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Hot_Georgia_2004 04-07-2006 02:57 PM

Re: Dodge Prepares Hybrid Version of Durango
Personally I think people should be able to buy what they afford/want.

Gas prices aren't coming back down and the operational cost of those large vehicles mentioned continue to go up.
For me, the operational cost of a Land Rover or Yukon prevents me from buying one, even though I'd like one very much.
It's not that our family can't afford it. It's just not worth the cost for what we get.
I could commute in a Navigator and spend $150/week fueling it Vs $23 in my HCH. We also have a Grand Caravan which 95% stays parked now, even on family outings.
It's $50.00 fillup 1.5x a week isn't worth what we get despite for its larger size.
Others for perceived safety wouldn't drive a small car...we don't mind.

I can only think that as fuel prices increase, the market for those vehicles will evaporate.
Going back to the subject of this thread I too was shocked that the new hybrid Durango is fitted with a fuel-hungry V8.

If Detroit remains fixed on those guzzlers we will all loose as the market evaporates them all out. A loose-loose.

finman 04-07-2006 03:29 PM

Re: Dodge Prepares Hybrid Version of Durango

Originally Posted by AshenGrey
One thing I have to ask of the folks that say they need a giant v8 LandWaster for their 5 or 6 kids is this: Haven't you ever heard of contraception?!

Why are families still having half a dozen kids when what we really need is a planned, phased population REDUCTION strategy.

If the average American couple was more responsible in their breeding habits, there would be no *legitimate* excuse for owning a monster-sized SUV.

Personally, I think human reproduction should be a strictly regulated, limited, and licensed phenomenon. That way, you'd REALLY help out the environment long-term.

Ya know, this is IT!! Why does this not get ANY mention/discussion?? It's mind-boggling to me to see these 4-7 kid families. What do they really think will be left for them in 30 years? We can't continue the population trends, something has to give and the Earth has given it's all and we still ask for more, with no thinking of where the resources will come from to support the billions. Can we be as stupid a species as it seems here?

See that cliff of denial, it's getting closer...better speed up. :omg:

Tim 04-07-2006 06:54 PM

Re: Dodge Prepares Hybrid Version of Durango

Originally Posted by martinjlm
I also think the assumption that SUVs are more damaging to the environment than cars is an oversimplification. Which is more damaging to the environment, a 22 mpg car or a 22 mpg SUV? Both exist in large numbers. My opinion is you'd have to know a lot more about each vehicle to make any positive assertion.

As far as purchasing beyond reasons of practicality.......I love Corvettes. Do I need one? No. But I guarantee you I'll buy another one soon. It's not practical, but I wouldn't be purchasing it to be practical. Does that make me a bad person? No. There are a lot of other things that make me a bad person ;) . Should we castigate everyone who buys a vehicle that we (who is "we") find impractical? I could argue that for most people, the purchase of an SUV is for them more practical than my purchase of a Corvette. But very few people would criticise my purchase of a Corvette.

You make two very good points here. Well taken. I'll ponder that first paragraph. On the second, I don't think people are "bad people" for buying large SUVs. I have a lot of friends that do. I just think some folks don't give serious consideration to all their options, that's all. My only counter-point to your Corvette is quantity on the road.

I think we get a little passive about this stuff because in the back of our mind no one really believes they'll see gas run out in our lifetime - and it arguably won't. I suppose when it gets to be a real problem, we'll have a change in mindset. $150 a tank ought to do it. ;)



Pravus Prime 04-07-2006 10:50 PM

Re: Dodge Prepares Hybrid Version of Durango
And with that, I'm reminding you all to stay on topic. Let's keep away from turning the news announcement of the Durango Hybrid into a need SUV arguement, population control, or any other.

on-topic Good. I hope they do the hybrid technology justice, and not just lump it in to claim they have a hybrid, personally, I like the approach of hybridizing popular models to give people the choice, rather than ramming it down their throats.

finman 04-08-2006 06:25 AM

Re: Dodge Prepares Hybrid Version of Durango
Hybrid durango with a hemi...what a joke that is. As gasoline continues to become more expensive and less easy to drill, where are these buyers coming from?

