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Flash 09-20-2006 09:05 PM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available
Shelly - You should have your FE drop to 12 mpg for a day for your comment about bland colors for the '06 HCH. Shame on you! I ordered for and waited for the Magnetic Pearl color specifically and love it and many people who see it (in the sunlight) comment on its color.

I would like many other features too but if this would cause the price to inflate to $35k then it might not have been in my price range but at $23k it was possible. THings that make you go hmmmmm.

shawnb 09-20-2006 10:50 PM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available

Originally Posted by Mongster
I would like to have HID Xenon light and LED tail light.:)

The HID Xenon light (headlight) and LED tail lights, while bright and fancy, make my eyes twitch at night and I've nearly missed objects before because my eyes couldn't focus when the majority of what -- in my entire field of vision -- is the brightest and attacts my focus most and make my eyes twitch. I'd be happy if fewer people had them.

But they aren't as bad as the people that have those slightly bluish/purple flourescent headlines... I actually have to pull over and wait about 30 second after I don't see them anymore before continuing to drive again.

I have two coworkers that have similar problems (with the bluish/purples eye twitchers mostly on BMW's) with these lights and a family member but I have the problem the worse of anyone I've heard of.


JordanCS 09-21-2006 03:54 AM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available

Originally Posted by Flash
Shame on you! I ordered for and waited for the Magnetic Pearl color specifically and love it and many people who see it (in the sunlight) comment on its color.

The Mag Pearl is beautiful. Unfortunately, it's the only one that's really a 'wow' color. I have the Alabaster Silver, and when it's clean, it really shimmers, and is quite a beautiful finish. If it gets dirty, though, it looks like just another silver car. I wanted the Mag Pearl, but the choice was: wait 10 days for the silver, or 6 weeks for the Mag Pearl. Since I drive a LOT (200+ miles / day), it was worth getting the Silver earlier. It's a very nice silver, I must say, and it looks great with the body design of the HCH, but you have to admit, the colors on the HCH are limited.

There is ONE car with real color, the Mag Pearl. The rest are neutral colors, or very slightly colored. No real saturation of color on the other finishes. Also, while it's a pretty nice finish, can anyone explain why the Galaxy Grey is actually tan?

Gobbles 09-21-2006 06:06 AM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available
Auto-shut off headlights & Keypad entry. Hate being locked out of a dead car. :confused:

Anahymbrid 09-21-2006 11:03 AM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available

Originally Posted by JordanCS
The Mag Pearl is beautiful. Unfortunately, it's the only one that's really a 'wow' color. I have the Alabaster Silver, and when it's clean, it really shimmers, and is quite a beautiful finish.

I've got the silver, too. I really liked the red in the non-hybrid civic... but alas, not available in hybrid! My choice was silver with a one month wait... or Mag Pearl with a two month wait. In light of the dwindling California carpool stickers, I felt it was safer to go with the silver! That was back in February... and they're just running out of the stickers now. I guess I could have waited!!!:confused:

IMAhybrid 09-21-2006 03:22 PM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available

Originally Posted by shawnb
The HID Xenon light (headlight) and LED tail lights, while bright and fancy, make my eyes twitch at night and I've nearly missed objects before because my eyes couldn't focus when the majority of what -- in my entire field of vision -- is the brightest and attacts my focus most and make my eyes twitch. I'd be happy if fewer people had them.


The reason I would want them is they (both the HIDs and LEDs) use less energy.

AshenGrey 09-21-2006 04:35 PM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available
I'd likw to see the fun FIT colors offered for the HCH-II.

ShellyD 09-21-2006 05:54 PM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available
Ouch, Flash!! I didn't say any of the colors were ugly, just that they were overall quite bland....

I have the Alabaster Silver, and I agree with the poster who said it is a great silver when clean and shiny, but it becomes just another silver car when it has even a little dirt on it. That's okay -- I wanted the car for its MPG and style, the hair color is insignificant!

SloopJohnB 09-21-2006 05:57 PM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available
I like my car, but I have a wishlist anyway:
  • Cupholders in the back. A pull down console in the middle of the back seat would be ideal.
  • Auto Lights: Heck, GM can do this, why can't Honda? This is actually one of my favorite features on my Impala. And I'm afraid that one time somebody will tell me that I left my lights on, and I will just tell him/her, "Oh, they'll turn off," and forget that I'm driving the Civic and not the Chevy.
  • Lumbar support on the front seat.
  • Access from trunk to back seat.
  • Better autostop in stop/go situations. It does surprisingly well, but there are times when it would be nice for the driver to signal the car that it was driven intentionally (if only for a car length) and not just rolled, so that it would autostop if otherwise able.
  • A parking brake that doesn't stick out so much and isn't so annoying in general. Why not a foot pedal? I'm so conditioned to release the parking brake with my left foot while shifting in reverse (almost like a clutch) that I keep plowing my foot into that foot rest thing, and wonder where the brake went to... But I've dealt with lever types as well (the Protegé had a lever, IIRC). The Civic's is by far the goofiest (and most in the way) of any of them.:angry:
  • Bluetooth would be nice also. But as my salesman said when I asked, "This ain't a Lexus..."

WRXSTi 09-21-2006 07:50 PM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available

Come-on... Honda hook-up the lights to ignition ?!?!

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