who have worked hard and are able to afford them. But before we go patting Toyota on the back and slapping an "I'm green" bumper sticker on the back, lets call a spade a spade. That's all.

CGameProgrammer 03-07-2006 09:15 AM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid

Originally Posted by Tim
But before we go patting Toyota on the back and slapping an "I'm green" bumper sticker on the back, lets call a spade a spade. That's all.

I didn't realize anyone was doing that. No, I don't think Toyota should be commended per se for releasing a hybrid luxury car because it's a hybrid -- more like the 450h is simply a good car, likely better than a 430. The hybrid drive suits it.

  Off Topic:
"Can" has several meanings; obviously we 'can' have things we don't need, just as we 'can' have ritual sacrifice if we choose to. But we shouldn't, obviously.

Tim 03-07-2006 11:19 AM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid
Come to think about it, I should be so hard on Toyota. They, more than any other automaker, are at least getting the technology into a lot of models they offer. So good for them. They at least offer the Prius, so if they want to make a hybrid sports car, well OK then.

I just get frustrated when I look at the trend of using hybrid technology as a pure power supply with any efficiency / environmental benefit coming along for the ride. For me, it's like someone finding a cure for cancer but all the research is diverted into making it into a bio-weapon rather than applying the cure to the sick. Sorry to all who had to endure my time on the soap box...

Delta Flyer 03-07-2006 11:53 AM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid
No problem, Tim.

A number of others seem to have been chiming in to the same theme. It's great to have interest in hybrids, or even to buy one, but it's not a silver bullet. Some here might argue driving sensibly in a vehicle no larger than you need benefits the oil supply and enviromment as much as choosing a hybrid vehicle. It's a valid point, but why not do both?

leahbeatle 03-07-2006 01:33 PM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid
Tim, you say you're frustrated, so let me say that I agree with the principle behind all the things you were saying, particularly about our consumer-driven culture and it convincing people they 'need' so much stuff, bigger cars, etc. But time marches on, we can't turn back the clock, and honestly, I just don't see a society that's so much about keeping up with the Joneses voluntarily taking a step back, examining life and saying, gee, this is just more car than I need. They haven't so far. I find it frustrating, too, and I wish it weren't so, but it is.

The question is- where do we go from here? We in the 'promoting hybrids' movement need to find ways of talking about this that aren't confrontational or accusatory, alluring consumers with the attractions of hybrid cars and the coolness, however temporary, of buying the Next New Thing. That's why the buzz around a new hybrid car release, however far that particular model departs from the reality of 'what people should be driving' in an ideal world, has a positive impact on the movement. I don't know the market figures, but I would guess that luxury cars aren't the biggest piece of the industry and that consequently hybrid luxury cars won't be all that common- but maybe just having them out there adds a sense of glamour to hybrid technology that won't hurt its image. Association with luxury can be a selling point.

As a new lawyer coming out of law school with a good job, I went car shopping last summer, and my enthusiastic mother wanted me to get a luxury car. We test drove BMWs and Mercedes, and I gave it some thought. If any of those cars had had even semi-impressive gas mileage, I admit that I might have gone that route. In the end, I decided that I was less concerned with having a car in the parking lot of my law firm that said 'look at me, I have arrived' than having one that said 'I care about the world.' Not everyone would make that choice, and if the market for luxury hybrid sedans develops, people can have both. JMO. And even though I think there's a place in the world for expensive cars, I agree with you that the environment ought to come first.

Tim 03-07-2006 05:14 PM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid

Originally Posted by leahbeatle
In the end, I decided that I was less concerned with having a car in the parking lot of my law firm that said 'look at me, I have arrived' than having one that said 'I care about the world.'

If I was clever enough to find a clapping hands icon, I would. So I'll just have to do the *applause* instead. Great decision! I agree with you too - where do we go from here. I think showing folks these cars can succeed is probably the best start we can make. And I suppose while I tend to be overly-harsh on the "power hybrid" crowd, what's to say that someone may start with one, decide it's a reliable technology, and get another. I have to admit at least two hybrid SUVs in the driveway are better than the alternative - might even switch a few over to a hybrid SUV paired with a Prius/Civic. :)

Delta Flyer 03-08-2006 06:03 AM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid
Another fine post, leahbeetle! :thumbs_up

I do hope that over the next few years that driving choices are moderated - just like our diets. ;) Otherwise, a lot of us are going to be hurting in both areas...

Sledge 03-08-2006 06:31 AM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid
Gas prices will do the moderating for us. Adam Smith's Invisible Hand not only leads one to a better life, but also will b*tchslap those who are consuming out of control.

Delta Flyer 03-08-2006 06:41 AM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid

Originally Posted by Sledge
Gas prices will do the moderating for us. Adam Smith's Invisible Hand not only leads one to a better life, but also will b*tchslap those who are consuming out of control.

It might take more - a groin kick.

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