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Fred S 02-29-2008 07:25 PM

Re: Why an EV button will be difficult
This device is just so that you don't have to run a switch and you can engage EV mode by hitting cancel on the cruise control. The Prius ECU has a pin that gets switched (ground or 12v not sure) and that tells the ECU you want EV mode. There is no tricking any sensors. This is the only way you are going to reliably get EV mode implemented.

Originally Posted by Billyk (Post 161212)
I did a search on whether the Prius has an electric only mode button and found this link: http://www.coastaletech.com/electric_only_mode.htm

A $45 item plus shipping. It seems simple to install via this link. However, it is for the Prius and not the Escape. http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/f...g?t=1202609978

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