As far as choice goes, every SUV sold instead of a more economical/sensible/efficient car, the more resources are used up, the more pollution is spewed. That affects EVERYONE. Why is that so hard to see? We all breathe the same air. If your choice to use more/pollute more doesn't affect me, then you are not living reality. More useage, less to go around, prices go up, affecting people in all walks of life, EVERYDAY. It's that simple.

Use less, pollute less, we all win.

Delta Flyer 04-08-2006 08:07 AM

What is the purpose of hybrid engines? To save fuel and pollute less - greater efficiency. Is everybody wasteful? Yes, if they have ever driven a car. We are all wastful - it's just the degree...

In the 1970's, "boat cars" like the Cadilliac and Lincoln Contential generated many of the feelings the jumbo SUVs do today. The Lincoln is no longer made today and the rest of the "boat cars" while still large, have been trimmed down. Some of them can have fuel economy in the 30s on the highway - something that is pie in the sky for jumbo SUVs.

Yes, other vehicles get sub-25mpg such as large luxury sedans and sports cars - no question and they have been around a lot longer. One trend I find disturbing is in this CNN/Edmunds article - the emergance of SUVs with sport car performance. More mass - more accleration....guess what the fuel economy will be, even if it's with a hybrid powerplant?

Back to the 1970's, credit cards were not used anything like they are today, Cokes were not as large as today - we consume more and more. At some point, its a good idea to ask if moderation is a good thing?

True to my past posts, the ultimate blame for wasteful energy consumption is the consumer - not the politicians, lobbyists, or corportations. They are the ones buying the Durangos and Escalades.

Tim 04-08-2006 09:57 AM

Re: Denial?

Originally Posted by Delta Flyer
True to my past posts, the ultimate blame for wasteful energy consumption is the consumer - not the politicians, lobbyists, or corportations. They are the ones buying the Durangos and Escalades.

I'll second that! :D

martinjlm 04-08-2006 04:00 PM

Re: Dodge Prepares Hybrid Version of Durango

Originally Posted by Tim
You make two very good points here. Well taken. I'll ponder that first paragraph. On the second, I don't think people are "bad people" for buying large SUVs. I have a lot of friends that do. I just think some folks don't give serious consideration to all their options, that's all. My only counter-point to your Corvette is quantity on the road.

I think we get a little passive about this stuff because in the back of our mind no one really believes they'll see gas run out in our lifetime - and it arguably won't. I suppose when it gets to be a real problem, we'll have a change in mindset. $150 a tank ought to do it. ;)



Where's the smiley for the cyber handshake? I think you and I have arrived at a common ground, approached from opposing viewpoints. Ain't dialogue a great thing?



Tim 04-08-2006 06:36 PM

Re: Dodge Prepares Hybrid Version of Durango

Originally Posted by martinjlm
Where's the smiley for the cyber handshake? I think you and I have arrived at a common ground, approached from opposing viewpoints. Ain't dialogue a great thing?

Indeed. Some day you'll have to let us in on the trade secrets. Sounds interesting!

:) Smiley. Couldn't find the handshake. :)

worthywads 04-08-2006 07:11 PM

Re: Dodge Prepares Hybrid Version of Durango

Originally Posted by ashengray
One thing I have to ask of the folks that say they need a giant v8 LandWaster for their 5 or 6 kids is this: Haven't you ever heard of contraception?!

Why are families still having half a dozen kids when what we really need is a planned, phased population REDUCTION strategy.

If the average American couple was more responsible in their breeding habits, there would be no *legitimate* excuse for owning a monster-sized SUV.

Personally, I think human reproduction should be a strictly regulated, limited, and licensed phenomenon. That way, you'd REALLY help out the environment long-term.

Help out the environment, shoot your parents, then yourself, I assume you have no children to exterminate.

Originally Posted by finman
Ya know, this is IT!! Why does this not get ANY mention/discussion?? It's mind-boggling to me to see these 4-7 kid families. What do they really think will be left for them in 30 years? We can't continue the population trends, something has to give and the Earth has given it's all and we still ask for more, with no thinking of where the resources will come from to support the billions. Can we be as stupid a species as it seems here?
See that cliff of denial, it's getting closer...better speed up. :omg:

The reason this doesn't get discussed is because you Malthusians continue to be wrong with all your predictions of doom. The population trend is and will continue to be downward.
Feel good about being superior to the species you despise.:confused:

Oops, I went off topic.:angel:

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