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-   -   Alternative to the Hybrid/Nav or Scangauge options (https://electricvehicleforums.com/forums/ford-escape-hybrid-26/alternative-hybrid-nav-scangauge-options-10549/)

everythingsgonegreen 10-18-2006 05:22 PM

Re: Alternative to the Hybrid/Nav or Scangauge options
Hi Gary,

The information or section I've been curious to look at is listed on this page. It states to look in section 1 of the PC/ED manual to find things such as the "OBD parameters that deviate from the typical parameters". I wasn't sure how much detail they go into about any of the OBD codes that are specific to the FEH. It also claims to include the interpretation of the mode 6 data, however my current understanding is that the SoC is somewhere in the mode 22 enhanced data.

In the next week or so I should be able to go back to playing with the OBD2 reader and see what I can determine with the CAN header addresses.


GaryG 10-18-2006 06:47 PM

Re: Alternative to the Hybrid/Nav or Scangauge options
Jeff, I have read that section many times and it is basic information that can't possibily help you with what your looking for. It is on page 1-8 and 1-9 of the PCM/Ed manual. It gives most of the icon's that the SG gives you, but no battery information.

There is a lot of good information in the PCM/ED manual and I recommend it for good reading.


everythingsgonegreen 10-20-2006 07:24 PM

Re: Alternative to the Hybrid/Nav or Scangauge options

So after a little work today, I've got the hardware portion of the prototype finished (unless of course I find any bugs while working on the software). I thought I'd post some pictures here, rather than continuing in the previous thread (https://www.greenhybrid.com/discuss/...uage.7892.html).

So just to update on the SoC thing, I've sent another e-mail to the people at www.obd-2.com and I'll wait a little while for a reply, being friday and all, and I can't really look into it this weekend as the car is out of town with the wife.

Just so no one is disappointed by the quality of work, this IS a prototype, and a proper PCB with a proper (well larger) LCD will be produced after I've verified that everything works (and as time permits, as this is obviously not my day job).

So here's what I have so far:


So essentially I have a microcontroller connected to an LCD, some flash, some buttons (to change options), the black thing on the bottom right is an SD card in an SD slot (for external data logging for analysis on a PC/PDA), and various LEDs (the two green on the right are card detection and an activity LED for the SD card, the red under the LCD is a bi-colour (red/green) LED that will hopefully fill idea posted by gpsman1 to have a flashing red light when the ICE is about to come on, and I've decided to have it be green when in EV).

(This more clearly shows the microcontrollers dev board that's plugged into my hardware)

With flash if that helps (I don't know what it's supposed to help with, but sure!)...


Anyway, this will get plugged into the obd-2 reader that I posted pictures of in the previous thread, and when the PCB is being built, it should all be integrated into a MUCH smaller device (surface mount components will be wonderful!).

Ok, I think that's it for now, I'll let everyone know if I actually get a response with usefull information or if I receive any other leads on obtaining the information.


everythingsgonegreen 10-21-2006 04:57 AM

Re: Alternative to the Hybrid/Nav or Scangauge options
So this time I actually received a prompt reply from the sales address at www.obd-2.com.

The Ford defined items require a license from Ford.
Can contact Ford engineering or www.etools.org
So now the next 'easiest' step is to try to contact Ford and hope to get through to someone who can give me the information (I'm guessing with some sort of license stating that I not distribute the information, or I'm sure I would have gotten a different response from the obd-2.com guys).

The etools site should have it, but a membership there is a crazy amount of money, as I recall from looking this stuff up previously.

Does anyone have a more direct route in through Ford, or know of the best way to get in touch with "Ford engineering"?


gpsman1 10-22-2006 08:34 PM

Re: Alternative to the Hybrid/Nav or Scangauge options
Very very cool "gadgets" there Jeff. I like what you are up to!
( Can I place an order for unit #2 off the assembly line? )

If you give me a very very specifc question, I will try to get a very, very specific answer. No promises though.

