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gumby 09-19-2006 08:59 PM

Re: The emergency brake handle is killing my knee!

Originally Posted by kenny
How about a bungie cord around your right leg with both ends tied to the driver's armrest?

:) :)
Gotta luv Kenny! To the point and with simple, straight-forward solutions.

SrfCity 09-19-2006 09:29 PM

Re: The emergency brake handle is killing my knee!
Yea, checked it today and at 6' 1" no problems, even if I try. :D

BRMeyer 09-21-2006 05:02 PM

Re: The emergency brake handle is killing my knee!
The emergency brake handle gets my right knee as well. I am 6' even. It's more of an issue driving around town but on the highway I use the cruise control to enable my right leg to find a more comfortable postion.

Flash 09-22-2006 01:11 AM

Re: The emergency brake handle is killing my knee!
----- Informal survey -----

Can we have a height check here? It seems uncanny that so many folks in this thread are between 6'0" and 6'4" ...

I'm 6'0" and from time to time when the seat is moved I have to readjust it so I don't hit the e-brake. Sometimes it is the pivoting on the gas pedal with my heel directly inline with the gas pedal and sometimes I offset my heel to between the gas pedal and brake pedal. I don't want to make a hole in the floormat so I keep changing where I put my heel every 50-100 miles (or when my foot gets tired on long drives). Sometimes with the seat in the perfect place just moving my foot a little makes me hit the e-brake again but the ideal position *is* out there as I've found it. Seat is not all the way up or down and seatback is more vertical than I usually drive in other cars but this also lets me reach the Nav screen comfortably.

Anyway, height poll and your comfort level with the e-brake if you will. This should be fun.

06 HCH in Georgetown TX 09-22-2006 06:43 AM

Re: The emergency brake handle is killing my knee!
I started reading this thread the other day...and like many, I can't figure how anybody is having an issue with their knee hitting the emergency/parking brake lever. I am at 6', and don't come anywhere close to it while driving...or any other time.

The only thing I can think of is that the seat is set up way too close to the steering wheel, causing you to have to bend your leg at the knee to the side. Guess the next question would be how close are you sitting to the steering wheel? To be that close to the steering wheel would sure be uncomfortable!


Bob, 06 HCH 001055

blinkard 09-22-2006 12:44 PM

Re: The emergency brake handle is killing my knee!
I think it may be more productive to compare inseams, rather than height, because it's more the length of your legs than your overall height that's gonna make a difference.

I have no problem with the handle, at 6'2", 33" inseam.

But it's probably just the way we sit. I *can* move my leg so that the handle pokes my knee, but it's not the way I normally sit. (For the record, I have the seat all the way down and back.)

Anahymbrid 09-22-2006 02:11 PM

Re: The emergency brake handle is killing my knee!
I'm just a hair under 6 foot. I've never had a problem with the handle. Actually, this was in a thread a long time ago... about the time I was shopping for the car. The posts concerned me, but when I finally got the car I realized there was no problem (at least for me!). The only ergonomics issue I've had with the car is getting in and out of it. It's a bit lower than my old SUV!!!

ShawnS 09-22-2006 02:41 PM

Re: The emergency brake handle is killing my knee!
I'm 6' and the e-brake handle hurt my knee until I readjusted my driving position. I put the seat back as far as possible (while still reaching the pedals easily) and then pulled the steering wheel toward me until my arms were comfortable (i.e. not straight out). Moving the seat back allowed for less bent knees, which (for me) was the key to getting more comfy.

Unfortunately, once you find the sweet spot, nobody else will be allowed to drive the car. What, no memory power seats?!?!? ;)

Forint 09-22-2006 03:00 PM

Re: The emergency brake handle is killing my knee!
I’m only 6’2” and have not found this to be a problem yet, but I use my right hand to operate the emergency brake and not my legs. On a more serious note, Have you tried adjusting the seat height yet?

Hwy10Civic 09-22-2006 05:17 PM

Re: Grabbing my pants
Only a 29" inseam here, and I would never have said it was a problem until you people put the thought into my head. Now I'm noticing it (sort of).

However, when wearing pants with cuffs, they snag on the cool looking plastic seat thing when I get out of the car.

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