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Jerry&Natalie 03-13-2007 08:33 AM

Re: This guy should be banned from the road
I concur Gary, I didn't hear anyone in that article pitch a ***** or threaten to jump out of the car.

I have had the same reaction as them when I was learning to race, passenger seat with a pro driver who knew what he was doing. I was not bracing myself because I was scared but for the G force which was about to occur. I feel safe with an experienced driver. period. They are the most focussed and usually have 2 hands on the wheel. Even Natalie felt safe when I drove my 240SX at speed. Why? Because I know what I am doing and I am hyper aware of my surroundings. Seat time teaches you this.

Delta Flyer 03-13-2007 08:33 AM

Originally Posted by WaltPA (Post 115729)
I wonder how those 18 wheeler drivers feel?

I mean, his saving of gas, costs them more fuel. There is no such thing as a "free ride". All the energy (gas) this guy saves by "drafting" has to be made up for somewhere, and that has to be by the trucks using more energy (burning more fuel).

And since nothing is 100% efficient, I would think that for every gallon of gas he saves, the truck burns 1.5 gallons of additional fuel.

This was a hot topic yesterday on PriusChat (see http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=30244&hl= )

The thumbnail of that thread is the huge wake behind the 18-wheelers is there regardless. If anything, drafters actually help the fuel economy of the lead vehicle slightly. Truckers draft each other in convoys sometimes. The wake is so long they don't have to ride the bumper.

WaltPA 03-13-2007 08:44 AM

Re: This guy should be banned from the road

Originally Posted by Delta Flyer (Post 115736)
This was a hot topic yesterday on PriusChat (see http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=30244&hl= )

The thumbnail of that thread is the huge wake behind the 18-wheelers is there regardless. If anything, drafters actually help the fuel economy of the lead vehicle slightly. Truckers draft each other in convoys sometimes. The wake is so long they don't have to ride the bumper.

Interesting thread. A very relevant comment there is by John in LB, "THIEF.... ".

While one might try to console themselves by thinking they are helping the truck, they certainly aren't. To do so, would be a violation of some basic laws of physics.

Jerry&Natalie 03-13-2007 08:49 AM

Re: This guy should be banned from the road
But how can he be a thief? An 18 wheeler at speed should'nt feel a "draft from 2000 lbs. I agree one car length behind is too close. ie, both drivers are blind, but how much mpg is the truck really losing, if any at all. seems to me the Prius is just sucked in for the ride.

When I was racing semi pro we drafted all the time. whether I was leading or following two cars together were faster than one and in a draft situation we both increased our mileage. when the rear vehicle slung shot out you immediately felt it in terms of mileage and performance.

Delta Flyer 03-13-2007 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by WaltPA (Post 115739)
Interesting thread. A very relevant comment there is by John in LB, "THIEF.... ".

While one might try to console themselves by thinking they are helping the truck, they certainly aren't. To do so, would be a violation of some basic laws of physics.

It's worth Googling to search for support of that view.

Most of the replies in the PC thread indicated the drafters were not making the trucker use more gas. The wake is so long, it's possible to not drive blind and save a little fuel.

Originally Posted by JimboK at CleanMPG
...but at the two (potentially) fastest NASCAR tracks (Daytona and Talledega), where they use carburetor restrictor plates to limit horsepower and speed, aerodynamics are such that drafting actually helps the lead vehicle. A car rarely can pass another at full speed without another car aerodynamically "pushing" it from behind, and cars cannot pull away from the pack individually.

There has to be a lot of info on drafting from NASCAR, convoy truckers, pilots in flying formations clear back to WWII.

ericbecky 03-13-2007 09:28 AM

Re: This guy should be banned from the road

Originally Posted by Jerry&Natalie (Post 115725)
I am more concerned about the guy who does five under in the LEFT lane. he is far more dangerous or the guy multitasking behind the wheel. I spent most of my time in the right lane and hate it when people cut me off or tailgate in order to pass this slow moving speed bump.

Word to the wise if you are doing the limit or less, get in the right lane, or are you so self absorbed you are not aware of all the people passing you on the right?

Having been a victim of someone who rear-ended me becuase the driver behind be was not paying attention (stupid cell phones!) I agree with your multasking comment.

And, you are right; driving slow in the left lane is not a good idea either.

I generally drive at or under the speed limit and keep to the right as much as possible. I have three young boys who will be drivers on the road some day. Because of my influence on them, I will continue to drive this way.

Jason 03-13-2007 09:32 AM

Re: This guy should be banned from the road
Wayne used to be one of our most active members until he decided GreenHybrid catered to too many people and didn't advocate fuel efficiency as the primary goal of transportation. He left in quite a puff.

I would agree that his driving style can be dangerous. You do have to admit he has talent, however.

jmorton10 03-13-2007 09:37 AM

Re: This guy should be banned from the road

Originally Posted by Jason (Post 115749)

I would agree that his driving style can be dangerous. You do have to admit he has talent, however.

I certainly agree he has talent & if he was doing it in a closed course situation I would say more power to him.

He has no business whatever driving like that on public roads however.


Delta Flyer 03-13-2007 09:47 AM

Wayne drove my Insight from Chicago to Madison last year (125 miles?) and later did 10 miles of hypermiling on backroads with me in the car. No concerns.

A number of neighbors that are members here and other boards, people that meet at the hybrid groups in Chicago, Milwaukee, and Madison would speak up if they felt he was a highway threat.

Jerry&Natalie 03-13-2007 09:54 AM

Re: This guy should be banned from the road

Originally Posted by ericbecky (Post 115747)
I have three young boys who will be drivers on the road some day. Because of my influence on them, I will continue to drive this way.


Monkey see, Monkey do, I do the same now I am a parent. Kids remember everything. good or bad, especially when mom or dad does it!

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