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ag4ever 03-27-2007 06:10 AM

Re: My wife wants to steal my car
Sounds like you are having her drive YOUR RAV4 while she would rather drive her TCH.

My wife was driving our Land Rover, but we traded it in on the TCH because my commute is so long and the fuel bill for our truck was eating us alive. So now she drives the truck, and I drive the TCH. She does not really like driving the truck, but she knows it is the best because we are saving a bunch of money that way.

But now she is eyeing new cars, especially after a coworker let her drive their lightly modified GTO. Now she really wants her Vette.

So, since you have the short commute, and you need the RAV4 for your toys, it is only fair that she gets the TCH.

benny 03-27-2007 12:12 PM

Re: My wife wants to steal my car

Originally Posted by ag4ever (Post 118154)
Sounds like you are having her drive YOUR RAV4 while she would rather drive her TCH.

My wife was driving our Land Rover, but we traded it in on the TCH because my commute is so long and the fuel bill for our truck was eating us alive. So now she drives the truck, and I drive the TCH. She does not really like driving the truck, but she knows it is the best because we are saving a bunch of money that way.

But now she is eyeing new cars, especially after a coworker let her drive their lightly modified GTO. Now she really wants her Vette.

So, since you have the short commute, and you need the RAV4 for your toys, it is only fair that she gets the TCH.

You must be friends with my wife. :-)

tnsig 03-27-2007 12:47 PM

Re: My wife wants to steal my car
Sounds like you should have bought a FEH or HH instead of the RAV 4;) . You could always trade the RAV 4 in for one of those:)

Lilarienne 03-29-2007 04:35 AM

Re: My wife wants to steal my car
Funny, the TCH is mine and my husband now has a 2007 RAV4. I like the RAV4, but I looooove my TCH.

Sorry, but it sounds to me like you are trying to have your cake and eat it too. Your needs influenced the purchase of the RAV4, so I don't see why her need for lower fuel bills shouldn't affect the decision over what vehicle she should be driving.

Mr_Squeaks 03-29-2007 10:03 AM

Re: My wife wants to steal my car
I think you're in trouble... ;)

Droid13 03-29-2007 10:46 AM

Re: My wife wants to steal my car
My wife and I actually trade between our Sienna and TCH regularly, pretty much 50/50. We both much prefer driving the TCH to the Sienna. The Sienna is solid, well designed, quicker, roomier, and generally more useful but it just doesn't even come close to the silky smooth power delivery of the TCH. If the rumours of a hybrid Sienna come to pass, it will be tough for us to resist an upgrade.

ag4ever 03-30-2007 07:07 AM

Re: My wife wants to steal my car
Well, you could solve it by doing what my wife is contemplating doing. She drove a coworker's GTO, and now she KNOWS FOR SURE she want a sprots car agin. Now she is thinking of gettin a GTO (but she wants a convertable), a Vette, or wait to see what the new camero will be like. Then we will both be happy. I will save money on my drive to work, she will enjoy her drive to work, and we can both go for fun drives on the weekend in the sports car.

benny 04-03-2007 07:33 AM

Re: My wife wants to steal my car
Okay. Okay. I had to get some gas and I only had 20 bucks in my pocket. I stuck 20 bucks worth of gas in the car, got less than 6 gallons, came home to my wife and said, "It's yours". She drives 30 miles a day. I drive 6 miles a day. I figure we could save almost $400 a year by trading cars. Sigh.

Mr_Squeaks 04-03-2007 07:37 AM

Re: My wife wants to steal my car

Originally Posted by benny (Post 119237)
Okay. Okay. I had to get some gas and I only had 20 bucks in my pocket. I stuck 20 bucks worth of gas in the car, got less than 6 gallons, came home to my wife and said, "It's yours". She drives 30 miles a day. I drive 6 miles a day. I figure we could save almost $400 a year by trading cars. Sigh.

Welcome to the whipped-side. We are many. But at least we have comfy seats... ;)

leahbeatle 04-03-2007 01:14 PM

Re: My wife wants to steal my car
You make me laugh. I think that 'so there' is a perfectly reasonable argument, followed with "Because I said so" and "Na na na na na na naaaahhhh... I can't HEAR you!" while those fingers are in your ears. :)

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