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-   -   Geeze that car is fast! (https://electricvehicleforums.com/forums/honda-accord-hybrid-27/geeze-car-fast-8021/)

Hot_Georgia_2004 06-17-2006 01:58 PM

Geeze that car is fast!
The day before yesterday I recognized my first HAH. It was white, and noticed the short rear spoiler similar to my 04 HCH.
It was a very nice looking car.

Then today I was getting onto the 55MPH freeway, carefully metering my fuel as usual. As I merged into the lane, the vehicle behind me was following at a comfortable distance.
I leveled her off at 53-55MPH, staying in the far right lane, raising my FCD to 80MPG or above as usual for that segment.

At this point most folks just stay behind or courtiously pass.
The guy behind pulled parallel along side me and stayed there.
I glanced over to find someone smiling and with a 5-finger wave shot ahead like very few cars I've seen before, crossed into my lane a hundred feet ahead and was just gone. Just gone.

Although I didn't have time to scan for the "Hybrid" letters I did recognize that short rear spoiler.

Please let me tell you that it was really very impressive that a car can posess such speed potential at hand, and at the same time have the capability of very good economy.

Surely that guy isn't getting 30's or 40's MPG if doing that alot, but at the same time could really stretch a gallon if desired.

Very nice indeed!

gonavy 06-17-2006 06:45 PM

Re: Geeze that car is fast!

like you said. It is nice to know its there if/when you want it.

And don't forget the leather!

BTW- the spoiler is not a 100% bet that its hybrid- you can get it as an accessory for any Accord. The real giveaway is the centerline stub antenna on the back of the roofline like the HCHII

VMA131Marine 06-18-2006 08:58 PM

Re: Geeze that car is fast!
It sure is nice to know the power is there when you want it. :D

Ironically, a few weeks ago I was driving to work on I-95 between Bridgeport, CT and Westport and got passed by an Insight. I was driving with the cruise on at about 67-68 and the Insight pulled alongside, the driver looked over and gave a little nod and then accelerated away :embarass: .

Of course, I could have easily kept pace, I just didn't want to blow my mpg for that trip.

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