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Droid13 06-11-2007 01:29 PM

Re: Almost Stranded
We need a startup and shutdown tune like loging in and out of Windows.

JHSmith 06-11-2007 06:07 PM

Re: Almost Stranded

Originally Posted by spiff72 (Post 129310)
Actually, you can remove the battery from the fob completely, and you can still start and drive the car. The battery is like a "booster" for sending the data on the key over longer distances (more than an inch or two) to the car. I haven't tried, but I recall reading that you can remove the battery from the fob, and hold the fob up against the Power button while you press the Power button. This allows the sensor to "read" the RFID chip in the fob and verify its code. The car will then run without the fob next to the button, but you will get continual warnings for "Key not detected".

This starting procedure is actually documented in the manual for starting the car when the fob battery is weak (obviously they don't suggest removing the battery in their procedure).

I actually do this. I have an extra FOB (with battery removed) and hide it SOMEWHERE in the car / trunk / engine compartment / inside the tires / anywhere to use as a back-up in case I lose one of my normal FOBs. With the battery removed, I can lock the car the normal way since the de-energized FOB is not detected.

As you stated, to start the car with the back-up, just hold it near the POWER button, and start the car normally. The only time you'll get the "FOB NOT DETECTED" alert is if you step on the brake w/ system not "READY" and FOB not close enough to POWER button. Once the car "starts" -- goes to READY, the FOB NOT DETECTED alert goes off.

As far as the multiple reasons that can make one alert go off, I agree, it's frustrating. I know that leaving the sunroof/moonroof open will cause a single beep, but the car will lock using the door handle button. BUT almost anything else -- 3 beeps, door will not lock and then you get to play 20 questions w/ car trying to find out what you did wrong!:confused: I hate this since the car never answers your questions. (Just like back in school, asking the teacher questions during exams.:P)

It would be great if it would display WHY you could not lock the door (same as it shows "MOONROOF OPEN", or Irritating Irene (Nav *itch) would tell you what is wrong.:lightbulb

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