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wwest 08-18-2010 12:06 PM

Re: Brake Failure

Originally Posted by wptski (Post 226261)
If regen braking is taking place and it detects that you are pressing harder on the brake pedal, meaning regen isn't enough, it applys the brake pads. It all in the brake pedal, it detects speed, presure, etc., it's not your standard suspended pedal.

What I was trying to say was that hybrids are unique in that they have the ability to completely BLOCK frictional braking. Not only that, but totally BLOCKED is the NORMAL, full time position, right up until your foot pressure indicates the regen alone cannot provide the level of braking needed.

That makes these hybrid unusually unique in the context of total braking loss if some "link" in the control regen/braking control system fails.

glennb 08-18-2010 05:22 PM

Re: Brake Failure
1 Attachment(s)
Note the sentence in the attached technical description from
Ford that starts, "In the event that the ABS module detects a fault....."

Also note that the predicted relative wear of front verses rear pads.......did not really pan out once 40,000 FEHs hit the streets. (I think people just apply the brakes is too many different ways.....than the drivers on the test track do.)

gpsman1 08-20-2010 11:40 AM

Re: Brake Failure

Originally Posted by wwest (Post 226259)
Hybrids do have a rather unusual aspect in that the hydraulically actuated frictional brakes must be FULLY BLOCKED from functionality during periods of regen ONLY braking. And there seems to be no backup failsafe if that blocking doesn't release when/as it should.

I think this is false, incorrect, or misleaing information.
Please provide documentation, photos, drawings, to support this, or kindly delete your posts.

I've not seen any evidence to support this, and my driving experience over the last 5 years and 117,000 miles, in a FEH, ( Note Willard does not own one ) does not support this. I've read most technical articles for this car, and have found no mention of such.

wptski 08-20-2010 03:30 PM

Re: Brake Failure

Originally Posted by gpsman1 (Post 226372)
I think this is false, incorrect, or misleaing information.
Please provide documentation, photos, drawings, to support this, or kindly delete your posts.

I've not seen any evidence to support this, and my driving experience over the last 5 years and 117,000 miles, in a FEH, ( Note Willard does not own one ) does not support this. I've read most technical articles for this car, and have found no mention of such.

Is that correct? Willard doesn't own one? Shouldn't that be Willard doesn't own a FEH? This seems to be a trend here, if you don't own a FEH, stay out of here!

colchiro 08-20-2010 06:05 PM

Re: Brake Failure

Originally Posted by wptski (Post 226395)
Is that correct? Willard doesn't own one? Shouldn't that be Willard doesn't own a FEH? This seems to be a trend here, if you don't own a FEH, stay out of here!

(There's those exclamation marks again....) ;)

You know what John means.

You drive a FE with many components that are similar to the FEH and appear to have Ford's service manuals.

OTOH, Willard drives a Prius and has no experience with the FE or FEH so he can only speculate or comment on his experience with a completely different animal.

The problem comes from Willard's opinions that go contrary to the personal experience of FEH owners and he also makes controversial comments that don't make him popular.

The consensus in a lot of forums I frequent (not just this one), is: if you're not a fan, you're not welcome.

wptski 08-20-2010 08:50 PM

Re: Brake Failure

Originally Posted by colchiro (Post 226408)
(There's those exclamation marks again....) ;)

You know what John means.

You drive a FE with many components that are similar to the FEH and appear to have Ford's service manuals.

OTOH, Willard drives a Prius and has no experience with the FE or FEH so he can only speculate or comment on his experience with a completely different animal.

The problem comes from Willard's opinions that go contrary to the personal experience of FEH owners and he also makes controversial comments that don't make him popular.

The consensus in a lot of forums I frequent (not just this one), is: if you're not a fan, you're not welcome.

Willard is not only one here that speculates. I wonder sometimes that inorder to know such details you'd have to be on the design team for the FEH.

Right, I drive a '09 FE and from what I read here and in FE forums, the FEH has far less problems. The only troubling issue is the intermittent loss of power steering posted by three owners, I believe.

colchiro 08-20-2010 10:23 PM

Re: Brake Failure
My wife has a MM and it's been in the shop for about a month total since she bought it, for transmission leaks. (That's about 6 times.) Looks like they finally might have fixed it tho. We were considering mentioning the "lemon law".

wptski 08-21-2010 06:54 AM

Re: Brake Failure

Originally Posted by colchiro (Post 226415)
My wife has a MM and it's been in the shop for about a month total since she bought it, for transmission leaks. (That's about 6 times.) Looks like they finally might have fixed it tho. We were considering mentioning the "lemon law".

A '09? The 6F35 is plagued with problems.

I filed a report with NHTSA on mine. Almost got T-boned making a left-hand turn when it hesitated. I was able to duplicated the Death Lag for the dealer the other day, so now I'm inbetween the dealer and Ford Customer Service. At least I now know what to avoid.

Have you ever asked yourself, "Is my foot on the accelerator?" because it's not responding after accelerating, braking but not to a dead stop and trying to accelerate again which also causes it to downshift? That's the Death Lag which is name given to the problem with a different manufacturer.

wwest 08-21-2010 08:27 AM

Re: Brake Failure

Originally Posted by gpsman1 (Post 226372)
I think this is false, incorrect, or misleaing information.
Please provide documentation, photos, drawings, to support this, or kindly delete your posts.

I've not seen any evidence to support this, and my driving experience over the last 5 years and 117,000 miles, in a FEH, ( Note Willard does not own one ) does not support this. I've read most technical articles for this car, and have found no mention of such.

Well, first of all, how could you possibly have ONLY regen braking if the frictional braking is not somehow blocked. Your are pressing on the brake pedal, connected directly to the brake master cylinder, are you not...

wwest 08-21-2010 08:30 AM

Re: Brake Failure

Originally Posted by wptski (Post 226418)
A '09? The 6F35 is plagued with problems.

I filed a report with NHTSA on mine. Almost got T-boned making a left-hand turn when it hesitated. I was able to duplicated the Death Lag for the dealer the other day, so now I'm inbetween the dealer and Ford Customer Service. At least I now know what to avoid.

Have you ever asked yourself, "Is my foot on the accelerator?" because it's not responding after accelerating, braking but not to a dead stop and trying to accelerate again which also causes it to downshift? That's the Death Lag which is name given to the problem with a different manufacturer.

Sorry, it looks as if these 1-2 second downshift, "re-acceleration" delays have now become SOP for automatics throughout the industry. I guess the FE improvment gained from was/is too hard to ignore, shame.

Puzzling then as to why the A/C must continue to operate in the dead of winter.

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