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Hot_Georgia_2004 01-02-2006 02:12 AM

Re: wimpy horn?
If I were to wire up a pair of new high current electric horns (Large GM pair etc) this is the way I'd do it.

The stress on the existing car harness would be greatly reduced compared to its stock horn and really give a big blast.

I'd make the wires indicated as red in 12 gauge (Minimum) wire and short as possible.

I forgot to indicate that the body of the horns should be grounded to chassis.
The mountng bolts usually provide this ground connection.


AZCivic 01-02-2006 10:30 AM

Re: wimpy horn?
Hot Georgia, the horns I bought actually came with a relay so you could wire it up like that, but I wasn't really sure at the time how to set that up. Electrical stuff is not really in my skillset. I just wired into the existing harness. Like you said, it probably draws quite a lot of current and would probably be pushing it close to the limits of what the fuse is set up to permit. It works though, which was all I really cared about.

psyshack 01-02-2006 11:19 AM

Re: wimpy horn?
I traced the horn lead back through the harness and didnt want to change it to 12 ga. Seemed like a waiste of time with what the horns would be drawing. Not to mention that it would have been easy to spot buy a dealer if warrenty came up on my new car. As it is I can return to bone stock and untraceable in less than a hour.

OO I blew my horn this am at a SUV that was going to pull out infront of me. They stoped and started looking around for a car to match the horn blast. It was funny as hell. I hope they pulled a muscel in the neck or back. There head was in swivel mode. They looked like a OWL on crank with the head action. :shade:

ralph_dog 01-02-2006 01:41 PM

Re: wimpy horn?
Darn NE weather, looks like I'll have to wait until the glaciers recede before doing the horn install. Unless my stepson can get me into the nissan garage for some late night gov't work;)

Nice job psyshack. I especially liked the WAV files. I'm just wondering if I can squeeze the horns in without having to dismantle the front end. I like taking things apart but I always have stuff left over when finished putting it all back together again. :embarass:

psyshack 01-02-2006 02:34 PM

Re: wimpy horn?

Originally Posted by ralph_dog
Darn NE weather, looks like I'll have to wait until the glaciers recede before doing the horn install. Unless my stepson can get me into the nissan garage for some late night gov't work;)

Nice job psyshack. I especially liked the WAV files. I'm just wondering if I can squeeze the horns in without having to dismantle the front end. I like taking things apart but I always have stuff left over when finished putting it all back together again. :embarass:

I would say not. Just isnt worth the effort to do it any other way. There are some plastic panels under the car. Removed they would give you some room to work with. But if you pull them.. You could have already had the bumper cover off. and not be worried about it. Bumper cover is easy to remove.

Hot_Georgia_2004 01-05-2006 09:51 AM

Re: wimpy horn?
I would imagine the Civic already has a horn relay but was not sure of its current rating.

A funny thing happened to me "a few" years ago when I put dual electric horns on my '71 Pinto...(They only came with one)
That car didn't use a relay at all so the steering wheel switch carried all the current....

And the switch welded shut, causing the horn to constantly blow at another driver...until I stopped and unplugged both horns. Kind of funny now when I remember that.

I had to get a new steering wheel switch from a bone yard. I think it was the same time I put on the Dixie air horns. :D

infinkc 01-05-2006 02:30 PM

Re: wimpy horn?
i put in a pair of Hella air horns, my stock 05 horn sounded like it was strangelled, never had a horn problem in a honda before.

jsalva11 01-17-2006 07:22 PM

Re: wimpy horn?
Back in Spain I was traveling from my city (on the coast) to Madrid (on the center of the Country). About 500 miles or so... Whell, I decided to wash the car. Some leafs had gotten stuck on the fresh air and AC condensation discharge pipes (sorry, dont' know the name of it in english) so the water from the washing overflowed some and got inside the car, just where the relays where. I drive out, no problems... I'm behind some big trucks, and my horn goes on... and on... and on... The truckers where looking at me, wondering what was wrong.

Like the other guy, I had to stop and unplug the horn.

Very embarrasing.

Juan S. Fernandez
Los Angeles, CA

AZMerf 05-23-2006 04:07 PM

Re: wimpy horn?

Originally Posted by nimbus2k
Here's one from JC Whitney:


I was also particularly impressed with the 3-note horn they have that emulates the sound of a wild turkey, but I think that's best saved for something the likes of a Cadillac Cimaron, or a new "Saabaru" mini Saab 92X wagon made by you-know-who.

Anybody install this horn? It looks pretty easy and would replace the existing without a lot of trouble.

SixxOne 05-25-2006 03:24 PM

Re: wimpy horn?
http://www.rallylights.com/hella/horns.asp FTW. I have one of these on my '00 Maxima

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