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Anahymbrid 06-11-2007 11:46 AM

Re: Spoiler vs Trunk Lid Update
Sorry... didn't mean to downplay your concerns regarding your specific actions to get this corrected. My comment was really related to the "I smell class action lawsuit" comment.

I understand your frustration and I support your cause to get a fair solution in a timely manner. I just have a problem when someone...in their very first post here... starts screaming "Lawyer!" for what is a relatively minor issue.

gumby 06-14-2007 10:14 PM

Re: Spoiler vs Trunk Lid Update

Originally Posted by Anahymbrid (Post 129288)
I just have a problem when someone...in their very first post here... starts screaming "Lawyer!" for what is a relatively minor issue.


shoebox303 06-15-2007 07:58 AM

Re: Spoiler vs Trunk Lid Update
Excerpts from the latest email from my Service Manager:


I'm surprised at this as well. Honda is typically a very proactive company and is always more than fair with their customers. I contacted my DPSM again and shared the other responses with him. He said he had no knowledge of the "working on a fix" situation.

My suggestion at this point is for you to call the 1-800-999-1009 customer relations number and see if they can dig deeper into the situation than I can. I work with them all the time to help customers. They are very helpful. You can have them call me and I can fill them in on what we have done to try and help you get a resolution. I do have tech line reference number that I can give them so that they can research and confirm what I was told by tech line."

It appears that lots of different people with this issue are getting lots of different messages, and no actual organized attempt at a remedy has been estalished. Anybody that wants to help can call that number.

ravadac 06-18-2007 02:24 PM

Re: Spoiler vs Trunk Lid Update
I called Honda. They're going to put me in touch with the case manager. She said that my old case was older then 6 months when it was closed because the service manager never relayed the message to them (don't know completely).

I opened a new case #:

CASE #N012007-06-1801559

I agree that it's minor, but the fact is simple. My paint has already worn down to the primer in a year of ownership. My spoiler can easily be wiggled by hand. I live in a climate that uses a lot of salt and I don't want huge holes in my trunk in a couple of years. I want everything documented now so that I have extra ammunition in the future should they decide not to rectify the problem with the moving spoiler.


CantRememberLogin 06-18-2007 03:59 PM

Re: Spoiler vs Trunk Lid Update

Originally Posted by ravadac (Post 130415)
I live in a climate that uses a lot of salt and I don't want huge holes in my trunk in a couple of years.

Absolutely right. Anyone seen the trunk of an old Dodge Neon? Practically all of them have huge splotches of missing paint on the back. I'm sure it all started years before when someone said, "hey, there's a small bit of paint chipped off my trunk."

That wasn't caused by the same problem as this, but the idea is the same. A small problem today could turn into a big problem in a few years.

shoebox303 06-19-2007 12:47 PM

Re: Spoiler vs Trunk Lid Update
I had some time to sit down and call Honda today at the suggestion of my Service Manager. The gentleman I spoke with looked up my VIN number and said he did not see any references to the spoiler/trunk issue. I specifically remember calling and opening a case regarding it several months ago, but he said that the case did not exist. Maybe mine was older than 6 months, too! He opened a "new" one and took the tech line reference information. He also said he was going to forward the case to a regional case manager who would contact me. My case number is now N012007-06-1901111.

I would stress the importance for anyone looking for a fix to make sure and tell your Honda contacts that you personally know of at least 25-30 people who are having this same issue nationwide (from the poll posted on this site). They continue to claim that this is a single event; thus no priority for a fix.


shoebox303 06-20-2007 12:39 PM

Re: Spoiler vs Trunk Lid Update
I appears that Honda has decided to do nothing.

I just got off the phone with a regional case manager who stated the following:
1. They are merely an information gathering agency who can't/don't recommend fixes.
2. They don't know what to do about the problem, and simply don't have enough complaints to give it any more attention.
3. My problem is documented at Honda, so if I continue to have the problem in the future, they'll "fix" it (and when it occurs again, they'll fix it, and then I'll have the problem, and then they'll fix it, I'll have the problem, they'll fix it, I'll have the problem, they'll fix it, and so on).
4. I asked him if there were any more steps I could take with Honda to try to find a permanent fix, and he said there were not.

Discouraging, to say the least.

sparksongs 06-27-2007 02:16 PM

Re: Spoiler vs Trunk Lid Update
In case anyone's interested, I've had a case # on the trunk spoiler issue with Honda since Nov 06 (I have an 06 HCH2). I met and talked to the Regional Rep back then, and he was surprised that the spoiler moved as much as it did. He checked others in the lot and they moved as well; since then, nothing from Honda. Interestingly enough, the service rep at my dealer pulled the drawings of the trunk and discovered that the Civic Hybrid is the only Honda vehicle that uses clips to secure the outside edges of the spoiler while using bolts to secure the center; all other Honda vehicles use bolts across the entire spoiler (probably why it moves - duh!). Anyway, since Honda has yet to come up with any kind of fix, my dealer (Schaumburg Honda, Schaumburg IL) decided to perform the following fix for me, which was done today:

-Put two-sided tape under the spoiler
-Place a dab of silicone at each corner under the spoiler
-Re-bolt/re-clip the spoiler on to the trunk lid

As of now (I just picked-up the car), you cannot move the spoiler at all, whereas before each edge slid a good eighth-of-an-inch back and forth. If you look at it from the side, the spoiler is up off the lid the thickness of the tape, so even if it does move a bit, it won't scratch the paint (by the way, it's the same "tape" used to place the "Hybrid" and "Civic" emblems on the back of the trunk). I have no idea if this fix will be permanent, but as of now, I'm satisfied - we'll see how it goes.

