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arbittan 06-25-2008 12:49 PM

Re: Hybrid owner on TV

Originally Posted by Delta Flyer (Post 178094)
This is from the driver himself, who wrote this article earlier in The Washington Post

He was going 50 in a 65 zone in light traffic in the right lane.

If you examine this dispassionately, he was going fast enough legally and he was not endangering others.

The officer gave him a warning because he knew a ticket would be dismissed in court.

Sure, it was at off-peak hours. I have been guilty of over coasting from time to time. Hopefully this person will not grow cocky and learn from this.

Delta Flyer 06-25-2008 12:58 PM

Re: Hybrid owner on TV
By the same definition, I guess Rosa Parks was "cocky".

I see a fair amount of projection here - the officer seemed like the cocky one by keeping on when it was obvious Conrad was not drunk, etc...pretty obvious he wanted to issue a ticket but knew it would be dismissed.

I can see the ones getting emotional in this thread are more perturbed with going 15 under the limit legally than 15 over the limit illegally.

Now why is is gas $4 a gallon?

arbittan 06-25-2008 01:17 PM

Re: Hybrid owner on TV
Personally the officer should have walked away but then he is most likely just like cops who turn their lights on to avoid a red light, he should have seen this coming (new article) !!! :)

arbittan 06-25-2008 01:22 PM

Re: Hybrid owner on TV
On the same note, he could have been high too!! you can't smell "high" on the breathe....

laurie 06-25-2008 01:26 PM

Re: Hybrid owner on TV

Originally Posted by arbittan (Post 178100)

Wooh Woooh Wooooh bud! I know the guy wasn't going under 30mph.. but what I am saying we cannot assume just because a speed limit sign states 65mph that it is okay to go 45mph in a "range" theory... It is just plain dangerous to do that.

therefore we cannot assume that just because a speed limit sign states 65MPH that it's ok to got 80MPH. the roads are being driven as if 65 is the low limit, and the range runs to 80 and higher. perhaps we should start at the top and work our way down, eh? who creates the dangerous situation? when are we going draw the line and finally say let's get the rest down to the speed limit?

oh well, it's easier to challenge the slower driver since they are easier to catch.

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