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copyboy1 09-27-2005 02:45 PM

FEH Weirdness
I have some recollection of this problem being discussed before, but I couldn't seem to find it on the boards, so here goes:

I have an 2005 FEH 4wd with about 10k miles on it. Yesterday, as I hit the accellerator to merge onto the freeway, the Check Engine light came on, and the FEH wouldn't accellerate above 20 mph. I exited the freeway on the next off ramp and turned the car off.

When I turned it back on again, it made several weird noises, and then seemed to be completely fine. I drove home, but haven't driven it since.

What the hell happened?

I already would never buy another FEH again. This is just giving me one more reason.

nitramjr 09-27-2005 03:22 PM

Re: FEH Weirdness

Originally Posted by copyboy1
I already would never buy another FEH again. This is just giving me one more reason.

With 10k miles you should still be under warranty. If the check engine light came on t all it is because a code was set - could be in memory. Have it read. Maybe a good time to finally find anew deaer to service your vehicle.

I am still of the opinion that you got a lemon based on long ago discussions regarding your fuel efficiency. This is more evidence of that.

I have 2 FEH's and they have both been great (6k on the '05 and 5k+ on the '06). Mileage is still increasing. You got a bad one, I am sure.....

Good luck.

copyboy1 09-27-2005 04:19 PM

Re: FEH Weirdness
I'm not sure how to prove I have a lemon.

With the mileage problem, Ford keeps saying nothing's wrong. I mean, how can I prove that I don't do jack rabbit starts, or drive too fast?

My girlfriend used the Lemon Law to return her BMW, but that was only after 13 times in the shop over a 9 month period. I haven't had anything that drastic.

Unfortunately, at this point, I don't think there's much I can do. I can ***** to Ford, but they've been less than responsive so far.And unless I get a rash of other problems cropping up, I think I'm stuck with what I have.

Pravus Prime 09-27-2005 10:56 PM

Re: FEH Weirdness

Originally Posted by nitramjr
With 10k miles you should still be under warranty. If the check engine light came on t all it is because a code was set - could be in memory. Have it read. Maybe a good time to finally find anew deaer to service your vehicle.

I am still of the opinion that you got a lemon based on long ago discussions regarding your fuel efficiency. This is more evidence of that.

I have 2 FEH's and they have both been great (6k on the '05 and 5k+ on the '06). Mileage is still increasing. You got a bad one, I am sure.....

Good luck.

I gotta agree, I've read some of your threads even before I ordered mine and signed up here, it sounds to me like you've got a lemon.

It may be difficult, to prove it, especially depending on what state you live in, from what I've heard, but it does sound like your FEH isn't quite right.

gonavy 09-28-2005 04:47 AM

Re: FEH Weirdness
if the vehicle simply would not go >20mph, sounds like a tranny problem? If the FEH were an automatic I'd say it was just stuck in 1st at that moment- definitely something wrong in there. Dunno how that translates to the CVT, but it sounds like it wanted to stay in the low range, which also could explain your mpg issues. What are you RPMs at highway speed? I know CVT rpms are a lot more unpredictable than regular tansmisisons, but there should be some general correlation you can keep an eye on and point the service dept to.

I'm not sure how the 4WD is set up on the FEH, but if its engaged and there's a traditional transfer case and/or hub locks that are sick, that can also be the mpg culprit. Is there a 4low setting? 4low won't let you go over 20-30mph in some vehicles. Maybe it got stuck in that setting from a glitch of some sort?

If you are a FWD, then ignore all I just wrote.

what mpg are you getting?

GaryG 09-28-2005 08:04 AM

Re: FEH Weirdness
Copyboy, I think your getting to your problem with the check engine light coming on. A while back you were saying you were having a problem with EV mode. I said then I thought it had something to do with the Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor. Now your telling us about not being able to get over 20 mph.

The Torque Based Electronic Throttle Control we have replaced the old standard cable operated accelerator pedal. This is a hardware and software strategy which uses pedal position for engine output. There is a plunger assembly in the Electronic Throttle Body that lets you limp home at a top speed of 30 mph if this system gets wacky. Your problem went away after shut down (reset).

The fact that you got a check engine light this time may make it easier for the dealership to find your problem. This type of information is stored in the computer and can be brought up as a code on a Diagnostic Computer.

Ford does not make lemons, they make the finest Hybrid in the World. You may have a bad switch or software problem.


salsbr 09-28-2005 08:25 AM

Re: FEH Weirdness
Hey Gary,

Ford does make lemons, every manufacturer does. But just because one vehicle is bad doesn't mean the rest are. I'm very pleased with my FEH, and don't understand the problems that copyboy is having.

GaryG 09-28-2005 09:32 AM

Re: FEH Weirdness
Salsbr, lemons grow on trees. I'm kidding here guys.

Copyboy has a problem with his FEH that can be fixed. Ray and I agree that the code is most likely stored in the memory chip. With all that copyboy has told us, I think it is a bad accelerator sensor. It is a three position switch that the PCM and other (such as the ECVT module) computers on the FEH read and relay to other sensors to make things happen. One of these three positions could be bad but the FEH can operate still because the computers work around the problem with the other two position. This will not produce a code or engine light. Now that copyboy saw a check engine light, that means a code most likely is stored in the memory chip. This means that there was a failure of something. It reset and copyboy was on his way.

The reason I thought it was the Torque Based Electronic Throttle Control was because he was able to limp off the highway. It has a mechanical plunger thats spring loaded to let this happen when the TBETC fails. Now that a code came up with this problem (I THINK) Copyboy can remind them of the other driving problems. Their not going to replace the TBETC, their going to find what caused it to fail. They will have a list of sensors that could have caused the problem in the manual and a way to test these sensors.

The dealership has a problem now they can identify. Hopefully it will solve his other problem also.


Pravus Prime 09-28-2005 01:30 PM

Re: FEH Weirdness

Originally Posted by gonavy
I'm not sure how the 4WD is set up on the FEH, but if its engaged and there's a traditional transfer case and/or hub locks that are sick, that can also be the mpg culprit. Is there a 4low setting? 4low won't let you go over 20-30mph in some vehicles. Maybe it got stuck in that setting from a glitch of some sort?

If you are a FWD, then ignore all I just wrote.

Just for the info, the 4WD is automatic, there's no switching, no low, nothing; My old '95 Explorer had a three way switch, 2WD, 4WD, and 4WD Low, there's nothing like that on the FEH. It's always on (Checking some 200 times per second and adjusting power to the wheels as needed), and there's a diagnostic for it in the system check runthrough.

It would seem that perhaps Copyboy's problems have finally gotten to someplace where the tech people he's been taking it to finally have something they can't ignore, and perhaps a solution to his problem, I'd certainly take it in now.

copyboy1 09-28-2005 02:42 PM

Re: FEH Weirdness
Thanks for all the help guys. We took it in last night to the dealer - it drove fine for about 5 minutes, then the same thing happened - wouldn't accellerate over 20 mph, the wrench light came on, and now this time the emmission light came on (which is different from the first time).

Luckily, this all happened right as we were pulling into the dealer, so we left the car running so he could see the lights on and what was happening. Hopefully, they can tell us what's wrong.

We also told them (again) about the MPG problems we've had and the braking problems. They've never been able to fix those before, but we want to make sure it's all documented in case we have to go the Lemon Law route.

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