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nightracerx 04-05-2006 06:54 PM

Re: Fed up with Ford
Well, you are buying a Ford! Not Toyota! Not Honda!

Ford Escape Hybrid is the first hybrid vehicle mass produced by Ford, and 2005 is their first model year, usually the first model year will have more problems than later on models.

For your case, don't even talk to the dealership, just call Ford headquarter in Michigan directly, their phone number is listed on the Ford website.

Before I purchase my 2005 Ford Escape Hybrid, I test drove six of them before I choose the one I have now. In the six SUVs I test drove, each felt differently, one even had huge noise from the rear wheels, and it's a brand new car with 12 miles on odometer in dealer's lot, and not to mention the two other ones with poor alignments. Although I picked the best one, my truck still had two major mechanical problems each occured at 3000 miles and 5000 miles.

Overall, my conclusion is, if you want reliability, don't get American cars. Get any Asian car except KIA, preferable Toyota and Honda. For European cars, only BMW, no VW, no Mercedes, no Audi.

jmorton10 04-05-2006 07:46 PM

Re: Fed up with Ford

Originally Posted by nightracerx
Overall, my conclusion is, if you want reliability, don't get American cars. Get any Asian car except KIA, preferable Toyota and Honda. For European cars, only BMW, no VW, no Mercedes, no Audi.

I would agree, except for the BMW -they are not all that dependable either. I know, I work at a car dealer.

I have a neighbor who has both a 3 series Beemer & an Acura RL. He has 56,000 miles on the Beemer & it would take an hour to describe all the problems he has had with it. The Acura on the other hand has 139,000 miles on it & he has never had one single solitary problem with it.


AZMerf 04-05-2006 08:35 PM

Re: Fed up with Ford
Take Ford's offer of the stripped down version and then sell it imediately. At least you'll be able to sell something worth selling (not selling your problem to someone else) and maybe you won't take as much of a loss. It is ridiculous that they are making you drive an unsafe vehicle. I guess this is what happens when corporations run the government.

I have a regular Escape and was very nervous buying my first American car in 25 years. I am not too disappointed because at least I don't have the problems you're having. However, they can't compare to the quality of my HCH.

Mtn Dog 04-05-2006 08:59 PM

Re: Fed up with Ford
For the record, I drove a Ford Mustang GT for 10 years and a Ford Mustang 6 Cyl for 8 more years - neither one of them had any major mechanical problems and neither one ever left me stranded. Ford can build good cars and stand by them, they just need to perfect the science and engineering that goes into them over time. My two Mustangs were 5.0 L and 3.8 L respectively with transmissions that have been around forever.

Bigsweeps, yours sounds like a lemon. I can't believe the FEH can potentially shut down wherever it is and not even move! But the second model year of any line is usually a huge difference from the first year for most auto manufacturers as they climb the learning curve. On the new hybrid I'm sure the learning curve is much higher and steeper than most rigs and Ford is ultimately going to learn a lot from your Escape.

The Toyota Highlander hybrid is a sweet ride and their engineers have more hybrid years behind them. Its battery is 2nd generation and the motors are more powerful (and who can sneeze at 268 HP!!!). Our 2WD Highlander Limited was only $5,500 more than our loaded 4WD FEH. If you want a hybrid SUV I think its worth the jump if you can swing it financially (did I mention it holds 7?).

