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backupguy 05-07-2008 08:03 PM

InvisibleSHIELD for Nav screen
InvisibleSHIELD makes really cool products (I have it for my iphone). I found out they make a Shield for the 2007 Camry Nav screen.


Anyone know if the 2009 Nav screen is the same size? I really would love to get this.

SteveHansen 05-07-2008 10:17 PM

Re: InvisibleSHIELD for Nav screen
I'm pretty sure the nav screen is the same since 2007, since they didn't change the car hardly at all. But I haven't actually measured one.

I like anti-glare screen covers better, since reflected sunlight otherwise makes the screen unreadable. Amazon sells some that are made by Boxwave:
More information, or direct purchase, is available on the BoxWave web site:

haroldo 05-08-2008 12:59 AM

Re: InvisibleSHIELD for Nav screen
not sure if people are aware, but these screens are tough to put on, since you can't hold it easily...
a tip...
roll up two pieces of scotch tape into circles, place them on the unsticky side of the screen and use them as handles to place the screen protector in the right place

coolshock1 05-08-2008 11:52 AM

Re: InvisibleSHIELD for Nav screen
Nice tip Haroldo.

Does anyone have any idea how long one of these lasts? Since it's warmed up here somewhat I had the monroof wide open the other day and I couldn't see the Nav screen.

haroldo 05-08-2008 12:09 PM

Re: InvisibleSHIELD for Nav screen
I use a similar one on my Palm Treo and it gets "ucky" (but not unviewable) after six months of usage.

coolshock1 05-08-2008 12:29 PM

Re: InvisibleSHIELD for Nav screen
Thanks. And thanks for relating in terms I can understand...seeing as I have a 3 year old and a 4 month old.

Do you use the touch screen much? I mainly se the consumption screen or the bluetooth phone screen. I really need to learn the voice commands for the phone and set up the voice dialing.

On a side note. I wonder how many people actually use the voice commands. i would set up a poll but would probably botch it like the last one I did by not giving enough options.....hint hint Haroldo!!

backupguy 05-08-2008 12:34 PM

Re: InvisibleSHIELD for Nav screen
Back to the original question, does anyone know if the 2007 and 2008/09 screen sizes are the same?

haroldo 05-08-2008 12:37 PM

Re: InvisibleSHIELD for Nav screen

Originally Posted by coolshock1 (Post 171512)
... i would set up a poll but would probably botch it like the last one I did by not giving enough options.....hint hint Haroldo!!

I have no problem setting up a poll, what is it that you want to find out?
As to the screen, I was too cheap to go for the NAV (I figure $2000 pays for a lot of printer ink for MapQuest searches and a few "which way is..." questions to people on the side of the road).

coolshock1 05-08-2008 12:42 PM

Re: InvisibleSHIELD for Nav screen
I can't say for sure that they are the same size. When I first test drove a TCH it was a 2008.

When i was finaly ready to buy a TCH it was a 2007. The only obvious difference between them was the color. The dash was EXACTLY the same IMHO as seen by my naked eye.

If I were a betting man I would say yes. As previously posted there weren't any major physical changes to the different year models and I can't see why there would be any reason for them to change the size of the NAV screens.

I got NAV because I bought a fully loaded 2007 about 2 months or so ago for well under sticker. i couldn't pass it up and glad I didn't. I wouldn't have been happy with the base model.

Haroldo. I personally am curious as to how many people use the voice command system and if they do what d they use it for.

Sorry to get off track backupguy.

mikieboyblue 05-09-2008 07:59 AM

Re: InvisibleSHIELD for Nav screen

Originally Posted by backupguy (Post 171513)
Back to the original question, does anyone know if the 2007 and 2008/09 screen sizes are the same?

They are probably the same. If they arn't I have to suspect it would be a very small difference and cause no problem for your screen protector.

The screen protector I have has been there for about a year and it looks like new.

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