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1stpik 06-16-2007 10:05 PM

Re: Cruise control best option for highway driving?
3 mpg = 36 miles per tank

36 miles per tank = $1 per fill-up

$1 per fill = $26 per year.

So using cruise control costs you $2.17 per month.

owlmaster08 06-17-2007 06:11 AM

Re: Cruise control best option for highway driving?

Originally Posted by 1stpik (Post 130193)
3 mpg = 36 miles per tank

36 miles per tank = $1 per fill-up

$1 per fill = $26 per year.

So using cruise control costs you $2.17 per month.

Or to look at it another way (based on these assumptions), around 20 gallons of gas. I like to picture 1 gallon milk jugs. 20 of them stacked up. All empty...

Though I guess 20 gallons is nothing in the big scheme of things.

1stpik 06-17-2007 08:19 AM

Re: Cruise control best option for highway driving?
That's how I see it. The amount of effort and concentration required to achieve that extra 3 mpg simply isn't worth the small amount of money or gasoline saved. I think we all focus too much on small increases in already-superior mpg.

Last week I passed a guy in a Hummer H2 towing a 30' boat on I-35. Now, even if every driver on this website started hypermiling, it wouldn't offset the amount of gasoline those two toys burn.

We hybid owners need to remember "the big scheme of things." We've made the aesthetic and financial sacrifices of buying super-efficient cars. We each do our part to reduce emissions and dependence on foreign oil. So, **** it, we're gonna enjoy the convenience of cruise control if we want to!

owlmaster08 06-17-2007 09:19 AM

Re: Cruise control best option for highway driving?

Originally Posted by 1stpik (Post 130220)
So, **** it, we're gonna enjoy the convenience of cruise control if we want to!

Except me, because I'm still in college and I think I'll take the $26!

kenny 06-17-2007 11:29 AM

Re: Cruise control best option for highway driving?
To each his own.
Use CC.
Don't use CC.

People vary.
Allow them to vary.
No reason to get upset.

kristian 06-18-2007 08:35 AM

Re: Cruise control best option for highway driving?
I have noticed that for a given speed and reading on the instant FE meter, the CC seems to do less regen. For example, if I'm cruising at 50mph on a slight uphill and have my FE meter at 50mpg, I might be showing 2 bars of green. If I turn the cruise on, the green bars go away, but I am still getting the same FE at the same speed. I wonder if the FE is actually a little higher though (even though I show the same number of blocks) because it's not doing forced regen.

I've only done one (non-mountain) road trip in the HCHII and I started using the CC after a few hours of footing it. I didn't notice any difference in FE when I started using the cruise, but I was hitting the cancel button on every hill of decent size. The FE really seems to fall off when the cruise pushes the engine above 3k RPM.

I would be willing to bet that the cruise would beat a hypermiler of "average" skill on flat ground over a long distance...

2007HCHOttawa 06-18-2007 12:42 PM

Re: Cruise control best option for highway driving?
Lots of interesting comments. The reason I asked was coz often (atleast in the little highway driving that I do) I can't afford to P&G because I have cars behind me even in the slow lane. So considering that the P&G option is taken away ... I feel CC is better able to manage the iFCD especially in relatively flat or slightly uphill driving. Going downhill ... I kill the CC and coast / glide.

tigerhonaker 06-20-2007 07:01 PM

Re: Cruise control best option for highway driving?

Originally Posted by 2007HCHOttawa (Post 130029)
I don't do a lot of highway driving. But for the short periods that I have been on the highway, I have noticed that using Cruise control gives me the best MPG. If I am trying to manage it ... I can rarely get it to work optimally and I invariably piss someone off behind me as my speed fluctuates.

Anyone else feel the same way?

Hi HCHOttawa,

Here is a Thread I did on using the Cruise Control on my HCH II. I think youn will find it Very-Interesting. Cruise-Control Works:

The actual MPG figure is: 66.7 MPG

This is Based on the Amount of Gallons (4.069) to Refill the Tank.
The Miles Driven: 271.4
That gives us the above MPG Figure of: 66.7 MPG

The rest of the Facts are in the Following Thread Below:


Terry (tiger)

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