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texashchman 02-14-2006 09:37 AM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade
If they could make a full size SUV that would get good mileage why not? kevin

Jim 02-14-2006 09:47 AM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade
I tend to take long, meandering trips by car/truck. I go down back roads wherever possible. My longest drive in the country was 17,000 miles and took five months. It included seeing the Alaskan tundra and returning back east via the most northernmost route we could devise through Canada. An "SUV" is the only way I would choose to do such trips. I can go down any road or rut and make it out the other side. A pick-up (which I have also owned when i had a horse farm) would not have kept our gear as protected, and we would have had nowhere to put friends we met along our route.

The type of vehicle that makes sense depends upon your personal wants and your purposes. I'd like to see hybrids across the board.

I will say that I sometimes wonder what purpose is being served by all the large SUVs around. In my experience, smaller is better for going down questionable roads and trails. But I'm sure that some large-SUV owners have their reasons.

Delta Flyer 02-14-2006 09:58 AM

Wrongheadedness is Constitional

Originally Posted by Chilly
Just out of curiousity, I notice you are in the Dallas area, how many days a week you take the DART and/or public transportation?

Every post list my location as Lewisville - as anyone familiar with DART knows - it's not served by DART. Your potshot was no better than the Vice President's on his huntiing trip. :D BTW, whre are you from?

Originally Posted by Chilly
I didn't realize you could only own a pick-up truck if you worked in one of these fields.

I own a Hybrid and I also own a pick-up truck because the truck fits certain needs, like when I need to pick up large items from a store. I guess it would be better if I just let everyone deliver all my large items to me in those great gas saving Ryder-like trucks....

It seems the fire in this thread is directed at the Escalade - not the HH. As lately as this morning I've said trucks are just fine when used for what they are intended. It's just the explosion of trucks and SUV's the last twenty years is obviously the result of whims, not needs. Lots of things are legal but wrongheaded. My freedoms don't extend to having a farm on my residence or styling my home to clash with the neighborhood. I have to cut the grass, etc...the impact seems less than driving a 6-8 seater that I rarely use to capacity. Yes, every red-blooded American has the right to deplete our oil supply and encouarge Global Warming more than they need to....

Again, I've made several "if the shoe fits" posts differing between trucks that are actually used verses those that are flaunted. I took pictures of guys that I see daily that need a power truck/jumbo SUV only for an ego trip to differentiate then from the ones that actually need it. In the past, new people on the forum with small SUVs get defensive...if anyone feels persecuted by talk against the Escalade or Hummer....:rolleyes:

Sorry I offended you and the guys you might relate to...


fernando_g 02-14-2006 01:51 PM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade

Originally Posted by Jim
I tend to take long, meandering trips by car/truck. I go down back roads wherever possible. My longest drive in the country was 17,000 miles and took five months. It included seeing the Alaskan tundra and returning back east via the most northernmost route we could devise through Canada. An "SUV" is the only way I would choose to do such trips. I can go down any road or rut and make it out the other side. A pick-up (which I have also owned when i had a horse farm) would not have kept our gear as protected, and we would have had nowhere to put friends we met along our route.

WOW! That must have been one awesome car trip. I suppose you did it in the summertime, or at least trasversed the northenmost roads in a "reasonable" weather. Reasonable meaning only a couple of feet of snow....:confused:

Chilly 02-14-2006 07:02 PM

Re: Wrongheadedness is Constitional

Originally Posted by Delta Flyer
Yes, every red-blooded American has the right to deplete our oil supply and encouarge Global Warming more than they need to....

And yet you choose to live in a city that doesn't provide public transportation? It seems to me that if this was such a sore spot you would do more to fight the cause. I mean shouldn't someone as dedicated to the cause as yourself find an employeer who is only willing to pick locations serviced by public transportation? I mean what kind of message is it sending that you chose to live and work in a place that doesn't practive oil conservation. But like you say every American has the right to deplete our oil supply.

Let's assume you HAD to live in Lewisville for reasons outside of work and family. I can HOPE that you did the right thing purchased the smallest house available or built a house from all recycled materials. You do have a completely energy effecient home that is generates it's own power correct? I would hate to find out that you are actually connected to the energy grid.

If you have a lawn I also hope you use a mechanical rotary lawn mowers rather than one with a gas engine. I sure would hate for some self-righteous individual to drive by one day and take a picture of you mowing your lawn with a gas engine. Especially if that person was to post you image on the net and start making judgements regarding your personal choices in life.

Originally Posted by Delta Flyer
I took pictures of guys that I see daily that need a power truck/jumbo SUV only for an ego trip to differentiate then from the ones that actually need it.

I wonder who is on the real ego trip here. The guy minding his own business while driving down the freeway, or the person behind the camera who feels they are able to judge a persons motives, beliefs, and attitude in the brief second the pass them on the freeway. :rolleyes:

Delta Flyer 02-14-2006 08:02 PM

Re: Wrongheadedness is Constitional

Originally Posted by Chilly
And yet you choose to live in a city that doesn't provide public transportation? It seems to me that if this was such a sore spot you would do more to fight the cause. I mean shouldn't someone as dedicated to the cause as yourself find an employeer who is only willing to pick locations serviced by public transportation? I mean what kind of message is it sending that you chose to live and work in a place that doesn't practive oil conservation. But like you say every American has the right to deplete our oil supply.

