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-   -   Is this a real hybrid? (https://electricvehicleforums.com/forums/chevrolet-malibu-hybrid-71/real-hybrid-19482/)

Ed_T 01-04-2009 05:25 AM

Re: Is this a real hybrid?
I test drove the Aura sedan hybrid. It was pokey, and sucked alot of fuel when pushed to keep up with traffic. I would expect the Chev to exhibit the same.

alan_in_tempe 01-04-2009 09:09 AM

Re: Is this a real hybrid?
Sorry I didn't respond earlier. (I lost the thread until Ed_T refreshed it!)

Originally Posted by ken1784 (Post 194269)
Your opinion does not reflect real numbers.
Prius(2932lbs) is heavier than Civic Hybrid(2877lbs).

I was incorrect about the Civic being heavier. Not sure what I was looking at between the Honda and Toyota spec sheets. With less than 2% difference (55 lbs), I would call the weights virtually identical.

Again, why costly Prius is less expensive than simple Civic Hybrid?
What kind of costly features are added to Civic Hybrid?
Frodo and I have both addressed this issue. The differences in base equipment and factory marketing, etc. are all more significant than the difference in cost. It is impossible for us to discern any cost differences due to the different hybrid technologies.

Prius EPA mileage is 48/45 and Civic Hybrid mileage is 40/45.
I only see heavier Prius is more efficent than Civic Hybrid.
Basically, I agree with you about efficiency. I've already acknowledged that the HSD is fundamentally better suited to city cycles and more scalable to heavier vehicles than the IMA system.

Prius(58.7/67.9/175.0) is almost same size as Civic Hybrid(56.3/69.0/177.3).
Civic is a bit longer and wider, and, typical of Honda, lower to the ground. More importantly, the Prius has better interior space utilization, which is mostly due to it being a hatchback, but also due to Toyota's excellent optimization of the Prius design as a hybrid system. In spite of Honda's usual outstanding job implementing their minimum exterior/maximum interior philosophy to car design which includes the Civic in general, Toyota has excelled on this with the Prius.

Bottom line (for me) regarding the IMA that it is less efficent than the HSD.
I agree with your bottom line. I also believe the HSD is better scalable to larger vehicles than is the IMA system. However, from an engineering perspective, I see the IMA as simpler (notwithstanding Honda's pricing strategies), and highly effective, as evidenced by comparing the otherwise nearly identical Civic Hybrids to non-hybrid Civics. Where I see the GM BAS system as throwing 2 cents at a problem to get 2 cents (or less) worth of a solution, I see the Honda IMA as an excellent, cost effective solution for small vehicles. Like you, I see the Toyota HSD (and similar Ford system) as a better solution. I also see great value in the IMA system, and would never discourage anyone with a preference for Honda over Toyota or whose non-hybrid needs might better be served by a Civic to purchase a Civic hybrid.

-- Alan

mrkcohen 11-25-2010 05:59 AM

Re: Is this a real hybrid?

It's one of the lame ones, but my understanding is it does allow the ICE to turn off at stops and may provide some acceleration assist for a small MPG gain.
Just think how much fuel would be saved if all vehicles had an autostop.

And yes, I am commenting on multi posts to get that disgusting spam off the frontpage. Does this site even have mods anymore?

Mark492 09-22-2012 11:15 PM

Re: Is this a real hybrid?
Mix hybrid, huhh ??

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