Hybrid_SUV 04-06-2006 02:52 AM

Re: Fed up with Ford

Originally Posted by bigsweeps
To start, my 2005 Escape Hybrid has 17,800 miles. I had the front wheel bearings replaced at 3,000 miles (strange grinding brake-like sound coming from the wheels at slow speeds or turning left). Even after they replaced the wheel bearings, I still had grinding noises. At odd times (not easily reproducable), the truck would surge forward when coming to a stop. Then at 15,000 miles I was driving to work and the "high motor temperature" warning came on. Lovely. That ended up being a water pump failing (or so the technical bulletin from Ford thought). After being in service for almost a week, I picked it up from the dealer and on the way home noticed that the fans for the battery and the electric motor were on at least 3 times as much as before. A week later, I brought it back but they assured me that everything was fine and I must be crazy. About a week later, the "high motor temperature" warning happened again (this time I was 35 miles from home). I tried to get off the highway, but the truck just shut itself off right in front of a transit bus. (Apparently it will do that if it thinks the engine is in danger of serious overheating) Thank goodness I wasn't hit by the bus! So back it went for service (this time at a different dealership). The service manager said he thought the vehicle had a short - but couldn't find it and the TSB said to replace the pump and fuse again. A week later, I get it back, but he said he can't tell me that it's fixed. Great!

I raised a ruckus at my dealership and they called the regional service manager and an engineer to come look at my truck. They hooked it up to a computer, drove it around, looked it over and told me "I'm sure it's fixed". They offered me an extended warrantee to "try to make things right" and then sent me off with a data recorder hooked up to my truck "just in case something else happened". Well, wouldn't you know.....we went to pick up my husband's new Civic Hybrid and when I was leaving (following him), the truck had a "service soon" warning and yellow wrench light and then died within about 2 seconds. (I was about to pull into traffic when it happened). When it dies, it COMPLETELY shuts down....you can't even get it out of gear. It's pretty scary!)

So now it's been back at the dealer for a week (and counting). This time, Ford offered me a replacement vehicle. Sounds good huh.......well - they won't give me one equally equipped. I have to either take a stripped down version or pony up the cash to pay for the options I have. After the experiences I've had with Ford - let's just say I'll be dam**d to give them another penny.

I'm rather annoyed at how many problems my truck has had. I can't get anywhere with Ford customer service. And the best part is that the regional customer service manager is telling me that if I don't accept her offer, I have to take my death trap back and be stuck with it. (That's when I can get her to return my calls.....which is almost impossible).

I can file for the Lemon Law, but that takes 60+ days and in the meantime, I have to drive my truck (or pay $$$$ for a rental - which I just don't have the means to do right now).

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get higher up at Ford? Am I being unreasonable not wanting to accept a lower replacement vehicle?


Sorry to hear about your problems. In Ford's "replacement vehicle" offer....did they offer to replace with a 2005 or a 2006? Were they going to deduct anything for mileage? How much is the difference between the "stripper" and the "loaded" replacement vehicle? These are all important questions...

My point is this....I think you should consider the offer. The resale value of your 2005 with 17,000 miles will be less than the value of a brand new 2006 stripper model. You may find you come out ahead financially....although certainly not mentally given all the problems you've had.

Then you can decide whether to sell that vehicle or give Ford another try. (I think I know the answer!) I guess what I'm trying to say is Ford's offer may not be all that bad of a deal when you figure depreciation. You really take a risk when you buy a new car--first year depreciation is so high...if you have to sell or trade for any reason.(Although that's still no excuse for a crappy lemon!)

Maybe you can talk them into throwing some options in there for free or reduced cost...and lessen the financial blow. (esp. if you tell them a deal will keep you from filing a Lemon Law complaint). Good Luck


bigsweeps 04-06-2006 07:45 AM

Re: Fed up with Ford

Originally Posted by Hybrid_SUV

Sorry to hear about your problems. In Ford's "replacement vehicle" offer....did they offer to replace with a 2005 or a 2006? Were they going to deduct anything for mileage? How much is the difference between the "stripper" and the "loaded" replacement vehicle? These are all important questions...

My point is this....I think you should consider the offer. The resale value of your 2005 with 17,000 miles will be less than the value of a brand new 2006 stripper model. You may find you come out ahead financially....although certainly not mentally given all the problems you've had.

