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rxhybrid 07-22-2008 12:34 PM

Worst Tank Ever
I just got my worst tank ever, and I couldn't be happier.

I got 21mpg. I drove from Cleveland, Ohio to Elkins, Wv. Drove 70mph plus (I didn't want to get killed, so I drove like the locals), We ate lunch in the car for 1/2 hour with the AC , Drove 20 some miles of Dirt road @ or below 30mph and climbed up and down the highest point in West Virginia (Spruce Knob). Oh, I forgot to say 4 people in the car and 3 of them above 240 lbs. And yes, put the AC in the Red zone all the way there. I think 21mpg for that trip was not bad at all. I did everything wrong and still got above 21mpg with mixed driving.

Normally I get 28 to 30 with the AC on in the ECO positions and over 30 if the AC is off. The temps were up to 90 degrees and the humidity was that high at times also.

So I would officially say the worst MPG's you can get are 21mpg.

MyPart 07-22-2008 03:19 PM

Re: Worst Tank Ever
My worst tank so far was 26MPG, fully loaded with people and luggage, hauling a*# through the mountains, and running the A/C full blast all the while with less than <5K on the odometer. It was all "Interstate" and no idling.

21MPG does sound like a pretty good worst case number.

Sascol 07-23-2008 06:24 AM

Re: Worst Tank Ever
My worst was 31.4 mpg. Highway, 70+ mph and AC on econ (which never kicked in because we never went into EV). Some hills, but no heavy loads or anything like that.

trekwars2000 07-23-2008 08:41 AM

Re: Worst Tank Ever
Our worst tank ever was our first. We had just bought the car in So Cali. We went to the furniture store and loaded up the whole back, then added in more wedding gifts. I'm guessing we had somewhere in the neighborhood of 800 lbs of Cargo in the car. Add my wife and myself and it was a lot of weight.

We ran around for about 50-60 miles in So Cali mixed freeway and city driving, then set the cruise at between 85 and 90 on the drive between Orange County and Vegas. Final for the tank was about 25.2 mpg.

I value my time (esp. already getting into Vegas at 2am) more than a few MPGs on any trip over 4 hours.

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