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bluesesshomaru17 01-12-2006 07:06 AM

Re: HCH Stereo Upgrade
oh, just on another note, I have run my 200W on an 18" speaker and it could be heard for over a mile, I hooked up a box with two 10" and an 8" bazooka to the same amp (in addition to the 18") to pull 300W and it could be heard for 2+ miles ... so I am confused on what is going on with your wattage and lack of sound/loudness ... I really hope you can get it set up to the point of satisfaction.

Did you watch them take out the back seat to see how difficult it was? I am curious if I want to tackle this myself, or just let a professional do it. I think I will just put my 15" to use on that amp since it should be able to fit in the trunk and not take up too much space and add a capacitor to protect the charging system from heavy bass load draws. wonder if the cap and the amp would both fit under the passenger seat ... someone else has put an amp there from another thread.

fernando_g 01-12-2006 01:06 PM

Re: HCH Stereo Upgrade

Originally Posted by bluesesshomaru17
oh, just on another note, I have run my 200W on an 18" speaker and it could be heard for over a mile, I hooked up a box with two 10" and an 8" bazooka to the same amp (in addition to the 18") to pull 300W and it could be heard for 2+ miles ...

WOW! With that much power, you could face your subwoofers rearward and get some thrust for improved FE, or upwards for increased traction. :confused:

OK, OK, it was a dumb joke. :zip: But I could not resist. Sorry.

ElanC 01-12-2006 01:19 PM

Re: HCH Stereo Upgrade

Originally Posted by bluesesshomaru17
oh, just on another note, I have run my 200W on an 18" speaker and it could be heard for over a mile, I hooked up a box with two 10" and an 8" bazooka to the same amp (in addition to the 18") to pull 300W and it could be heard for 2+ miles ...

I get annoyed by those cars going chaBOOM chaBOOM next to me. It ruins my ability to enjoy my own music in my car. I think it's very rude. And I also think to myself, there goes another kid on the road to deafness.

zimbop 01-12-2006 03:18 PM

Re: HCH Stereo Upgrade

Originally Posted by bluesesshomaru17
I have run my 200W on an 18" speaker and it could be heard for over a mile, I hooked up a box with two 10" and an 8" bazooka to the same amp (in addition to the 18") to pull 300W and it could be heard for 2+ miles ...

Why would somebody want to do that? It's quite possible that nobody within 10 feet wants to hear your music, let alone 2 miles.

zimbop 01-12-2006 03:19 PM

Re: HCH Stereo Upgrade

Originally Posted by ElanC
I get annoyed by those cars going chaBOOM chaBOOM next to me. It ruins my ability to enjoy my own music in my car. I think it's very rude. And I also think to myself, there goes another kid on the road to deafness.

LOL. ... and credit card bankruptcy.

edovando 01-12-2006 08:58 PM

Re: HCH Stereo Upgrade
one thing I forgot to ask. When I installed my Alpine the unit is not flush\level with the rest of the dash, it is inside by like 2 cm. Did anyone else encounter this problem and how did they over come it?

bluesesshomaru17 01-12-2006 10:28 PM

Re: HCH Stereo Upgrade
I had this system 10 years ago in a second gen (88) RX-7. I drove with it at lower volume, but once in a while I let someone crank it up and the people waiting on us heard us coming before they could see us come over the hill. I was going to enter it in a sound competition (SPL) but someone ran a stop sign and totalled the front end of the car. Maybe that day I should have driven with the volume up :P . Yes, my ears rang for a while and had headaches if I turned it up to show someone for any length of time. No, I have no hearing loss as I was tested for a job last year and had a rating of 5 dB for the left ear and 2 dB on the right overall. That is inaudible to most people. I also saw my printout and I hear a wider range Hz than the average person as well.

I would NEVER recommend such a system to anyone but an audiophile, nor do I support in any way turning up music at levels above OSHA regulations or for any longer than the periods of time they state. They wear earplugs at the competitions. I am also annoyed by the boom boom at the stop lights and just because someone has a system DOES NOT mean they have to listen to a bass cd, rap, r&b, or any other stereotypical thing people associate with a subwoofer system.
I will say that cars are more sound-proof now, and with some extra protection (dynamat, spray and/or padding) you can have a louder system without annoying other drivers, so that it may meet individual preferences. I only encourage that people buy qualtiy products, that are able to give them the fullest range of sound for most people the audible range is 20 Hz - 20 kHz. Larger subwoofers can reproduce lower frequencies. an 8" subwoofer may be able to only produce with quality the same frequency range as the little 6 1/2s that are stock (45+ Hz), only a bit louder. 10" may be able to drop in the to 25-30 Hz. 12" 20-25Hz, 15" 18-22 Hz, 18" 12-18Hz as its low frequency range capablilty. This is why you buy a subwoofer. They also make 32" speakers if Just because you have a large speaker, doesn't mean you have to blast out your eardrums. I was actually quite suprised that the amount of wattage I had produced those results. I ONLY had 200W RMS. Some of you factory systems produce much more wattage.

