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centrider 04-21-2007 02:02 PM

Re: How far on gas light?
I take your point. Growing up in the Midwest, the rule of thumb drumed into me by my dad was to fill up at 1/2 tank (gas at .25/g).

Out here, in SoCal I'll take it into the last pip.

On the other hand it's good to, "know" one has maybe a 25-30 mile range on the flashing pip-of-death.

I do want to say, "I hope nobody around me is driving with a loaded gas can in their trunk/hatchback."

Resist 04-21-2007 04:20 PM

Re: How far on gas light?

Originally Posted by centrider (Post 121928)
"I hope nobody around me is driving with a loaded gas can in their trunk/hatchback."

I believe it is even illegal to do so.

centrider 04-21-2007 04:26 PM

Re: How far on gas light?
Somebody does have a 1 g spare tank. I took that to mean a gas can. Perhaps that is a misunderstanding, tho the writer has not challenged my assumption.

I suggest you go back to p2 (or the beginning of the thread) and you'll find it.

bwilson4web 04-21-2007 04:41 PM

Re: How far on gas light?

Originally Posted by Resist (Post 121944)
I believe it is even illegal to do so.

The NHW11, 2003 Prius is not a hatchback:


Bob Wilson

centrider 04-21-2007 04:45 PM

Re: How far on gas light?
Right. So that's not a jerry can.


bwilson4web 04-21-2007 05:42 PM

Re: How far on gas light?

Originally Posted by centrider (Post 121947)
Right. So that's not a jerry can.

I bought it at WalMart for about $3. It has single spout with a locking cap. I just put a gallon in it, making sure not to over fill or spill on the outside. Worse comes to worse, gas stations have paper towels to wipe up any 'opps.' Then I seal it up, wipe it down and store it in the trunk with a strap to keep it from sliding around.

You know fuel can technology has been around for quite some time. Stored where it won't be in direct sunlight and there is no problem.

Bob Wilson

Piccolo 05-28-2007 02:49 PM

Re: How far on gas light?
I just got a 2005 Prius about a month ago and have been testing how far I can go on the flashing square. For the last two times it has been about 120 and 100 miles. The display showed 56.1 and 55.5 mpg, respectively, and the actuals calculated to about 53.5 mpg. The total mileage for the two tanks was right around 600 miles each.

I found out exactly how far I could go today when I ran out of gas at 610 miles:). Thought I had maybe 50 miles left; my new rule is to assume no more than 50 miles on the flashing square.

bwilson4web 05-28-2007 03:12 PM

Re: How far on gas light?
Welcome to the club!

Originally Posted by Piccolo (Post 126753)
I just got a 2005 Prius about a month ago and have been testing how far I can go on the flashing square. For the last two times it has been about 120 and 100 miles. The display showed 56.1 and 55.5 mpg, respectively, and the actuals calculated to about 53.5 mpg. The total mileage for the two tanks was right around 600 miles each.

I found out exactly how far I could go today when I ran out of gas at 610 miles. Thought I had maybe 50 miles left; my new rule is to assume no more than 50 miles on the flashing square.

With my 2003, it looks to be 70 miles so 50 is a conservative number. My last, full tank came in at 615 miles so we're in the same ballpark.

BTW, have you looked over the Prius FAQ? It might offer some hints.


Bob Wilson

centrider 05-28-2007 03:16 PM

Re: How far on gas light?
[QUOTE=bwilson4web;121954]I bought it at WalMart for about $3. It has single spout with a locking cap. I just put a gallon in it, making sure not to over fill or spill on the outside. Worse comes to worse, gas stations have paper towels to wipe up any 'opps.' Then I seal it up, wipe it down and store it in the trunk with a strap to keep it from sliding around.

You know fuel can technology has been around for quite some time. Stored where it won't be in direct sunlight and there is no problem.

Bob Wilson[/QUOTE

Like living on the edge, do you.

Made-in-China crap does not inspire confidence. Carrying around a g of gas does not bring to mind, "no problem."

You are responsible for what you drive into. Some yo-yo rear-ending you, on the other hand seems like a life altering experience.

Think Ford Pony's, or whatever their Ronson lighter of the '80's was named.

Good luck!

bwilson4web 05-28-2007 03:34 PM

Re: How far on gas light?

Originally Posted by centrider (Post 126756)
. . .
Made-in-China crap does not inspire confidence. Carrying around a g of gas does not bring to mind, "no problem."

Actually it is made in Miami Oklahoma.

Bob Wilson

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