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turbotaguy 03-08-2010 11:38 AM

FEH - MPG and Hypermiler tips
I have read many articles and posts about how to get the best mpg out of my FEH. My drive is 50/50 city/highway so aside from drafting on the freeway every time (not so easy to do ALL of the time) I feel like I can only do so much.

My last tank averaged 34.5 which I was pretty happy with considering my 50/50 mix and that my FEH is an AWD.

Is there a central depository for FEH specific mpg boosting techniques? I tried reading about pulse and glide and I just can't understand it. I always double tap at 40 and my ICE quits, I put it in neutral to coast farther....not sure what else to do! Any tips?

MyPart 03-08-2010 02:29 PM

Re: FEH - MPG and Hypermiler tips
What air presure are you running?

turbotaguy 03-08-2010 03:48 PM

Re: FEH - MPG and Hypermiler tips
I'm running 40 psi

econoline 03-08-2010 03:50 PM

Re: FEH - MPG and Hypermiler tips
Did you read the FEH FAQ sticky?

GaryG 03-08-2010 05:48 PM

Re: FEH - MPG and Hypermiler tips

Originally Posted by turbotaguy (Post 219927)
I have read many articles and posts about how to get the best mpg out of my FEH. My drive is 50/50 city/highway so aside from drafting on the freeway every time (not so easy to do ALL of the time) I feel like I can only do so much.

My last tank averaged 34.5 which I was pretty happy with considering my 50/50 mix and that my FEH is an AWD.

Is there a central depository for FEH specific mpg boosting techniques? I tried reading about pulse and glide and I just can't understand it. I always double tap at 40 and my ICE quits, I put it in neutral to coast farther....not sure what else to do! Any tips?

Your doing great if your using E10 and your doing very good if you can get straight gas. P&G is a must to learn for top mileage but the '05 - '08 is limited with this technique. It is important to get MG1 charging during the Pulse and the easiest way to tell is your Charge/Discharge gauge. If that needle is neutral or discharging, your not doing good while pulsing. You've got to charge the battery with MG1 while pulsing or your going to drop MPG during that time.

The art of P&G is to gain MPG after a well planned pulse and then a neutral glide in EV down to a speed that is acceptable to the traffic your in. There is a cold start P&G with the engine On, there is a P&G when going EV and there is a P&G at high speeds with the engine On. The '05 - '08 FEH does not get complete fuel-cut in "D" above 40mph or "L" like the '09 FEH below 40mph but it gets partial fuel-cut and complete fuel-cut so I've heard down hill.

I've averaged 57.6mpg in my '09 FWD FEH the last three tanks with over 780 miles each. It was the art of P&G without a doubt that has made the FEH the "King Of The Road SUV" regarding MPG.


turbotaguy 03-08-2010 06:09 PM

Re: FEH - MPG and Hypermiler tips
57.6mpg...holy crap. I'm actually not sure if I'm using straight gas or E10. I assume it is straight gas because the pump is not marked, but that could be a bad assumption.

I am going to re-read the article on P&G. I know that my pulse is not what it should be - not recharging. Are all the "better MPG" articles in one place? I have found several scattered....

Thanks for the comments. I really want to get as much as I can out of this. I had an 06 FWD FEH a few years ago and it did much better. I didn't realize the AWD was such a life sucker.

I'm considering a scan gauge so I can get a better idea of what is happening.

GaryG 03-09-2010 08:28 AM

Re: FEH - MPG and Hypermiler tips

Originally Posted by turbotaguy (Post 219947)
57.6mpg...holy crap. I'm actually not sure if I'm using straight gas or E10. I assume it is straight gas because the pump is not marked, but that could be a bad assumption.

I am going to re-read the article on P&G. I know that my pulse is not what it should be - not recharging. Are all the "better MPG" articles in one place? I have found several scattered....

Thanks for the comments. I really want to get as much as I can out of this. I had an 06 FWD FEH a few years ago and it did much better. I didn't realize the AWD was such a life sucker.

I'm considering a scan gauge so I can get a better idea of what is happening.

A properly set-up SGII is just what's needed to increase MPG. Get those tires up to 44 - 50psi to improve your neutral glides in EV. I recommend 44psi, but I run 50psi and can see a big improvement in MPG.

You will need to read the articles written by the top hypermilers on Cleanmpg.com if you want to get serious about improving your mileage in everything you drive. I wrote "Hypermiling the Ford Escape Hybrid" there a few years ago and it applies to the '05 - '08 FEH. Here is the link -
http://www.cleanmpg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=350 and you may want to read all the comments there and those in the forum discussions.

If you can get straight gas, stay away from E10 because the '05 - '08 FEH takes a big hit on MPG with E10. Give us your location and some of us know your options. I'm in Florida where E10 is mandatory in all gas sold year around.


turbotaguy 03-09-2010 11:14 AM

Re: FEH - MPG and Hypermiler tips
Thanks for the info - I'll scour through it tonight.

I'm in Ann Arbor, MI about 4 miles outside metro Detroit. I always assumed gas was 100% gas unless marked "10% ethanol" but I am probably wrong. How can you tell if it is gas or E10?

wptski 03-09-2010 04:00 PM

Re: FEH - MPG and Hypermiler tips

Originally Posted by turbotaguy (Post 220033)
Thanks for the info - I'll scour through it tonight.

I'm in Ann Arbor, MI about 4 miles outside metro Detroit. I always assumed gas was 100% gas unless marked "10% ethanol" but I am probably wrong. How can you tell if it is gas or E10?

I'd like to hear from you after running 44-50psi tire pressure as suggested on Michigan roads!!!

bob95fxdl 03-12-2010 04:29 PM

Re: FEH - MPG and Hypermiler tips
Does the SGII make that much of a difference? My FEH has both the instant and overall mileage gauges. What will the SGII provide to get me better mileage? In town (average of 10-minute each time), I average about 37-38 MPG. On the Highway, maintaining the speed limit, I hit right at 32MPG. My tires are set at 40 (will be bumping that to 45 tomorrow), I'm running pure synthetic, K&N oil and air filters and a real good wax job. Any suggestions on anything else I can do? I'm still working on making my P&G process better. TIA for any suggestions.

06 FEH 2WD

turbotaguy 03-12-2010 04:39 PM

Re: FEH - MPG and Hypermiler tips
bob95fxdl - I'm SOOOO glad you asked. I've read a lot of material here, and googled "pulse and glide" - reading many other articles on the subject and I still don't think I'm doing it right.

I'd love someone to explain it like we're children - nice, slow and with a smile :) And after the explanation, some q&a!

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