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xcel 10-07-2005 10:03 AM

Re: First 600 mile tank
Hi HelterSkelter:

___If I know you, you would not be satisfied with just 80 miles on a 0 bar Fuel gauge, you would push it to 100! In the process, you might find out just how good you are at hypermiling as there is nothing quite like driving on absolute fumes when your local station is still 10 - 15 miles away ;)

___Good Luck

___Wayne R. Gerdes

inFiniTE LooP 10-26-2005 04:05 PM

Re: First 600 mile tank
add me to the 600 mile club :D :D :D


helterskelter683 10-26-2005 04:39 PM

Re: First 600 mile tank
Way to go! You've come a LONG ways from your first tanks here!

PS- Xcel, I never saw your post for some reason until now. You're right, it was a thrill to hypermile the crap out of an empty tank. When I did it for 700, I think I spent maybe only 40 miles on 0 bars and then called it a tank when I broke the barrier. This tank when the time comes you're absolutely right - I'm going for 100 on empty.

EricGo 10-26-2005 04:55 PM

Re: First 600 mile tank
I did not read that. I DID NOT READ THAT.
walks away muttering I DID NOT read that. So WHAT if I don't have a 700 mile tank!#!##%#

helterskelter683 10-27-2005 04:39 PM

Re: First 600 mile tank
Hehe yeah but you got me beat - I'm still waiting for a 60 MPG tank. ;)

laurie 10-27-2005 07:23 PM

Re: First 600 mile tank
darn, i didn' t know there was a club....

i did a 632 mile tank a few weeks ago, and stopped to fill up. found out i still had a little less than 2 gallons left. nuts. i could have had a 700..... :(

KLCarch 10-28-2005 06:02 AM

Re: First 600 mile tank
I hate you people with the big tank! I have the itty bitty pzev tank- ugh. I got a 650 tank this summer- but 700 is pretty damm far out of reach for me.
I wish I'd thought of taking a picture though.....
not that anyone I know- including my husband and kids- would look at it. I don't even dare mention mileage around here anymore.
and while we're on the subject of mileage- my I just say....THIS COLD WEATHER STINKS!!! I am seriously depressed about my current tank average!

laurie 10-28-2005 06:44 AM

Re: First 600 mile tank

Originally Posted by KLCarch
I hate you people with the big tank! I have the itty bitty pzev tank- ugh. I got a 650 tank this summer- but 700 is pretty damm far out of reach for me.
I wish I'd thought of taking a picture though.....
not that anyone I know- including my husband and kids- would look at it. I don't even dare mention mileage around here anymore.
and while we're on the subject of mileage- my I just say....THIS COLD WEATHER STINKS!!! I am seriously depressed about my current tank average!

oh dear, do you have one of those spouses who doesn't care? :cry: :cry: thank goodness mine got over his need for speed when he sold his ford lightening pickup. we have a 4x4 chevy but only use it for hauling feed and other farm stuff. he commutes to work in my old 93 civic, and gets great mileage in it.

i am still waiting for cold. it's almost the end of october and here in minnesota, we are still having 50-60s during the day. not right!!! i can maintain my 54-55mpg, but don't know what will happen when it's more like zero. i will be happy if i can keep it over 50 all winter.

laurie 10-28-2005 06:45 AM

Re: First 600 mile tank
kate, as i read your post again, i wondered why you ended up with the smaller tank? are they sold in certain regions?

helterskelter683 10-28-2005 04:30 PM

Re: First 600 mile tank

Originally Posted by laurie

i can maintain my 54-55mpg, but don't know what will happen when it's more like zero. i will be happy if i can keep it over 50 all winter.

Muahahaha I finally get my payoff for having to run AC in 105 degree heat all summer long. Maybe I'll be able to inch closer to some of you 50+ MPGers as winter sets in. ;)

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