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gpsman1 03-11-2008 08:26 PM

Re: How to Blend Your Own Fuel, and Why You Should
Yes, and it has been largely and widespread refuted as "junk".
Just like the "Dust to Dust" report that says a Prius does more harm to the planet than a Hummer. Same type stuff.

It's based on fears, not facts.

I've done my own study, and I have found ethanol is "neutral" so my position is "neutral". I have determined it does no harm to the environment, but it's not much help either.

The most benefit may be a shift of wealth from cities and metro areas, to more rural areas. It is pumping millions of dollars into small towns, but we are not really reducing oil imports in the process.

Cost of food is going from from the cost of oil going up for one example.
There is 100 times more land use change from paving over wild areas for homes and cities, than for ethanol for another example.

We can make ethanol from cellulose today.
And the cost of cellulosic ethanol is close to $6 a gallon now.
This cost gets lower every year, as the price of oil rises every year.
Just like hybrid or EV batteries, the technology is here now.
Just costs are too high to exploit.
At the rate we are going now, cellulosic ethanol will be the same price of gas in fewer than 5 years. It is the cost holding up the transition from corn to cellulose, not the technology.

Chris(CA) 03-15-2008 10:28 PM

Re: How to Blend Your Own Fuel, and Why You Should
I got a question for the E85 folks, have you ever thought about mixing in some diesel?
I gather you mix your own fuel, I reckon 5% diesel (or veggie oil) mixed in would up the BTU's of the fuel without giving any significant problems with the engine or smoke.

giantquesadilla 03-16-2008 10:45 AM

Re: How to Blend Your Own Fuel, and Why You Should

Originally Posted by Chris(CA) (Post 165014)
I got a question for the E85 folks, have you ever thought about mixing in some diesel?
I gather you mix your own fuel, I reckon 5% diesel (or veggie oil) mixed in would up the BTU's of the fuel without giving any significant problems with the engine or smoke.

Why don't you try it and let us know how it goes? :D

bwilson4web 03-16-2008 11:33 AM

Re: How to Blend Your Own Fuel, and Why You Should

Originally Posted by Chris(CA) (Post 165014)
I got a question for the E85 folks, have you ever thought about mixing in some diesel?
I gather you mix your own fuel, I reckon 5% diesel (or veggie oil) mixed in would up the BTU's of the fuel without giving any significant problems with the engine or smoke.

Rather than testing with an expensive auto engine, use a standalone generator. First warm up the engine stop it and drain the residual. Baseline the performance by timing how long it runs feeding a standard load, say a space heater and a clock. Then try the experimental fuel with the same load and reset clock. If there is an improvement, the clock will run longer. You will also have quantitative numbers on how much better.

Bob Wilson

giantquesadilla 03-16-2008 08:26 PM

Re: How to Blend Your Own Fuel, and Why You Should
Great idea Bob. I wish I had a generator to try this with. :D

bwilson4web 03-16-2008 08:39 PM

Re: How to Blend Your Own Fuel, and Why You Should

Originally Posted by giantquesadilla (Post 165072)
Great idea Bob. I wish I had a generator to try this with.

Uh, rent one.
"This dang thing is no good. It ran for a couple of hours and quit!"
Bob Wilson

giantquesadilla 03-16-2008 09:08 PM

Re: How to Blend Your Own Fuel, and Why You Should
:D hahaha

SPL 03-31-2008 01:30 PM

Re: How to Blend Your Own Fuel, and Why You Should
gpsman1 — The paper that I attached to my post #120 was only published in "Science" a few weeks ago. I think that you may be confusing it with an earlier paper in the comments you make in post #121.


ralph_dog 03-31-2008 02:38 PM

Re: How to Blend Your Own Fuel, and Why You Should
Here is a good link to find alternate fuels including E85 in your area. Looks like I'm out of luck here in MA. Figures.....:cry:


finman 04-01-2008 11:01 AM

Re: How to Blend Your Own Fuel, and Why You Should

any comments?

Basically, biofuels WILL be bad for us as a human species, just so you know.

Let's get on with electric transit with wind and solar before it's too late.

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