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Kennedy 05-05-2008 12:42 PM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available
^ You spent $5000 to get something I added to my HCH II for $220?

I looked at the Camry when I shopped, and Toyota must line those cylinders with gold for the price they command for them. As of 3 weeks ago, my Civic was 3K less than any Toyota Hybrid out there. I've since spent about $900 on doo dads... New speakers, fog lights, Parrot 3200 bluetooth, illuminated door sills, leather EX steering wheel... love it... and still cheaper than a Toyota.

gumby 05-05-2008 05:34 PM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available
I agree that it's unfortunate that Honda isn't leading the way in gadget technology (especially with the hybrid crowd more likely to at least understand what the doodads are!).
But, there are alternatives, like Chris just stated.
At any rate, the Camry Hybrid is a sweet car, and I know you'll love it. Welcome to our club, BTW.

spinner 05-06-2008 06:51 AM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available

Originally Posted by Kennedy (Post 171064)
^ You spent $5000 to get something I added to my HCH II for $220?

You spend $220 for something that is "permanent" to your car? I spent $70 for a Bluetooth headset that I can take with me wherever I want. Not to be too facetious... My input is in the same vein as the debate over built-in navigator versus portable navigator.

Kennedy 05-07-2008 08:59 AM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available

Originally Posted by spinner (Post 171131)
You spend $220 for something that is "permanent" to your car? I spent $70 for a Bluetooth headset that I can take with me wherever I want. Not to be too facetious... My input is in the same vein as the debate over built-in navigator versus portable navigator.

Parrot 3200 capabilites and benefits FAR outweight those of a headset.
- Full integrated
- Voice dail
- Nothing to lose or charge or forget
- Totally Handsfree
- Visual and phot call ID
- Audio through the speakers, auto radio mute

I could go on.

Not permanent either. PnP using a quickconnect harness and panavise. I can remove it in under an hour with no permanent marks.

Only thing I don;t liek is the "afterthought" appearance... But the panavise mount gives it a nice technical feel.

mhbroker 05-07-2008 09:15 AM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available
Cheap is not neccesarily the best way to go. If so, I would not have 2 1/2 baths in my home. Could have opted for a hose and porta pottie out back....much cheaper but not as nice.

davidwells 05-08-2008 08:15 AM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available

Originally Posted by spinner (Post 171131)
You spend $220 for something that is "permanent" to your car? I spent $70 for a Bluetooth headset that I can take with me wherever I want. Not to be too facetious... My input is in the same vein as the debate over built-in navigator versus portable navigator.

Understood, but I've gone through 4 or 5 BT headsets and continue to get and have complaints about "under water" sound and fumbling to stick it in my ear when the phone rings. No, didn't care to have it stuck in my ear all the time.

So the Parrot has been even better than expected, no complaints from either end of the conversation. Works so well, I'm having one installed in our new Odyssey.

Different strokes...

tanstaafl14 05-14-2008 08:05 AM

Re: HCH-II Most Wanted Feature Not Available
  1. On-demand full electric mode in stop/go conditions.
  2. On-demand RPM-based cruise control (for hilly terrain).
  3. Integrated backup alarm.
  4. Option to not have lights flash when remotely unlocking.

Those are my top wishes. Further down the list are the 007-related features like smokescreen, oil slick, front & rear machine guns, passenger ejector seat, etc. :)

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