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-   -   Photos of 1000 lb interior load in the Escape (https://electricvehicleforums.com/forums/ford-escape-hybrid-26/photos-1000-lb-interior-load-escape-14656/)

nitramjr 07-30-2007 04:54 AM

Re: Photos of 1000 lb interior load in the Escape

Originally Posted by gpsman1 (Post 136295)
I stand by everything I posted so far, since it is correct in all respects.

Does this include the nonsense you posted that it is "illegal" for a hybrid car to start up in EV and drive away without the ICE coming on? You aren't the guru you believe yourself to be...

No need to flame me folks - I am out of here again. I remember now why I quit hanging around here.

And for the manners police, thank you. Have a nice day please.

DSewhuk 07-30-2007 05:24 AM

Re: Photos of 1000 lb interior load in the Escape
Did about the same thing with about 1200 lbs of gravel in bags for my patio. There are a couple of big hills, at least for WNY, to climb from Home Depot and I didn't notice any serious lugging. It seemed to do as well if not better than my old V6 Jeep Cherokee.

As an experiment I did the trip with cruise on at the posted speed limit of 35 and the tach registered a few more RPMs going up the hill with gravel than there was without. The CVT didn't seem to "downshift" much for that load.

BTW, no ill effects on the battery box, looks a straight as ever. I think the later poster figured the effective load per unit area was relatively low. Just don't put downward pointing "pointy" objects under the gravel/pellets/etc. The carpet will also help distribute the load from localized contact points as well.


mtberman 07-30-2007 07:25 AM

Re: Photos of 1000 lb interior load in the Escape
From the times on the photos, it only took Bill and his helpers 8 minutes to load up. Not bad!! I wonder if the third load went in quite so fast...

We occasionally load my '08 with 150 lbs of mountain bikes & rack equipment on the roof, 700+ lbs of passengers inside and 200-250 lbs of gear in back. That's 1100+ lbs. The vehicle is now at about 4500 miles and I saw 26 MPG yesterday in mountain driving, 28 in slower driving. With regular loads I'm just shy of 30 MPG.

I can not think of any other vehicle that could handle these loads while returning the same level of performance and economy. My passengers mentioned the need for rear A/C outlets, however. With 4 guys who have just finished a long ride in hot & humid weather, you need some air flowing through the vehicle.

travelover 07-30-2007 09:01 AM

Re: Photos of 1000 lb interior load in the Escape

Originally Posted by GaryG (Post 136288)
Ray did not attack anyone, just Johns reasoning. On the other hand, your questioning Ray's manners. Lets all play nice and respond to the issues.


Calling someone's post garbage is an attack.

You GaryG have a long history of squabbles and attacks on this board. So, yes, let's play nice.

travelover 07-30-2007 09:27 AM

Re: Photos of 1000 lb interior load in the Escape

Originally Posted by nitramjr (Post 136341)
No need to flame me folks - I am out of here again. I remember now why I quit hanging around here.

And for the manners police, thank you. Have a nice day please.

Don't let the door hit you in the a$$. :kiss2:

spud 07-30-2007 12:00 PM

Re: Photos of 1000 lb interior load in the Escape

Originally Posted by travelover (Post 136382)
Don't let the door hit you in the a$$.:kiss2:

Originally Posted by travelover (Post 136382)
You GaryG have a long history of squabbles and attacks on this board. So, yes, let's play nice.

GaryG - 877 posts, Join Date: 05-03-2005

Ray - 679 posts, Join Date: 06-03-2005

Tom - 36 posts, Join Date: 01-12-2007.

hmmm...someone's a little full of himself, eh? Chill pill is in order, dude.

travelover 07-30-2007 12:04 PM

Re: Photos of 1000 lb interior load in the Escape

Originally Posted by spud (Post 136421)
hmmm...someone's a little full of himself, eh? Chill pill is in order, dude.

There was a period when GaryG sulked off and quit posting. I really enjoyed that time. Maybe he'll take the hint and leave again. :omg:

spud 07-30-2007 01:12 PM

Re: Photos of 1000 lb interior load in the Escape

Originally Posted by travelover (Post 136425)
There was a period when GaryG sulked off and quit posting. I really enjoyed that time. Maybe he'll take the hint and leave again. :omg:


You may have missed my point there pard.

I say the forum is better with hardcores like Gary and Ray, spits or not!! And as a subscriber to GH, IMHO you don't have the brass or long of tooth (on GH) to tell off these guys. In this context my opinion is as valid as yours, but YOU are infringing on my enjoyment of GH.

Let me put it another way. I lurk on GH because I want to read the fanatics, the hardcores, pioneers, trendsetters, first adopters, extreme folks, what ever you want to call it, like Gary and Ray.

I'm not here to read simple enthusiast like Tom or Steve (uh that's you or me). Squabbles or not I learn from those guys and I'd bet money all of them are good folks to have as neighbors.

Tom, relax dude, you have to much ego invested in this very tiny slice of cyberpie. That can't be good for ya.

travelover 07-30-2007 02:08 PM

Re: Photos of 1000 lb interior load in the Escape

Originally Posted by spud (Post 136437)

You may have missed my point there pard.

I think you missed my point. There is no excuse to call other people's opinions "garbage".

Some posters think that because they have some limited special knowledge they have a license to be the forum bullies. I'd rather not have them around if they can't treat others posters with respect.

Just my opinion, "pard".

gpsman1 07-30-2007 02:18 PM

Re: Photos of 1000 lb interior load in the Escape
Steve, average econ 55.5 MPG on what, going down your driveway?
I see your FEH is at about 32 MPG, and that's very good for a 4x4.
Be proud of that.
Maybe changing that icon in your sig would be a little less deceptive?
( Now if it said instant MPG 55.5, that would be more realisitic...)
I can tell you from years of practice, it is very hard to keep a 37.5 MPG average, overall, and usually requires sacrifices like no A/C use, or hauling 1000 pounds of wood pellets. The day I moved from my old home to my current home, I was way loaded up, and made lots of short trips, and got about 29.0 MPG for example. Cheers,

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