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goodka 01-03-2007 06:32 PM

Question for techies & old-timers
I own a 2006. I have nearly 9k miles, and am averaging nearly 61mpg. I've noticed that my mpg is better for the first half of the tank of gas, then the mpg gets worst as the tank is nearing empty. Is anyone experiencing the same thing? And does anyone know why this might be happening? Seems to defy logic.

I have one other comment, regarding problems with the window not fully closing or aligning. I've resorted to closing the window half way, pausing, then closing it fully. That seems to work for me much better than trying to close the window in one step. Must be a weak motor.

Thanks. Hope to hear from some of you.

gumby 01-03-2007 09:12 PM

Re: Question for techies & old-timers
Welcome aboard!

61 MPG is tremendous! Give us novices some tips, please! Of course, Kenny just keeps his distance and drives 53MPH max, and he gets 60+ also.

The better 1st half vs. 2nd half thing - that does defy logic (if all things are equal for each half). It could be a computer glitch or it is just getting more accurate as more miles are driven/gallons used (in a given tank), but I wouldn't think you'd notice a big difference.

How big a difference are you noticing? Have you tried actually FILLING UP after a 1/2 tank, to see if the discrepancy is real or just computed?

toast64 01-04-2007 05:55 PM

Re: Question for techies & old-timers
Have you tried recording your mpg vs. number of bars showing on the gas gauge for all of your trips over a couple of tanks to prove to yourself that your mileage is actually worse during the second half tank?

goodka 01-04-2007 06:07 PM

Re: Question for techies & old-timers

What I've been doing lately is resetting the odometer at the half tank mark, and just noting what kind of mpg I get, i.e., first half v. second half. And when I monitor the mpg bars, I find that it's easier for me to max the bars in the first half than the second. My commute is the same...it doesn't deviate, and the road conditions are the same too. I thought that as the car's weight drops as the gas tank empties that the mpg would improve even if just slightly, but that's not the case. I usually check my tire pressure when I fill-up for gas (about every other week), and add air to get it up to 38psi. Maybe the slight drop in tire pressure is affecting mpg, although I wouldn't want to have to check the tire pressure weekly.

Thanks for comment on my questions...appreciate it very much!

Anahymbrid 01-04-2007 11:08 PM

Re: Question for techies & old-timers
Wow... 60's??!!! That's great! I'm usually in the low 50's.

I've reported the same condition in posts a while back. I'll start out with a great tank and then blow it toward the end. As you state, it's illogical (the weight from 8 gallons of fuel being gone should help MPG!!!). I'm guessing that I just get a little lazy or aggressive when I see the higher MPG numbers... knowing that I have "cushion" for a little excess speed or whatever!

Actually, I blew it on the present tank at the start... and now I'm trying to work my way back up!

ag4ever 01-05-2007 11:07 AM

Re: Question for techies & old-timers
I don't know if it is true in the HCH, but my truck burns about 5 gallons of fuel before the needle moves off of full. You might be using more fuel on the top 1/2 of the tank than the bottom 1/2 of the tank. I would not rely on the gas guage to be accurate that at the 1/2 mark you really have a true 1/2 tank of fuel.

AZMerf 01-07-2007 07:08 AM

Re: Question for techies & old-timers
A gallon of gasoline weights about 6 pounds. I would suspect the weight might be that sensitive. Also, how do you actually know? Is your driving exactly the same for the whole tank, weather conditions, temp, wind, etc? The display is only a calculation anyway and you'll never know precisely. Even filling up you fill to different levels each time.

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