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gpsman1 06-03-2009 06:21 PM

Re: TC and F/awd vehicles.
All the data in all the books and on all the web sites state that FWD is more safe and more desireable than RWD.

For the record, I've been keeping track for the past 12 months, and W.W. has been incorrect in FEH area 86.2% of the time. I don't keep track of other areas. I don't have the time.

wptski 06-03-2009 09:05 PM

Re: TC and F/awd vehicles.

Originally Posted by stevedebi (Post 204195)
It took more quotes for me, but wwest has been on my ignore list for several months...

I see now that he started this thread, what a waste.

My owners manual has an interesting comment on the instrument cluster; the "slipping car" icon is listed as ABS active / Traction Control (If equipped). I am wondering if the AWD versions even implement TC.

Sure it does. TC uses the ABS system. Look at my link in Post #7. That's how torque is applied to three wheels.

Bill Winney 06-04-2009 05:16 AM

Re: TC and F/awd vehicles.

If you think about it TC is just a slight software modification of the ABS System. In ABS the computer monitors the wheels for lockup and modulates the brake at that wheel to prevent it. (For the record the info I have seen on ABS indicates that 85% wheel rotation versus actual speed is defined as maximum braking effect.)

In TC the same system monitors each wheel with power for wheel spin above road speed and modulates the brake for that wheel (& Engine power if needed) to prevent spin. In essence the engineers realized they could do both with the same system and sell them as two safety items. The implementation is really easy once you have wheel sensors in place.

I have noted two things over the years.
- You can lock up all 4 wheels in an ABS System if the road is so slick that all four wheels lockup at the same time. If the system can't tell speed, it can't modulate the brakes.
- At low speeds you have to turn off TC otherwise it will prevent a locking axle from locking by keeping the spinning wheel below the axles lock up point. ...And you spin the wheel without traction!

wptski 06-04-2009 05:40 AM

Re: TC and F/awd vehicles.

Originally Posted by Bill Winney (Post 204214)
- At low speeds you have to turn off TC otherwise it will prevent a locking axle from locking by keeping the spinning wheel below the axles lock up point. ...And you spin the wheel without traction!

How would you ever know this? What do you do, constantly turn TC ON/OFF?

wwest 06-04-2009 07:29 AM

Re: TC and F/awd vehicles.
It would be a bit of ultimate foolishness in this day and time for Ford to not include TC in ANY FWD or F/awd vehicle.

stevedebi 06-04-2009 08:24 AM

Re: TC and F/awd vehicles.

Originally Posted by Bill Winney (Post 204214)
- At low speeds you have to turn off TC otherwise it will prevent a locking axle from locking by keeping the spinning wheel below the axles lock up point. ...And you spin the wheel without traction!

My previous cars with TC have had a switch to turn it off. I can vouch from experience that it is used at slow speed; I have used it in snow from a standing start, and had the TC engage.

stevedebi 06-04-2009 08:33 AM

Re: TC and F/awd vehicles.

Originally Posted by wptski (Post 204208)
Sure it does. TC uses the ABS system. Look at my link in Post #7. That's how torque is applied to three wheels.

The link in Post #7 does not work for me. However, I'm well aware of how TC works by utilizing the ABS system to stop spinning wheels. In my previous cars it has worked at speeds below 18 MPH (those were Honda).

In any case the Fusion has ESC, as does the 2009 FEH, but previous model years did not have this feature, so I don't think it would necessarily apply to Pre-2009 model FEH as an example. I have read on Fusion sites that all AdvanceTrac vehicles have TC included, so I would guess that the 2009 FEH has TC as well.

I suppose I should have clarified my statement. I own a 2008, and the owner's manual says "If Equipped" after "Traction Control". If all models had TC, why the statement? Since AdvanceTrac was not available, if there is TC, why isn't there a button disabling that function?

Can anyone with the 2009 FEH check their manual and see if the "If Equipped" is there? It is on the pages listing the instrument cluster indicators, the "Slipping Car" icon.

wwest 06-04-2009 10:02 AM

Re: TC and F/awd vehicles.
Historically the ability to turn TC off primarily applied only to RWD or R/awd vehicles wherein "off" didn't involve such a safety problem/issue.

It's only in the past 2-3 model years that manufacturer's have begun to offer TC "off" function on some of their F/awd models. Not so sure about FWD.

wptski 06-04-2009 10:06 AM

Re: TC and F/awd vehicles.

Originally Posted by stevedebi (Post 204224)
The link in Post #7 does not work for me. However, I'm well aware of how TC works by utilizing the ABS system to stop spinning wheels. In my previous cars it has worked at speeds below 18 MPH (those were Honda).

In any case the Fusion has ESC, as does the 2009 FEH, but previous model years did not have this feature, so I don't think it would necessarily apply to Pre-2009 model FEH as an example. I have read on Fusion sites that all AdvanceTrac vehicles have TC included, so I would guess that the 2009 FEH has TC as well.

I suppose I should have clarified my statement. I own a 2008, and the owner's manual says "If Equipped" after "Traction Control". If all models had TC, why the statement? Since AdvanceTrac was not available, if there is TC, why isn't there a button disabling that function?

Can anyone with the 2009 FEH check their manual and see if the "If Equipped" is there? It is on the pages listing the instrument cluster indicators, the "Slipping Car" icon.

That's what my '09 FE says also! The '09 FE has RSC, TCS, ESC and RSC.
You are the second person that said that link doesn't work but it works for me!!

wwest 06-04-2009 10:10 AM

Re: TC and F/awd vehicles.
Is it possible that AdvanceTrac (TC) was a mid-year changeover for the 2009 MY FEH..??

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