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MFLetou 09-19-2006 09:22 AM

Re: Democrats DON'T READ THIS
Well, perhaps they support taking advantage of America's vast resources instead of foreign oil.

I believe that we need to do both--increase production of oil in America, AND decrease consumption. To me, it makes sense to drill where we can environmentally do so--Alaska, the outercontinental shelf, and oil shale. These three resources together would literally produce billions of barrells of oil today, flooding the market, decreasing prices, and vastly reducing our dependence on foreign oil. Unfortunately, the Senate is 1 vote short of drilling in Alaska thanks to a filibuster (there IS majority support) but there is a decent chance to pass a Gulf of Mexico drilling bill in the next few weeks so that is good news.

But, of course, I also I think we need to do what we can to reduce consumption, and hybrid cars are a great way to do that. The federal government should continue its tax credits for this technology. The federal governement is spending tens of millions boosting the solar, biomass and geothermal industries, and that's a good thing. The right approach is NOT to force people to drive certain types of cars, but rather to make it economically beneficial for them to do so.

lars-ss 09-19-2006 10:09 AM

Re: Democrats DON'T READ THIS
I agree with Pres. Bush in his characterization of "oil addiction." The reason I say that is that there are TOO MANY PEOPLE who are saying, "no, I don't want to pay extra for a hybrid" or "no I will not pay $300 extra for a PZEV option" or "I need my huge SUV to haul my family and their stuff around and I will not buy anything smaller or more fuel efficient."

It's not only an oil addiction, it's a "me me me" addiction also - too many people expecting the OTHER person to do something about it but not wanting reduced consumption to affect THEM personally.

Hopefully, with 12 new hybrids coming onto the market by the end of the 2008 model year, more people will adopt hybrids.

Orcrone 09-19-2006 10:39 AM

Re: Democrats DON'T READ THIS
Without revealing my political affiliation ;) I enjoy saving money on gas, I enjoy reducing our dependence on foreign oil, I enjoy reducing my impact on the environment.

But I'm an engineer and get into technology. As much as I enjoy trying to eke the last mile out of a gallon of gas I just appreciate the use of advanced technology to help us make anything more efficient.

MJ-bos 09-19-2006 11:06 AM

Re: Democrats DON'T READ THIS
Wow... a political discussion that has been polite, considerate, thoughtful... without anyone getting judgmental, resorting to name calling or ad-hominem attacks...

What a refreshing change from the nuclear polarity that is so widespread!

I think that hybrid vehicles are something that every thinking person can agree on ... from traditional conservatives (reduction in oil consumption, preserving the environment, and a good financial case) to liberal ("greener"/less emissions, less money to the oil companies, etc.).




lovekills 09-19-2006 12:00 PM

Re: Democrats DON'T READ THIS

Originally Posted by MJ-bos
Wow... a political discussion that has been polite, considerate, thoughtful... without anyone getting judgmental, resorting to name calling or ad-hominem attacks...

Wait a second... I didn't pitch in yet...

Rcommander 09-19-2006 01:47 PM

Re: Democrats DON'T READ THIS
While I respect your political view, and your thoughts, and decisions, I do not think there was any need to start this thread and getting politics involved in it.
We should keep everything here in a neutral state (politically) lets focus on our TCHs, rather than views.
Because before we know it, some democrat might start a thread, then some independant, and so on....and this place will be chaos.

You know they will open the thread, curiosity made pandora open the box, and curiosity will make the democrats open the thread.

Lets just have fun here!:)

FYI: I am a republican also.

cohort 09-19-2006 02:33 PM

Re: Democrats DON'T READ THIS
I don't know what to say

PolarBear 09-19-2006 04:34 PM

Re: Democrats DON'T READ THIS
I am neither a Republican nor Democrat. I base my views on people’s actions, and the reasoning behind their actions. I also believe the two sides are always to busy pointing the finger to get re-elected, instead of concentrating on the people's needs. Many Mid-East countries do have a hold on us via oil, but it's not necessarily because of any terrorism being harbored (if any). It's because of our political dealings with the countries themselves.

It's great that so many of us can have different agendas, and still arrive at the same solutions.

I bought a hybrid based more on it's environmental effects (80% less emissions and less oil consumption) rather than gas savings ($$$$$ cha ching). I've figured the gas savings will be nice to have, but it's much better to simply use less and get the nation off of oil dependency period. It's not just foreign oil I'm concerned about, but all oil consumption. We've become a throw away society, and it's much easier to toss it than to re-use/recycle it. Many feel is much easier to let someone else clean up the mess instead of being responsible for their own actions.

I am an engineering student and love the technology contained in this car. You can love fast cars and hybrids at the same time simply because technologically they are the best at what they do. Heck...we wanted to buy a Subaru STI or Mitsu Evolution, but a daily driver was in need instead of weekend rallying fun.


CSG 09-19-2006 04:58 PM

Re: Democrats DON'T READ THIS
I'm a conservative republican as is my wife. Politics had little to do with buying our TCH; a tax credit and being cheap did. I have a very far left professor friend who I commented to, "Nothing worse than a right-winger in a hybrid!". It disarms our political opponents. ;)

WVGasGuy 09-19-2006 06:11 PM

Re: Democrats DON'T READ THIS
I do not think there was any need to start this thread and getting politics involved in it.

Oh I don't know. So far it has been one of the most interesting threads I've read in a while and no one is getting nasty. It is a reason many of us indeed bought our TCH and it's nice to know the different views without having to agree (or get nasty).

Then again I'm not afraid to talk about politics or religion either but I did specifically relate the thread to the topic of why I indeed bought the TCH. It's an argument that should be easily made without requiring faith or political leanings.

Besides I think being "neutral" is akin to being politically correct and I don't think forums would be very interesting if every one here thought exactly the same and made decisions the same way.

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