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Mark E Smith 02-27-2008 10:34 AM

Re: Every FEH can run on E85
To bad they dont have a switch to toggle between E85 and E10 or pure gas. The driver would know what he is running even if the box didnt.

gpsman1 02-27-2008 10:47 AM

Re: Every FEH can run on E85

Originally Posted by Mark E Smith (Post 163096)
To bad they dont have a switch to toggle between E85 and E10 or pure gas. The driver would know what he is running even if the box didnt.

I may "invent" just that.
But just like Ford made everything in the FEH "automatic and seemless" to the the driver, I'm sure the makers of the converter boxes wanted to do the same. You can't fault them for that.

What I would really like to do is bring the whole box, or wire just the pot. into the dash. With a little practice, I could twist it to hours on the clock face for any fuel blend... that would REALLY speed up the adjustment phase for the car. Hey, if I'm wrong by 5% ethanol, that sure beats the car needing to learn a change of 85%! The car will "fix" any error in my guess pretty quickly. It is the "LTFT" we are talking about. -John

Mark E Smith 02-27-2008 12:29 PM

Re: Every FEH can run on E85

Hey, if I'm wrong by 5% ethanol, that sure beats the car needing to learn a change of 85%!
you bet

Billyk 02-27-2008 02:07 PM

Re: Every FEH can run on E85
If I can find an E85 station(s) in my immediate area I might just add this device to my vehicle. Thanks John for this link/infomation. Maybe a few photos of your install will help convince others to do the same.:lightbulb

gpsman1 02-27-2008 03:01 PM

Re: Every FEH can run on E85
I didn't post pictures because it is shockingly easy to do.
If you can open the hood and take off the plastic HYBRID engine cover and snap together 8 quick disconnects, (4 male, 4 female, one per cyl.) you can DIY. When you order, you need to tell them you need EV6 connectors. They are the exact part number Ford uses. You really do not even get your hands dirty. The OEM parts on the car are not modified at all. It is like putting something between two extention cords. None of the cords are modified. You can put it in, or take in out in about 3 minutes.. really. ( Unless you screw the box to the firewall, most people use velcro... I didn't do either... I just wrapped the water tight box in a cloth for padding and so it wouldn't rattle, and stuck it behind the 12v battery.

I do not conclude this will save you money, but this will 'literally' save you 'gas'... since you are using less of a petroleum product. DO call around and/or shop around for ethanol prices. Price can vary a lot more than gasoline since there are not really any big chains that sell it. It's usually independent stations that carry it. I found the $1.999 E85 about 4 miles off the beaten path. ( off the interstate ) but I figured it was worth it ( 8 mile detour ) since it was so much lower in price.

E85 right on the interstate off ramps was about $2.399 to $2.499.
Try this for starters:

But I think there are more that what is listed.
That shows the reported locations, but more are going in every week.
I just read Texas is getting 20 new locations in the following few months.

Also, and I find this VERY interesting... one ethanol "handbook" says ethanol is MORE flammable than gasoline at below 25'F. I think this is due to the vapor pressures. Ethanol may actually have more vapors than gasoline at cold temperatures. I forget if it was E85 or E100 talked about.
Ethanol has lower vapor pressure than gasoline at warmer temperature.

:) -John

gpsman1 02-27-2008 03:41 PM

Re: Every FEH can run on E85
If anyone is seriously going to try using ethanol ( and you can go 50/50 with gas without any additional equipment ) I will mail you stickers or magnets from below at my cost.
PM me and I will mail them to you.
You can mail me back $ after you get yours.

I don't have any yet, but I will get some soon.
Heck, with the 'OPEC' sticker, you could cut off the E85 and use the rest since you have a hybrid!


OPEC Sticker 5x7" = $2.00


CornFed Sticker 3x12" = $1.00


Round Magnet ( for fuel door? ) 2.75" = $0.75


E85 Window Sticker 2x3" = $0.75
E85 Car Magnet 12" x 18" = $12.00

Pravus Prime 02-27-2008 04:33 PM

Re: Every FEH can run on E85
I'm surprised that there's such a price disparity in some parts of the country. There's an E85 station that I pass nearly every time I go out; but usually it's 15 cents less then whatever regular gas is at, so it's not worth it in IMHO. However, I could really see the appeal at a greater price difference.

Billyk 02-27-2008 05:10 PM

Re: Every FEH can run on E85
John, thanks for the E85 weblink. The nearest E85 station is 26 miles from my home but it is a chain--Sheetz. There are three Sheetz stations within 4 miles of my home. A huge ethanol plant is under construction 70 miles from my home. If E85 is going to be under $2.00 a gallon ;) as shown in your photo, then it would seem to make sense to purchase this hardware kit. I got to check out and track the E85 prices in this region.

I have an interest in the E85 stickers.

gpsman1 02-28-2008 07:32 AM

Re: Every FEH can run on E85
Okay, I got confirmation I can get stickers, at low cost.
Please see Post #16 for more information.

The $1.999 was a mom & pop station in Nebraska, who probably knew the farmers who produced the corn, and knew the people who made the ethanol. Since ethanol goes for under $2 "wholesale" ( or whatever ) they decided not to scalp their own community. I took a picture because that is how it is supposed to work.

Some big company with no names and faces, will not blink at raising the price and makeing a 75 cent per gallon profit. The industry is so new, there are no "rules of conduct" yet, and if you are the only station for miles and miles with E85, I guess you can charge whatever the market will bear.

I'm using it more for the science behind it, and to post raw data on here, and not for a cost savings. Ethanol will probably cost you more near-term until it is more widely distributed, and stations get more competition.
It's just like buying the block heater.
The block heater was not free, and you'll need to save A LOT of gas to pay for the ~$175 block heater.

But hey, even with lower MPG, ethanol is made in the U.S.A. (mostly).
And you can help send some Iowa farmer's daughter to college, vs. buy some Arab a new vacation island.
:shade: -John

Mark E Smith 02-28-2008 08:11 AM

Re: Every FEH can run on E85
John make one of the "OPEC" ones with Hybrids instead of E85 And I'll buy 2

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