I wired a red LED to my dash to indicate A/C compressor on, as in summer, this is also a good indicator of battery over-temp and tells me when to back down on my EV and tells me times that EV is impossible so I can modify my driving habits.

I will tell you in sub freezing weather the A/C compressor DOES NOT RUN even in defrost mode. However, as we have all found out, the ICE does not shut off in defrost. There is a big need for a work-around for this. ( To use defrost and EV at the same time.. ) I know a couple of people have modified the air mixer gate to send panel vent heat to the defrost ducts, but an electronic work-around would be great! Ideas?


BKRanger 12-06-2006 03:52 PM

Re: Alternative to the Hybrid/Nav or Scangauge options
Everythingsgonegreen -

I was wondering if you had had any luck in tracking down the Ford enhanced codes...I don't actually own a hybrid, but I spent a considerable amount of time several months ago trying to track down that same information for a 2000 Ranger, with no luck. I too emailed OBD-2.com and got the same answer, then I emailed e-tools and basically was told they couldnt give me that data, so then I finally called ford, and they told me I needed to purchase the Ford proprietary module for like 2400 bucks. I'm not real optimistic about getting my hands on this info anymore, but I got a glimmer of hope when I noticed that someone else was looking too. Hope your project is still going well!


GaryG 12-06-2006 05:42 PM

Re: Alternative to the Hybrid/Nav or Scangauge options

Originally Posted by BKRanger (Post 101679)
Everythingsgonegreen -

I was wondering if you had had any luck in tracking down the Ford enhanced codes...I don't actually own a hybrid, but I spent a considerable amount of time several months ago trying to track down that same information for a 2000 Ranger, with no luck. I too emailed OBD-2.com and got the same answer, then I emailed e-tools and basically was told they couldnt give me that data, so then I finally called ford, and they told me I needed to purchase the Ford proprietary module for like 2400 bucks. I'm not real optimistic about getting my hands on this info anymore, but I got a glimmer of hope when I noticed that someone else was looking too. Hope your project is still going well!


Billy, I'm wondering if that proprietary module was what I saw the Hybrid Tech using on my FEH. He did everything with what looked like a small laptop computer plugged into the OBD 2 port. He reprogrammed my PCM and even fixed a lock-out feature I lost over a year ago. He was reading messages, not just codes from that thing. He told me my Scangauge could not provide the information (messages) like his unit. My SG reported no codes found when my PCM when haywire and my FEH had to be towed to the dealership.


BKRanger 12-06-2006 06:16 PM

Re: Alternative to the Hybrid/Nav or Scangauge options
Yeah...that sounds like it - they make two versions: one called IDS (for a laptop or desktop PC) and one called PDS (for a palmPC), that both connect through a module called the VCM. Its actually made by a company called Rotunda - if you want to check it out it is here:


(you'll probably have to copy and paste that link in your browser and clean it up)

When I called I asked how much they wanted just for the VCM module, and I don't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure it was right around $2400 (USD) - a bit much for my taste - especially since I'm pretty sure I can get every function I would want from the programs at www.OBD-2.com. They do look like very nice set-ups, but that price is ridiculous...

Bradisbest 02-09-2007 07:39 AM

Re: Alternative to the Hybrid/Nav or Scangauge options
Has any progress been made on analyzing the data stream?

I am going to make an attempt at decoding the messages received by the display. Provided they are RR-485 at 9600.

Since we already know some of the messages (the disk changer ones), it seems that this is not an impossible task.

Tim K 02-09-2007 01:48 PM

Re: Alternative to the Hybrid/Nav or Scangauge options
I saw your response on MP3car as well but figured we could keep the discussion here since there is at least some info in this thread. As for using OBD-II, the only reason I looked at that instead of ACP is simply because there are alot of monitoring/diagnostic programs out there and was hoping that following their lead would get me the info I wanted. If ACP is better/easier then go for it.

Post any results you come up with.

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