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BigTuna 06-27-2008 09:13 PM

Re: Gasoline/Electric percent of propulsion?

Originally Posted by mdarmistead (Post 178452)
uuuhhhh.... 100% of the energy comes from gas?? What about Gravity and Regenerative Braking. You're right, I don't want to admit that I'm running on pure electricity for only a small fraction of the time because it's simply not true. The more I read Honda documentation and learn about how the system works, the less I believe that you're right.

I have been testing some of the techniques for extending mpg and there are many instances during various driving segments that the HCHII is in cylinder disable mode and runs strictly on the electric motor. I plan to do more testing, but so far it looks like over the course of my commute to work, it runs on electric between 25% to 30% of the time.

It will take more trips and careful recording of the status to confirm this initial determination.

Perhaps it is not a matter of right and wrong, but one of perspective.

I FAS as much as I can so my car is switched completely off about 30% of the time it is in motion. What would you say is "powering" the car while it is off during a FAS??

Whiterook 07-09-2008 04:46 AM

Re: Gasoline/Electric percent of propulsion?

Originally Posted by mdarmistead (Post 178452)
uuuhhhh.... 100% of the energy comes from gas?? What about Gravity and Regenerative Braking. You're right, I don't want to admit that I'm running on pure electricity for only a small fraction of the time because it's simply not true. The more I read Honda documentation and learn about how the system works, the less I believe that you're right.

I have been testing some of the techniques for extending mpg and there are many instances during various driving segments that the HCHII is in cylinder disable mode and runs strictly on the electric motor. I plan to do more testing, but so far it looks like over the course of my commute to work, it runs on electric between 25% to 30% of the time.

It will take more trips and careful recording of the status to confirm this initial determination.

Probably this would be better answered by the physicists among us (are there any?), but doesn't gravity represent only that potential energy which is stored from climbing a hill in the first place? In other words, the kinetic energy released during a downhill run was originally built up through energy expended on the uphill run, using gasoline.

I believe the point that ALL the energy used in current non-plug in hybrids is sourced originally by burning gasoline is essentially true. The battery, the regenerative braking, gravity, etc., all are made possible by the energy either used or stored by burning gas.

mdarmistead 07-09-2008 09:45 AM

Re: Gasoline/Electric percent of propulsion?
True, all energy in a hybrid is originally sourced from gasoline, but what the state is considering is: Is the car ever powered exclusively by the electric motor, and if so, how much of the time is it powered exclusively by it?

My take on this is, yes there are times when only the electric motor powers the vehicle. Evidenced by the Assist bars showing and the iFCD being at 100%
I am timing the amount of minutes during my commute that this condition exists, to determine gasoline/electric ratio.

BigTuna 07-09-2008 10:38 PM

Re: Gasoline/Electric percent of propulsion?

Did you see this thread?


Whiterook 07-10-2008 06:47 AM

Re: Gasoline/Electric percent of propulsion?

Originally Posted by mdarmistead (Post 179966)
True, all energy in a hybrid is originally sourced from gasoline, but what the state is considering is: Is the car ever powered exclusively by the electric motor, and if so, how much of the time is it powered exclusively by it?

My take on this is, yes there are times when only the electric motor powers the vehicle. Evidenced by the Assist bars showing and the iFCD being at 100%
I am timing the amount of minutes during my commute that this condition exists, to determine gasoline/electric ratio.

Fair enough.

I would like to see a time calculation of the amount of time the engine is not running while the car is in "drive", but NOT moving. I don't believe fuel saved during this operating mode can be integrated into a simple mpg calculation. To figure fuel NOT used one would need to know the fuel consumption of the ICE while idling or running to charge the battery at standstill. Then subtract that figure from the time spent with the vehicle not moving and the ICE not running, but vehicle in "drive".

mdarmistead 07-10-2008 09:11 AM

Re: Gasoline/Electric percent of propulsion?
That would indeed be interesting from an FE perspective, however, the state of OK only cares about the amount of time the electric motor is the sole source of motive power during vehicle movement.

I am talking to one of our state representatives about sponsoring a bill that would give tax incentives to any vehicle owner that can prove their vehicle achieves 40+ MPG FE.

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