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KermitCar 10-19-2007 01:56 PM

Re: Your speed on the Highway
i dont normaly use cc but when im in car pool or its late at night and fewer cars on on the road, i set it at 60 in a 60 zone but i still tend to pass a lot of people

spinner 10-20-2007 05:06 AM

Re: Your speed on the Highway
I stick to the speed limit (typically 62 MPH), or slightly below. And I use cruise control whenever it is safe to do so.

AshenGrey 10-20-2007 07:19 AM

Re: Your speed on the Highway
I also set the Cruise at 62 when I'm on the highway. Depending on the length of my drive, I've gotten as high at 53.3 MPG. Of course, my average MPG is pretty low because almost all of my driving is in-city and I have a real problem with road rage when traffic gets congested (which is all the time!)

Adjat84th 10-22-2007 06:42 PM

Re: Your speed on the Highway
I do 57mph in a 55 zone and 65 in a 65 zone just to keep people halfway sane. On a long trip from Myrtle Beach to VA I set the cruise on 60mph and was able to get 60mpg on that trip home. Slight tail wind the whole way and warm (no A/C) temps. Motor was not broken in fully either! I've noticed that while going 55mph the mileage is much better than say even 57 and even more so than 60. If I'm in the car alone I'll do 55 :)

IMAhybrid 10-23-2007 07:45 PM

Re: Your speed on the Highway
In my HCH I go 60 and I usually use the cruise control. The Insight is a whole different story, first, it doesn't have cruise control (yet) so I can't use it. I haven't settled on a highway speed for it yet, and I probably won't get the chance, only 13.5 weeks of school left (!!!), which means I'll only be making ~4 more trips back home. So far I've been a little scared to go 60, not for safety reasons, I'm afraid I'll get hooked on going so slow that I won't be able to go any faster like I did in my Civic. Going between 67-76 I shave an hour off my travel time going home (over going 60), which means 2 extra hours I get to spend with my boyfriend.

jrb_nw 10-23-2007 10:48 PM

Re: Your speed on the Highway
62-67 if not in a hurry, 72-75 if I have to go 100 miles or more as I just don't like to drive that long in the Prius. It is a poor open road car, imho.

abowles 10-24-2007 01:34 PM

Re: Your speed on the Highway
60 MPH or the posted limit, whichever is lower and always with CC. That means my speed will vary from 59 (up hill grades) to 61 (down hill grades).

TheSpoils 10-26-2007 05:24 PM

Re: Your speed on the Highway
My fuel economy is better when i do not use cc. It feels to aggressive on the slightest incline. Have not tested yet, but feel pretty confident that it is less efficient in a hybrid.

spartybrutus 10-27-2007 07:07 AM

Re: Your speed on the Highway

Originally Posted by TheSpoils (Post 147783)
My fuel economy is better when i do not use cc. It feels to aggressive on the slightest incline. Have not tested yet, but feel pretty confident that it is less efficient in a hybrid.

I wonder about this too.

The thing is, when I dont use CC on freeways, my FE is similar to using CC, but I tend to drive slower than using the CC. Up hills, much more speed bleeds off and I dont really make up for it on downhills. So maybe no CC really is like driving slower...

spartybrutus 11-10-2007 06:40 PM

Re: Your speed on the Highway
I spent a nice day in SoCal last Thursday driving from Cypress -->Torrence --> San Diego --> LAX....

Did seem like all of the millions of vehicles on the freeways there tended to do 70 or higher - when they were not bumper to bumper.

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