I was just trying to relate to him that his 1000W amp or 2100W system, whichever it is, should be more than enough. Maybe I am just lucky and my amp puts out more than it should. Maybe my speakers happen to have a greater sensitivy. I don't know. But by the statement being made on his website, I wanted to try and find a way to help, and make him happier with what he has. That was all. Sorry to give the impression that I am one of those people you can feel pulling up that overrides the music you are listening to or even your own thoughts. I haven't had a subwoofer in my cars for years. I am thinking about it again, but not to rattle the screws loose in my car and the ones around me, just so I can experience the full sound of the audio I choose to play. I also feel that with the sub, I turn the bass all the way down on the radio, letting the sub amp do its work to magnify the selected bandwidth, and in a small way acts as a crossover, letting the smaller speakers play the higher frequencies louder and clearer without damage. Sorry you have those ignorant people without respect for others bothering you on the roadways. We have them too. But I do believe every state has laws against overly loud systems. It used to be 100 yds here, but they have changed it to 100 ft or 50 ft, I cannot remember. It has helped a lot in our area. Get with your legislation and improve the law and its enforcement if it is not adequate. Take care and have fun ;)

zimbop 01-12-2006 11:45 PM

Re: HCH Stereo Upgrade
That's interesting. Most municipalities do have noise ordinances, but I've never heard of anyone getting a ticket for a loud stereo or harley exhaust, though I'm annoyed by them every day. It seems to me that those laws are there to make people think there's some protection, without any real intent to enforce it.

Anyone ever heard of getting such a citation? A warning even?

bluesesshomaru17 01-13-2006 12:11 AM

Re: HCH Stereo Upgrade
Yes, they give tickets here, that is why it is much better now in our town. The gave verbal warnings at first, then tickets. The tickets were close to $200. It put a stop to it very quick. They are strict about a lot of things, including neons, etc. There was a 50 yr old man working with the city, on his way to work, he was pulled over and made to take off his green underbody neons that moment. The officer told him he would get him for impersonating if not. They don't mess with the loud exhausts, but will try to find another reason to pull them over. Same goes if you drive a sporty car. They follow you for as long as they can.

Even though I am friends with a lot of city officers, the law can be quite ... unfriendly here. I had been pulled over 5 times in a month because someone I knew lived in a 'bad' neighborhood. It was a cheap trailer park. The searched me and searched my car becuase they thought I was buying or selling drugs. I am glad I never carried my money with me back then or they may have tried to say I didn't earn it at work. I finally decided the next time they did it I would make them get a warrant because I felt harassed, but haven't been pulled over since. They do profile here, but it is hard to catch them on it. It fustrates me because that is a form of injustice, but I am only one.

I won't complain because from what I hear, and in my personal experience, Georgia cops are the worst!!! They will follow you at an unsafe closeness. I also was lied to by a state trooper. I was traveling to NYC and stopped at the rest area on I-75 above Atlanta to rest. I woke up in the morning and when I was checking my fluids, he pulled behind my car. He asked for my liscense etc. Said he ran the tag and it was issued to a 93 green mercedes. I pulled out the title, with all my paperwork, told him I had owned the car for over 10 years, with the same tag so he was full of it (in nicer words). btw the car was an silver 89 cougar.

Don't get me wrong, I respect the law, but there is corruption out there. It is sad. I am very happy that one of the people I went to school with didn't make the force, he wanted to be a cop so that he could take his childhood fustrations out (his words). He was picked on and he wanted to do so to others. He did work for corrections for a while and had a concealed weapons permit (scary). He wouldn't go to the mall without a pistol on his ankle and a shoulder holster. Those are the ones I am afraid of when police follow me, not the ones who have dignity and respect. I pray all of you don't get harassed and recieve fair treatment. It is a shame that the 1% of the bad ones have tainted the rest.

Good luck and take care!

BillR 01-13-2006 06:31 AM

Re: HCH Stereo Upgrade

Originally Posted by bluesesshomaru17
Yes, they give tickets here, that is why it is much better now in our town. The gave verbal warnings at first, then tickets. The tickets were close to $200. It put a stop to it very quick. They are strict about a lot of things, including neons, etc. There was a 50 yr old man working with the city, on his way to work, he was pulled over and made to take off his green underbody neons that moment. The officer told him he would get him for impersonating if not. They don't mess with the loud exhausts, but will try to find another reason to pull them over. Same goes if you drive a sporty car. They follow you for as long as they can.

Even though I am friends with a lot of city officers, the law can be quite ... unfriendly here. I had been pulled over 5 times in a month because someone I knew lived in a 'bad' neighborhood. It was a cheap trailer park. The searched me and searched my car becuase they thought I was buying or selling drugs. I am glad I never carried my money with me back then or they may have tried to say I didn't earn it at work. I finally decided the next time they did it I would make them get a warrant because I felt harassed, but haven't been pulled over since. They do profile here, but it is hard to catch them on it. It fustrates me because that is a form of injustice, but I am only one.

I won't complain because from what I hear, and in my personal experience, Georgia cops are the worst!!! They will follow you at an unsafe closeness. I also was lied to by a state trooper. I was traveling to NYC and stopped at the rest area on I-75 above Atlanta to rest. I woke up in the morning and when I was checking my fluids, he pulled behind my car. He asked for my liscense etc. Said he ran the tag and it was issued to a 93 green mercedes. I pulled out the title, with all my paperwork, told him I had owned the car for over 10 years, with the same tag so he was full of it (in nicer words). btw the car was an silver 89 cougar.

Don't get me wrong, I respect the law, but there is corruption out there. It is sad. I am very happy that one of the people I went to school with didn't make the force, he wanted to be a cop so that he could take his childhood fustrations out (his words). He was picked on and he wanted to do so to others. He did work for corrections for a while and had a concealed weapons permit (scary). He wouldn't go to the mall without a pistol on his ankle and a shoulder holster. Those are the ones I am afraid of when police follow me, not the ones who have dignity and respect. I pray all of you don't get harassed and recieve fair treatment. It is a shame that the 1% of the bad ones have tainted the rest.

Good luck and take care!

Bummer, Man. Out here (Mesa, AZ), we see a lot of "driving while black" violations... :(

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