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CGameProgrammer 03-06-2006 01:16 PM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid

Originally Posted by Tim
Well, I'll be the one to "swat the hornets nest" so to speak...

I'll get into trouble because I think we've all been lured into thinking we need more vehicle than we actually do, and I also include super-expensive cars (like this $60K Lexus) squarely in the "own because I can, not because I need" category. I went through this exercise with my Civic. Sure, a slightly used BMW 3-series, Audi A4, Acura TL would have been my preference. They'd be on the very upper limit of my price range, and would probably need a very long loan to get them. However when I ran all the numbers of cost of ownership (loan, insurance, gas, maintenance), the Civic was so far below I couldn't help but pick it. So I'm not exactly rolling in style, but it's getting the job done, and $100's less per month than the alternatives. I was surprised, however, how hard it was to wrench the "want" from the equation, and stick with the "need". Having done it, I wouldn't trade my Civic for any of them.

I think if we can get out of this, "my car is bigger than your car" mode, folks might be surprised at how happy they would be with a more efficient alternative.

Well I want to read good books and watch good TV shows and movies, but I don't actually need any entertainment. I want a girlfriend but don't need one, strictly speaking. I want to have delicious meals but only need a balanced diet of bread, fruits, and vegetables. I want to earn a living but could survive even without a job.

Just because we don't need something doesn't mean we shouldn't have it.

Delta Flyer 03-06-2006 01:22 PM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid

Originally Posted by CGameProgrammer
Well I want to read good books and watch good TV shows and movies, but I don't actually need any entertainment. I want a girlfriend but don't need one, strictly speaking. I want to have delicious meals but only need a balanced diet of bread, fruits, and vegetables. I want to earn a living but could survive even without a job.

Just because we don't need something doesn't mean we shouldn't have it.

Somehow, I don't think a desire for these things registers in the gaudy or narcacissistic zone for most part....think most here can connect the dots on what Tim was saying...

ender21 03-06-2006 01:37 PM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid

Originally Posted by CGameProgrammer
Just because we don't need something doesn't mean we shouldn't have it.

Actually I would think that's precisely what not needing something means. To restate, perhaps it would be:

"Just because we don't need something doesn't mean we *can't* have it."

To your point, though, your books, TV choices or bachelor status don't effect the traffic everyone else drives in, the smog in our environment, the prices of gas, and when slamming into other vehicles or just rolling over on others, the immediate safety of other people.... unless of course you're choosing to read books, watch TV and hit on girls *while* driving!! ;)

CGameProgrammer 03-06-2006 01:45 PM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid

Originally Posted by ender21
Actually I would think that's precisely what not needing something means. To restate, perhaps it would be:

So you're saying I should not eat good food, read books, or be involved with someone? That's ridiculous. Just because I don't need those things doesn't mean I shouldn't have them.

You seem to think the Lexus 450h should not be driven by anyone. That's absurd... especially your allegations that it's much dirtier than a Prius. How do you know? It would not surprise me if it too is AT-PZEV; I mean, Volkswagen created a PZEV Jetta and Ford created a PZEV Fusion. And those cars still get fairly poor mileage. Cars do not all release the same pollution per gallon of gas, you know.

Delta Flyer 03-06-2006 02:02 PM

Don't Distort With Partial Quotes

Originally Posted by ender21
Actually I would think that's precisely what not needing something means. To restate, perhaps it would be:

"Just because we don't need something doesn't mean we *can't* have it."

To your point, though, your books, TV choices or bachelor status don't effect the traffic everyone else drives in, the smog in our environment, the prices of gas, and when slamming into other vehicles or just rolling over on others, the immediate safety of other people.... unless of course you're choosing to read books, watch TV and hit on girls *while* driving!! ;)

Why are you afraid of completly quoting enders21? Could it be because your comparing apples and oranges? Some things we do or buy affect others - some don't.

ender21 03-06-2006 03:53 PM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid

Originally Posted by CGameProgrammer
So you're saying I should not eat good food, read books, or be involved with someone? That's ridiculous. Just because I don't need those things doesn't mean I shouldn't have them.

You seem to think the Lexus 450h should not be driven by anyone. That's absurd... especially your allegations that it's much dirtier than a Prius. How do you know? It would not surprise me if it too is AT-PZEV; I mean, Volkswagen created a PZEV Jetta and Ford created a PZEV Fusion. And those cars still get fairly poor mileage. Cars do not all release the same pollution per gallon of gas, you know.

Wow, you went a long way to put words in my mouth. I didn't mention the 450h, the Prius, Volkswagen, Ford, the Fusion or whether or not anyone should/can/can't/shouldn't own and/or drive one in that post.

Basically in restating your line and replacing the word "shouldn't" with "can't" I was just dealing in semantics. But I got your point, which is what the *rest* of my post was about -- and to me, of more relevance -- and was on topic.

But back to the semantics and the reason the ex-English major in me came out :):
I also said "Not needing something doesn't mean you *can't* have it." In other words "You *can* have something you don't need." Wouldn't that basically say you *can* own a 450h??? You *can* enjoy good food? You *can* read a trashy romance novel with Fabio on the cover? ;)

You said: "Not needing something doesn't mean you shouldn't have it." In other words "You *should* have something you don't need." Wouldn't that basically say you *should* have a girlfriend? You *should* eat good food?

"Shouldn't" implies there should be regulations, laws, or at the very least a Scarlet Letter and public scorn for doing some thing. E.G., You "shouldn't" put your hand in an open flame. You "shouldn't" kill other people.

But again, I was just being semantical and hardly serious with that statement, which appears to have caused you to completely ignore the rest of my post. My humble apologies to my neighbor to the south. :) I hear they brew decaf coffee nowadays. ;)


PriusGuy04 03-06-2006 04:26 PM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid
Off Topic:
WOW, take 5 advil and call in the morning.... ;)

Now I have taken slight offence to some comments I have recieved here , there and there also.. But I like the duck annalogy I try and let it rool off my back and re read it and normally I realize the other guy wasnt trying to rip me it was just a play on words or how i first percived it man I need spell check & ha clean up on isle 5 just dumped coke in my keyboard.. :):confused:

But taking a step back I would have to agree with tims statements on the topic of NEED and WANT.. Good show..

Delta Flyer 03-06-2006 07:13 PM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid
enders21 may point out my need (not want) for a spell check on my last post. :D

Anyone notice how optons circa 1980 are "needs"
  • Civics are now the size of the original Accords
  • Power steering, brakes, locks, windows (not that any of this is bad....)
  • 0-60mph in less than 13 seconds (even the Insight is faster than that)
I could make a long list, but the point has been made - there are a lot of things we think we need.

Pravus Prime 03-06-2006 10:48 PM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid
Wow. Let's all stay civil guys, and at least somewhat on topic. All I wanted to do was point out an upcoming hybrid, and instead we get a discussion of want vs. need.

  Off Topic:
You can also use offtopic tags as you would a quote or bold to get this nifty little thing.

PriusGuy04 03-07-2006 03:08 AM

Re: Toyota's New Expensive Hybrid
Ok I cleaned out the coke, & i'll try and use the think & spell toy to my advantage:) ..

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