Then you can decide whether to sell that vehicle or give Ford another try. (I think I know the answer!) I guess what I'm trying to say is Ford's offer may not be all that bad of a deal when you figure depreciation. You really take a risk when you buy a new car--first year depreciation is so high...if you have to sell or trade for any reason.(Although that's still no excuse for a crappy lemon!)

Maybe you can talk them into throwing some options in there for free or reduced cost...and lessen the financial blow. (esp. if you tell them a deal will keep you from filing a Lemon Law complaint). Good Luck


They offered MSRP to MSRP for either a 2005 or 2006 - both of which are more money. I bought my 2005 before the price increase. The 2005 will run me about $600 more if I want the same options (or I can take it without leather or the safety package), the 2006 is slightly more (about $900....I would have to lose leather and safety package to keep the same MSRP). Obviously, if I had to choose, I would take the 2006 for slightly more just for the resale value alone. They have not mentioned deducting for mileage - they told me it was MSRP for MSRP.

Chilly 04-06-2006 07:56 AM

Re: Fed up with Ford

Originally Posted by bigsweeps
They offered MSRP to MSRP for either a 2005 or 2006 - both of which are more money. I bought my 2005 before the price increase. The 2005 will run me about $600 more if I want the same options (or I can take it without leather or the safety package), the 2006 is slightly more (about $900....I would have to lose leather and safety package to keep the same MSRP). Obviously, if I had to choose, I would take the 2006 for slightly more just for the resale value alone. They have not mentioned deducting for mileage - they told me it was MSRP for MSRP.

If I understand you correctly They are willing to give you a 2006 with the same options you have now (leather and safety) but you will have to pay $900 out of you own pocket.

I would take the deal and don't look back. In the grand scheme of things $900 is minimal cost to trade up a unsafe 2005 with 17,000 (app?) miles for a new (hopefully safer) 2006 with <100 miles.

bigsweeps 04-06-2006 08:01 AM

Re: Fed up with Ford

Originally Posted by Chilly
If I understand you correctly They are willing to give you a 2006 with the same options you have now (leather and safety) but you will have to pay $900 out of you own pocket.

I would take the deal and don't look back. In the grand scheme of things $900 is minimal cost to trade up a unsafe 2005 with 17,000 (app?) miles for a new (hopefully safer) 2006 with <100 miles.

Yes - you understand correctly. A month ago I would have jumped all over this - but after all my dealings with Ford, the last thing I want to do is give them another penny. And I do agree with you about the grand scheme of things - and if I have to choose between taking my deadly truck back and driving it and paying $900 - I probably will pay the money.....but it's going to bother me.

I'll need to see if I can unload the 2006 and at least get enough to pay off my loan on the 2005. If I can walk away, then I will and I'll go buy a HCH or Prius.

bigsweeps 04-06-2006 08:29 AM

Re: Fed up with Ford
Oh - another option for me to consider is to go with a FWD instead of 4WD. If I go with FWD, I can get one fully loaded (with premium pkg and moonroof) for the same MSRP as my "broken" truck (which only has leather pkg, nav, appearance pkg and safety pkg). The only negatives that I can think of is a)resale and b)I live in New England and 4WD does come in handy in the winter. Positives are a)better tax credit and b)better gas mileage. Any thoughts?

brick 04-06-2006 09:23 AM

Re: Fed up with Ford
4WD isn't really necessary, even in New England. I grew up in MA, went to school in upstate NY, and now I'm in CT. I started with a RWD Volvo, replaced it with a FWD Volvo w/ traction control, and now have FWD Accord w/o traction control. All three cars have had a good set of snow tires and not once have I had trouble. (Ok, once with the first car but that was because I switched back to my rain tires too early.) A couple of years ago I was caught in a very bad squall north of Stowe, VT in Volvo #2. AWD and 4WD SUVs and trucks were sliding all over the place but I just kept on moving up the hills. Not only that, but the car could stop, which 4WD won't help with.

To tell you the truth I liked the handling characteristics of RWD the best, but my FWD cars have yet to fail me in the snow.

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