One last thing: The Service Rep told me that if there are any other Civic Hybrid owners in the Chicago-area that would like this done, all they need to do is call. If anyone's interested, let me know and I'll send you his name and phone #.

gumby 11-02-2007 08:10 PM

Re: Spoiler vs Trunk Lid Update
1 Attachment(s)
(posting my experience of today here, as well).

I WAS going to take my car in for the 1st recall, and the window regulator replacement, at my B1 service interval (and had even made the appointment). I WAS going to show them MY trunk-lid/spoiler paint issue at that time. That WAS late August. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I had to postpone all of that until now. I did get the B1 service done at the quickie-shop set up as part of my Honda dealership service area.
So yesterday, I get both recalls done, and the window regulator replacement, and showed them the spoiler paint issue. They got most of the work done yesterday, but were waiting on a part, so I did not pick the car up until this afternoon. Yesterday afternoon, they told me (over the phone) that Honda (nor this dealership) had any record of such spoiler/paint issues, and they offered me touch-up paint :confused: . Like that's going to fix the problem :angry: The service advisor was nice to me over the phone (although I probably wasn't so nice to him). I told him I'd like to speak to the service manager when I pick up the car (which was today). So last night I went on a crusade through GreenHybrid's site, looking for and printing all relevant blogs (many of which I participated in), polls, etc. about this spoiler/paint issue. I wrote up a little summary about my discoveries. That, along with about 50 printed pages of blogs *might* be enough to get them thinking that this is not just me and my car. The summary I wrote is attached.

-- Fast forward to pick-up time this afternoon --

All the recall work, etc is done. No charge for even the center console lid, whose cheap plastic clasp had broken. Good. I saw the service advisor, and asked to speak with the service manager. Shortly, we were all 3 peering at my spoiler. The service advisor stated that this was the first one he'd ever seen. Hard to believe, but I have no reason to doubt him. He seemed genuinely interested and took some time with me. I gave him the 50-page pile of GreenHybrid articles, and my cover letter. I pointed out the 2 CASE numbers that I know about regarding this issue, pointed out the 48 members reporting this same issue, and proceeded to show him selected PICTURES that several had uploaded showing the same problem. He took two pictures of mine. I think he's a little more interested now. I explain that the hybrid's spoiler is attached at the ends using clips rather than bolts, and that this may be a contributing factor. He unscrews a couple fasteners on the felt underside of the trunk to take a look - sure enough there are 2 clips on each end.
I explain what some dealerships have tried, and that every case seems like it's the first time Honda's EVER heard about it - which just can't be true. I'm still not sure I've convinced him to pursue this any further, so I ask him if there are other hybrids in for service today, or even on the new/used car lot. The service advisor runs to check on the cars in service for the day (don't remember the results of that search), as the service manager and I check out the new car lot. We find one. I'm not sure if there is more than one new hybrid on the lot or not. It didn't matter. This BRAND NEW HONDA CIVIC HYBRID (2007, I think) HAS THE ISSUE. He's visibly stunned. We walk back to his area and proceed with further discussion. Since it was late Friday, he's going to call around on Monday, and try to find out the "real" scoop. He mentioned calling the "tech-line" and other things I don't quite remember (I'm sick today, on top of it all!). Anyway, he seemed like he was earnestly going to try to get an answer for me. Not sure if an answer will come from Honda, since they seem to be dodging this issue quite successfully, but maybe something good will come of this. I asked him to refer to the two case numbers as well as the evidence on his own new-car lot, to try pushing for an answer. I told him that if he didn't hear an answer that was satisfactory, that I wanted to open up a CASE number, too. Not that it appears to matter much, but at least it's evidence of a problem. And believe you me, I'll have so much HARD EVIDENCE, that it'll be difficult for Honda to deny that this issue is THEIRS.
I plan to take pictures of hybrids on new-car lots this weekend to PROVE this is a factory-designed FLAW.

I want to thank everyone that has pursued this with Honda in the past, and even those (like me) that have just reported the issue - if only on this site.
If we cannot get any satisfaction from this, I may ask (as others have) that you report it to a dealer, start a CASE number, and tell us what the CASE numbers are. Honda has been very unwilling to own up to this problem, and are even so bold as to NOT fix it at the assembly line! That makes NO sense, other than the fact that probably 1 in 100 owners would notice this problem and try to get Honda to fix it. Follow the money. It must be cheaper to "deny, deny, well OK, we'll fix it" for that 1 in 100, than it is to redesign the spoiler, or its attachment to the lid.


Bobs Metallic Pearl 11-03-2007 12:14 PM

Re: Spoiler vs Trunk Lid Update
When I had mine fixed, the dealer informed me that the repair cost Honda over $800, not a minor problem I would say. :angry:

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