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fernando_g 07-28-2006 05:40 AM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade

Originally Posted by Orcrone
I'm sorry. I'm sure someone is going to read this and laugh, but that's the best I can do from memory. I think I originally found it through Wikipedia, but couldn't find it just now.

No we won't laugh. Yours is actually a quite accurate explanation. Let me see if I can fill the very small holes in your explanation;
Basic thermodynamic law tells you that the longer an expansion stroke is, the more power that can be extracted from a heat engine. To achieve this in the Otto cycle, leads to very high compression ratios. The reason being that on the Otto cycle, both the compression and expansion strokes are identical in length. Now, high compression is not necessarily a bad thing, and as a matter of fact is the method of choice for many years to achieve higher output. However, high compression requires high octane gas.

To work around this issue, a true Atkinson engine has uneven (assymetrical) length compression and expansion strokes. This is shown, as you correctly remember in Wikipedia. But this is a mechanically complex engine. To work around this, Toyota engineers Atkinsonized the Otto engine, by keeping the intake valves open during the first moments of the compression stroke, thus effectively creating a shorter length compression stroke, while keeping the simplicity of the Otto.

I'm sure that someone else may further add to my explanation.

Mr. Kite 07-28-2006 06:44 AM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade
Thanks for your answers. I also found some information here.
The cars are rated by an air pollution index (NOx, CO, particulates, hydrocarbons, etc.) and greenhouse gas score (CO2-it varies with fuel economy). Anyway, I have found that there are Civics with the same air pollution index as Civic Hybrids. BTW, the air pollution index is per miles driven. I have also found that Escapes have a worse air pollution index than their hybrid counterpart. The New Beetle has a very high (good) air pollution index (same as the Civic Hybrid). Since the New Beetle is burning more fuel to achieve the same miles, I guess this means the New Beetle burns fuel more cleanly.

Chilly 07-28-2006 09:37 AM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade

Originally Posted by plusaf
i'd never heard that the propulsion battery in any hybrids is used to preheat or accelerate the heating of the catalytic converter. really?! nice idea, one way or the other.

This is where I got that information. Half way down


I also could have sworn that a family member of mine who actually trains Toyota mechanics on Hybrids explained this to me as well. But I could be wrong.

WaltPA 07-31-2006 05:04 AM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade
Here is an interesting article about GM and its putting "hybrid" technology into its large trucks/SUVs.

What's in a Name?

Chilly 07-31-2006 07:29 AM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade

Originally Posted by WaltPA
Here is an interesting article about GM and its putting "hybrid" technology into its large trucks/SUVs.

What's in a Name?

To my way of thinking a vehicle can only be labeled as a "Hybrid" if it offers an alternative power solution for propulsion. In otherwords the vehicle is propelled not only by the gas engine but also by some alternative power source. If I understand the GM solution it does not provide an alterative source for propulsion?

If that is true I would not label their vehicles as "Hybrids" and I agree with the author of the article that it is deceiving marketing practices. But, that falls right in line with my expectation of GM.

That aside, anything that auto manufacturers can do to increase the overall mpg of there vehicles is a plus, even in a truck.

Delta Flyer 07-31-2006 08:46 AM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade
Got to agree - if it's not hybrid propelled - it's not a real hybrid.

GM needs to focus on the Saturn VUE SUV...I hope it's a success, although Pravus was not real excited when he test drove it at HybridFest.

WaltPA 08-04-2006 11:19 AM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade

Originally Posted by AshenGrey
My only concern is whether greedy, aging Yuppies (who are the only ones who can afford a SUV like that) actually give a **** about the environment. I just don't know.

I do! :shade:

AshenGrey 08-04-2006 01:50 PM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade

Originally Posted by WaltPA
I do! :shade:

Cool. If people buy it, then 2-mode has a chance at succeeding!

escaladehybridfan 08-20-2006 08:46 PM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade
Ya'll Prius fans can stop complaining right now, thank god for cadillac for giving us this hybrid escalade.

Hopefully it could outsell the toyota prius.

tbaleno 08-20-2006 08:56 PM

Re: Cadillac will get hybrid Escalade
From my understanding, the simple hybrid system does propel the car (from stop to like 2mph or so ;) But still. Under the definition that counts as propulsion and does do *something* to help its fe.

Now one could say thats not very much. But the prius cant go over 40 on ev. So if you say it can't drive only on propulsion when then technicaly neither can a prius.

I don't think there is any chance of it ever outselling the prius for two reasons 1) the prius has a longer track record with proven technology. 2) gaining 20% on a low mileage car will likely never come close to paying for itself.

I don't think there will be anyone buying it to help the environment so I don't see a lot of demand for it.

Time will tell though. At least there is the option of buying one. And who knows where this line of thinking with hybrid technology will go.

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