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queenfan 09-12-2007 05:36 PM

Squeaky rear end--'08
I posted to an earlier thread about rear end squeaks, but it was an old thread so I'm starting fresh.
Does anyone remember the discussion about the matress spring type squeak from the rear as well as the rhythmic squeal related to braking? Well, that thread ended before the '08s came out. Mine started doing both really badly this week and I'd like to know if anyone with an '08 had any experience with this so I can give the dealership someplace to start in the search.

mtberman 09-12-2007 08:03 PM

Re: Squeaky rear end--'08
No squeaking on mine. There is more suspension noise than I'd like, but no squeaking. Yet. We'll see what happens when it gets cold.

As for the electric motor noise, having owned a Prius from 2003 until 2006, I know that'ss part of Toyota or Ford hybrid ownership. Mine does it at almost all speeds if there's any charge/assist going on.

cngrevolution 09-13-2007 08:10 PM

Re: Squeaky rear end--'08
mine squeaks quite a bit. I hear it really good like in parking garages, or if i am going slow next to a wall or something. My wife said she also hears this squeaking on her FEH, so you are not alone!

queenfan 09-14-2007 11:21 AM

Re: Squeaky rear end--'08
I just got a call back from the dealer; apparently, early 2008 FEHs have misshapen rear brake shoes. Ford is aware of this and has recently advised dealerships of the problem. It has not gotten a TSB yet. This should fix the mattress squeak and the rhythmic squeak/squeal and the banshee-like screech when it's rained. I am happy!

mtberman 09-14-2007 11:44 AM

Re: Squeaky rear end--'08
Brake shoes? The hybrid has all disc brakes so there are no shoes. I'll bet the dealer person meant brake discs, eh?

glennb 09-14-2007 02:00 PM

Re: Squeaky rear end--'08
Parking brake may be of the shoe/drum type located inside the rear rotor(s)

queenfan 09-14-2007 03:53 PM

Re: Squeaky rear end--'08
I know he said shoes. Great, now I've got to trust these people with the FEH and they don't even know what they're talking about. Maybe he misspoke? I sure hope so.

aGDevil2k 09-17-2007 04:10 PM

Re: Squeaky rear end--'08
I am glad to know you have the same issue (well, not for you, but that I am not alone!).

I have the exact same issues. The high-pitch really hurts my ears! And that screech when it rains--wow I didn't know cars made such a noise. I will take it in soon and give them the info you told me. I know they had similar noises with 06-07 FEH, but those should have been resolved by the 2008s. Mine is about as old as yours (6,000 plus) and just started these squeaks in the last month.

Thanks for the info. I will take it in to get it serviced and hopefully give them a lead!

queenfan 09-18-2007 09:47 AM

Re: Squeaky rear end--'08
I'm taking the truck in tonight for the repair. When I get the paperwork, I'll post here so you can know exactly what to tell your mechanic. Now, if only someone could figure out the high pitched whine from the front of the car...

mtberman 09-18-2007 12:02 PM

Re: Squeaky rear end--'08
It's possible that you, like so many others before, are hearing the normal sound of the motor/generators. To be sure, perhaps it might be worth trying out another FEH and seeing if it makes the whine also. My old Prius did it, my neighbords HiHy does it, and my FEH does it.

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