Let's assume you HAD to live in Lewisville for reasons outside of work and family. I can HOPE that you did the right thing purchased the smallest house available or built a house from all recycled materials. You do have a completely energy effecient home that is generates it's own power correct? I would hate to find out that you are actually connected to the energy grid.

If you have a lawn I also hope you use a mechanical rotary lawn mowers rather than one with a gas engine. I sure would hate for some self-righteous individual to drive by one day and take a picture of you mowing your lawn with a gas engine. Especially if that person was to post you image on the net and start making judgements regarding your personal choices in life.

I wonder who is on the real ego trip here. The guy minding his own business while driving down the freeway, or the person behind the camera who feels they are able to judge a persons motives, beliefs, and attitude in the brief second the pass them on the freeway. :rolleyes:


You have made only nine posts here, still refuse to mention which part of the country you reside, and are foaming in the mouth on the last couple of posts - not a great introduction. Trying to decide if you're in the wrong automotive forum, a troller, or haven't shaken off a hangover...

While I did not directly attack you for buying a HH (and never intended to), you have gone out of your way to pick up a chip and knock it off your shoulder. Do you realize how childish your rant sounds of "if you disapprove of a hybrid Escalade, then you better live like a hard-cord Greenpeace activitist and live 100% off the grid?"

Your nickname may be "Chilly", but your apparent blood pressure is well over 120/80.

I don't need to add much more since you discredit yourself with your last couple of post far more effectively than anyone else.

Chilly 02-14-2006 09:35 PM

Re: Wrongheadedness is Constitional

Originally Posted by Delta Flyer

You have made only nine posts here, still refuse to mention which part of the country you reside, and are foaming in the mouth on the last couple of posts - not a great introduction. Trying to decide if you're in the wrong automotive forum, a troller, or haven't shaken off a hangover...

While I did not directly attack you for buying a HH (and never intended to), you have gone out of your way to pick up a chip and knock it off your shoulder. Do you realize how childish your rant sounds of "if you disapprove of a hybrid Escalade, then you better live like a hard-cord Greenpeace activitist and live 100% off the grid?"

Your nickname may be "Chilly", but your apparent blood pressure is well over 120/80.

I don't need to add much more since you discredit yourself with your last couple of post far more effectively than anyone else.

My issue is with your Judge Dread attitude towards TRUCK owners. As far as my blood pressure goes or foaming at the mouth, far from it. I could really careless what you think of me or the vehicles I drive.

As far as refusing to tell you where I live. Explain to me how that adds credibility? :confused:
Oh yeah I get it. Some one who disagrees with your fascist judgemental statements (more than in just this thread, I have seen several from you over the last few weeks) and now they must divulge what part of the country they live in to have their opinion mean anything. Nice way to divert the focus of the conversation.

You are right about one thing. You don't need to add much more. You have missed the entire point. But I guess even people who live in glass houses can have problems seeing what's outside.

Good Day Sir.

I said Good Day.

philmcneal 02-15-2006 12:57 AM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade
^^ seriously this is why we need a chatroom... so i can yell out...

(removed due to i don't want to get banned just yet)

no but seriously... Delta hates people who drives trucks for ego or to transport themselfs, Chilly owns one because he needs to carry items from time to time. Ok what's the problem here? Chilly hates how Delta hates truckers with no truck duties, but that's how he rolls. But Chilly doesn't roll that way!! What happens if the next person Delta starts hating on is actually a truck user not just some ego trucker?

Then that's when S*** IS GOING DOWN!! like above post^^

As for the cadillac hybrid its gonna be dope, i can picture all the rap stars making a big deal on how quiet it is. Maybe even corporate it into their music videos... and then when they sitting in the red light maybe finally they'll add some crazy whistling sounding affect for thier spinners. Then they'll definately be ballin!

Chilly 02-15-2006 07:27 AM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade

Originally Posted by philmcneal
^^ seriously this is why we need a chatroom... so i can yell out...

(removed due to i don't want to get banned just yet)

no but seriously... Delta hates people who drives trucks for ego or to transport themselfs, Chilly owns one because he needs to carry items from time to time. Ok what's the problem here? Chilly hates how Delta hates truckers with no truck duties, but that's how he rolls. But Chilly doesn't roll that way!! What happens if the next person Delta starts hating on is actually a truck user not just some ego trucker?

Then that's when S*** IS GOING DOWN!! like above post^^


Delta Flyer 02-15-2006 07:31 AM

I Have Voices in My Head Talking?

In case you haven't realized it, quite a few others that share similar views to mine - so you apparently hate them as well. You willfully choose to overlook my posts that state I was not dissing the HH, people that actually need to haul people/stuff more than a few times a year in a truck/SUV. You prefer to throw perjoritives like "fascist" and "Judge Dredd" to keep an agruement going. It's strange you are the only one launching these attacks. Why do you ignore these points or bother to say much about yourself such as a where you live? If you think a mysterious identity and a chip on your shoulder gives you any credibility, rant on. It's very common for trollers to give near zero info about themselves, as opposed to active members are geninuly interested in the forum. We just had one at the time you joined...

I and many others see huge vehicles bully their way down the highway and/or with drivers that are on some kind of power trip. Again, I did not say everyone does this, but I do see it daily (note: Chilly has some kind of behavioral disability that prevents him from understanding that qualification - common in trolls). Commercials appeal to the power and virility of power trucks and jumbo SUVs....could go on but suffice to say it's not an illusion I see out there...

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