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JavaJ 01-24-2007 03:46 PM

Re: Transmission Problem
Yes, I have somewhat the same issue in Calgary (same climate as msantos FYI- well, OK, we can get Chinooks and Winnipeg, well, they can't :) ). In cooler weather (-5 deg C), If the car sat overnight, when I go into drive or reverse, I can get a lurching which I can only describe as a rubber band feel. It is like the CVT belt is tight and gives a little when I hit the accelerator. I have also tried putting the car into drive (without touching the gas pedal) to see if the car would slowly move forward. it won't until I give it a little gas (which then causes the sligth lurch as the CVT picks up the belt).
Not sure if it is an issue (and if it is, I have the 7year warranty so I am not too worried).

msantos 01-24-2007 06:59 PM

Re: Transmission Problem
That's right. No Chinooks here. Just predictable, steady, dependable, ... BORING "Stay inside the house or die" weather ;)



Doberwiler 01-25-2007 01:22 AM

Re: Transmission Problem

The clutch in that transmission does not work like a regular automatic transmission clutch, in fact the computer control attempts to make it "feel" more like a regular auto transmission tranny.

So I beleive when you have your foot on the brake, there is no resistance from the clutch to save energy, then when you remove your foot the computer engages it to make it creep forward to make it "feel" like a regular automatic tranny.


Harold 01-25-2007 08:34 AM

Re: Transmission Problem
Is there actually a belt in that CVT trans.. simillar too a snow-mobile?https://www.greenhybrid.com/discuss/...ons/icon12.gif

medicmike 01-28-2007 04:55 PM

Re: Transmission Problem

Originally Posted by 06 HCH in Georgetown TX (Post 106391)
Speaking of transmission issues, has anybody seen a issue in cooler weather where it it will not go into drive for a few seconds. Seems like the colder it is, the longer it takes before I can get the car to move. Its like still in neutral, then suddenly it will finally start to move. This is only when its cold. After a warm up, all is fine. Never noticed it in the warmer months, and don't remember it happening the first winter I had the car.

Thanks for any ideas, or if its typical.

Bob, Georgetown, TX
2006 HCH (received 11/05)

Mine is doing that too. I also noticed to trans fliud was below operating range after a 35 minute drive at 45 mph. I called the dealer, who told me that is a typical thing with Honda trannys and cold weather. I still added a small amount of trans fliud, and the problem seemed to get better. Maybe ot's just me...

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